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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. I reiterate again. The forum is an excellent place for debate, ecveryone is entitled  to their opinions and ideas. It is wrong to expect everyone to agree with you though and it does not make someone a trouble maker or bad person for doing so. We should all be considerate of others and defend their right to say it. 

    A well structured discussion adds to the forum. Dummy tossing and name calling detracts from what it stands for. I am not accusing anyone on this either.

    please play nicely on all threads and be considerate to each other.


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  2. When we first started coming to the Broads we used to travel all over the place to get to the destination. I loved being on the boat and have always found the journey very relaxing but we would go for miles just to make sure we got to the big places. As time has passed and over many trips (probable age related as well) it is all about the journey. I just love being on the boat pootling along listening to the water and nature, looking at the wild life. Will leave early in the morning to see the Kingfishers and Otters. When we get to our destination planned or not, we just love to walk for miles enjoying to surroundings. This year we will be taking our dog Max with us for the first time. Our old dog passed away at the end of 2016 and was extremely travel sick. We got Max in June 2017 and he loves travel.


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  3. I love to be on a boat and also love to fish. There are many ways to to enjoy the Broads and all should be tolerant of each other, just as we should be in all aspects. Less wars, less shootings, less stabbing, less arguing, less conflict on the forum and therefore many more content and happy people. Why do we have to try and cause friction and trouble. 

  4. 9 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    So I'm now thinking of an adult size safety stair gate with a Stannah stair lift - Those suggestions did not go down  too well and I'd better watch mysen or it'll be me needing the next visit to A&E :default_blink:

    I am glad nothing is broken, quick recovery I hope. Stair gate and Stannah lift had me in stitches.

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  5. Not at all. Your interpretation of it may have been. I knew from previous discussions that it was not allowed but had no idea as to what rules applied. I am sure a byelaw is a rule. :)

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  6. This is part of a post that I posted back in 2013.....

    Several years ago (must have been 2008)............David would have been about fifteen at the time.

    Up early next morning to get to Norwich for moorings and a trip around the city. Engine on and ready to go. David ready to release the stern rope and I was releasing the bow rope. I released the rope and leaning on the boat to push it away into the current and jump back on ready to set off after David had release the stern rope. Well things did not go as planned. As I pushed the bow off ready to get back on my walking boots slipped on the wooden mooring. Legs went backwards as boat moved away from the bank. You can see where this is going. It is a funny feeling and it all seems to happen in slow motion. There I was hands firmly gripping the boat, knuckles were white by this stage, and feet were desperately trying to hook something on the bank. There comes a time during this slow motion thinking as the boat and bank get further apart and you go from vertical to horizontal that you have to decide which end, head or legs is going to get wet. My decision was legs. So in they went. 

    Imagine desperately hanging on to the side of the boat now soaking wet up to the waist. No problem I thought will just pull myself up into the boat. With the weight of the water there was no way that I was going to get into the boat. This is the point that I learnt the importance of wearing a life jacket as well as proper foot ware. Only problem mine was on the boat while I was only hanging onto the side of it, only the wrong side of it. Here comes the good fortune. David having heard the splash had luckily not untied the stern rope and had come to see what was going on. After a quick snigger he had the sense to go aft to where he could pull the boat towards the bank. At that point he got the bow rope and pulled it in. So now I have one hand on the bank and one on the boat trying to get my legs on the bank to get myself out. A very nice man who was solo on the boat moored in front of us gave David a hand to pull me out.

    How embarrassing I was dripping from the waist down and just wanted to get out of there. The man suggested that we tie up again but I wanted to vanish as soon as possible. Off we went.

    No problem I thought David can steer for a few minutes while I have a quick shower and change of clothes. I was in the shower when there was a shriek followed by a shout of Ian. Out of the shower and we were heading towards the reeds. I straightened the boat and instructed them on over compensation of the steering and how not to over correct. I gave it a few minutes and thought it safe to go back into the shower. This time I was just covered in shampoo when there was another shriek. Dived out of the shower to be met with a towel. We were now in the reeds. Luckily not too far. A quick reverse and got us back on course. David was not willing to touch the steering again, I wonder why. Up steps Susannah only twelve years old and takes over the Helm. Looked as though she had been doing it for years. I managed to get the shampoo rinsed out and dressed. Not long after that the man who helped me out steamed past......quick look away....hide. We made it to Norwich and had a lovely day. 


    In deed the rest of the holiday went well. We have been back every year except one when we went on the Thames and we are booked up for next year, but it could have all been so different.


    Lesson learnt;


    Always wear your life jacket when anywhere on the outside of the boat, especially mooring. Always wear non slip foot ware.


    My family often joke and laugh about my falling in and tell every one.


    Because of my embarrassment and trying to get away and hide I never really thanked the man that helped get me out. If you read this you have my utmost thanks for your help that day.

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  7. 3 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    What I’m trying to say is each to their own in moderation, however we all have differing ideas of what is moderate, which is fine and dandy by me


    Excellent advice Griff. I don’t, but as I said happy for others to.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Broads01 said:

    .I've decided I will go to Loddon for tonight and stop at Pyes Mill and walk to the town from there. I don't think I've ever been in Rosie Lee's Neil but if I do I'll pass on your message. 

    Good advice from Neil there. We nearly always hire from Chedgrave (Loddon), always arrive early and wander in to Rosie Lee's for a snack. Lovely food and excellent service. Free smiles included.

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