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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. 5 hours ago, TheQ said:


    I've got three of these to fit (aft cabin, cockpit, forward cabin), though I will mount them on the panels up the right way...

    Does it cost extra to get ones that fit upside down :)

  2. We moored one night in the bay by Urquhart Castle on a bouy mooring. This guy was waving at us from the shore so we waved back, on hindsight we think he was telling us to get off his blxxxy mooring but we did not realise until after. We just thought the natives were friendly.

  3. 1 hour ago, JohnK said:


    I think it’s very sad that someone with a view that is different from the majority feels driven out.
    Perhaps some people think that’s good as they won’t be challenged anymore.
    BTW, it’s not just Bob who feels that way, it’s just that some of us aren’t brave enough to say it in the current climate here.
    I think soon it’s likely that people with a minority opinion will leave here. I hope that’s what the majority want.



    I also think it is sad, but for a different reason. All to often in discussions there are opposing views and this is very good for discussion and brings out some excellent points. The trouble starts when there appears to be a majority and therefore a minority in these discussions... is this bad....well it should not be but often the minority then cry foul stating bullying etc. Is this just away to try and undernine the views of the majority.

    There is absolutely no,... NO reason why we cannot play nicely without Dummy Tossing. Opposing views are to be encouraged in discussions. It brings out some excellent points and educates all. It sometimes give us the evidence that allows us to change our position.

    this post is not personal.. it is not bullying (IMHO) is is just my opinion. Feel free to disagree. Do so nicely please.

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  4. 40 minutes ago, Bobdog said:

    Goes to show that the loud voices on here who think they’re the voice of the boating community probably aren’t.  They certainly don’t in any way speak for my interests as a boater.

    It is the people who think that their voice stands for nothing that are probably guilty of the largest crimes in the world today. Watching all the suffering and abuse and doing or saying nothing at all. I welcome discussion on opposing views. I also think that great recognition is given to the voices on this and other forums......

  5. I would Pay a fiver. Well worth it. Options would be nice.

    plug in days on water and places to visit and output optimised route using tides to reduce fuel.

    plug in destination and give best times to leave, could colour code for optimisation.

    plug in leaving time output could ne a you must be joking you will uses 50% more fuel this way!


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  6. You are quite right it is very important to some and has had a good airing in the past. It does appear however to be one of those subjects prone to Dummy Tossing outcomes...


    Just saying...


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