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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. Initial reactions are usually of extreme anger, if we let this turn into hatred and fear then they have achieved their goal and we have helped them do so. Not all people of any religion, cast or creed are evil there are a few very nasty people out there for many reasons, but for everyone there  are thousand if not millions of decent ones. If we meet hated and anger with hated and anger then we are all in a downward spiral.

    My wife and I lived in Manchester for several years and love the place and the people, we have many close friends and my heart goes out to them in their hour of need. They need hugs and love at the moment to help repair their damage.

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  2. I never turn off the engine until fully secure, seen people floating off whilst panicking trying to restart. Same for leaving the mooring, engine on beforeundoing the ropes. Safety first in my book. 

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  3. Hi Alan, we love her. Just suits use perfectly, easy to handle and everything we need. The service from Maffetts is excellent, so we keep going back. Out again in her in a couple of weeks. :)

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  4. I believe that this was a recognised security problem in Windows and that the was fixed in an update. If you did not keep your SW up to date with the up dates you would be vulnerable. 

    Malwarebytes claim that their SW pro version would have protected you against it. As far as fixing it goes, there are probably some very clever people trying to work that out at the moment.

  5. Thoughts are with her family and close friends. A really lovely lady. When I first got the pleasure of setting the questions on the Quiz she was very friendly and helpful. Her photographs as she wandered around were excellent. She will be sadly missed. 

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