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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. The lido mooring whilst short can fit several boats stern on, we use it most years and it is very convenient up the stairs to the church then you are in town. Great advice re right fork for moorings where the river splits. Short walk to the pub (The Wherry Inn) does nice food. There are also some lovely walks around there.

  2. There is saw it from the river as we went through.

    edited to say google says it is reported as being closed, so not sure now.

    Brundall Angling Centre Ltd

    Name: Brundall Angling Centre LtdAddress:



    NR13 5PS Brundall 


    Norfolk England

    *This company was reported as being closed.

  3. Personal opinion is that we should bring this thread to a close. We should be able to have an honest discussion without the need to stomp feet and throw bricks (exaggeration for affect). There are some very interesting points but assassination by forum is not one of our finer points.

    please do not prolong the discussion by commenting on this. We are actually deterring people from posting on the forum and making good contributions by some of the current behaviours on the forum.

    take time to read the guidelines.

    this is a general message not person specific.

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  4. Other methods of donating are possible. Just PM me. 

    As far as donations and sponsorship are concerned we do not push donations but every little helps. Advertising by commercial entities that are not sponsoring the NBN we try to dicourage. This does not stop people sharing good service or letting members have recommendations if they ask, but if we get repeated pushing of non sponsorship entities we do have a private word.

    hope that explains.


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  5. 1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

    So which forum would you recommend Petersjoy?   :default_smiley-angelic002:

    Behave! Edited to add that I did put a smiliein but can’t get it to show. Use your imagination. One with a wagging finger maybe :):default_eusa_naughty:

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