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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. Interesting, I must watch this. We were on the canal de Midi last year and the condition of their boats left an awful lot to be desired. On Vaughan’s recommendation we went with Locaboat. The standard of boat and service was excellent. I enjoy canals, rivers and Broads, but have to say the Broads has that pull to kept me coming back. Never tried the blue yonder but have to say a huge motor yacht on the Mediterranean appeals. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    In a nutshell a thorough review of the Authority and an end to its quango status. 

    I am with you on the Quango Peter. A fully elected body with regular elections and a maximum period of service.

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  3. Just out of curiosity, just what would it take to convince you Peter. Deep distrust is hard to overcome whether justified or not. 

    I cannot see a problem with the NP label, although I see the problem for navigation should it be more than that. Not too sure that any amount of discussion on both ends of the scale will bring anyone closer to the middle with so much distrust of BA.

  4. I have really enjoyed this thread on the whole and the way that the discussion has developed. We are extremely lucky to have some well informed and very articulate members. We benefit from their input and the way that if we so desire we can learn more about the place we all love and some of the issues and politics involved. We must always be aware that many people have fought for the rights that we are privileged to have now and that if we do not watch carefully there is always someone trying to change or reduce them. This forum is a brilliant place to raise these views and also by working together we might have a way of influencing outcomes. To do so we need to build unity. We need to discuss openly always appreciating others points of view and more importantly their right to them. We must not let disagreements get in the way of unity.

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  5. Just now, grendel said:

    unfortunately that is not so, a moderator must have the patience of a saint and a hide like a rhino, those were the only qualifications I was told about :default_biggrin:

    You also forgot “to be a robot that never makes a mistake”

    i think the MoDs do an excellent job on this forum, sometimes under difficult circumstances and extreme provocation. Long may they continue the forum. Long may its members continue to discuss in a civilised manner. 

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  6. R. Thanks for you quick reply. You seem to have missed the Point. I fail to understand your need to try and stir up trouble when there is abosolutly no need.   Why can you just not play nicely like most civilised humans manage to do!

    There was absolutely no need to post as you did.

    as you stated it was absolutely and shamelessly off topic

    if the mods are learning from experience it is a good thing, no need to rub their noses in it or try and provoke / raise trouble


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