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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. I would like toi wish everyone a Merry Christmas (Happy Holidays for those not celebrating Christmas) and a Happy New Year. A Big thanks goes out to all of the members and contributors as well as all of those behind the scenes that keeps the Forum and FB etc running. Also a great big thanks for all Those who are no longer with us for what ever reason especially Jonzo. He had the foresight to start reorganising behind the scenes so that we could carry on. 

    We are grateful to our Sponsors and those that contribute by donations or through retail.

    Merry Christmas Everyone.

    • Like 7
  2. Gents, ladies and Gracie :P 

    I know that I am correct and that you are always wrong. I sit there with a knowing smirk on my face in silence.

    this is tongue in cheek. No offence meant to anyone especially our lovely Grace.

  3. We usually use Maffetts, but due to them pulling out of hiring this year we have booked Pacific Breeze next May on Lynda’s recommendation. Looking forward to it. It will be Max’s first trip on the Broads. Photo of Max for cuteness value and yes that is my post!


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  4. Love them both, although I mostly hire in the south now. Occasional trip up north to go under potter or wroxham bridge. The south is lovely. As with all water treat it with respect, prepare and take it easy and all can enjoy everywhere. We spend too much time making the tides and the south the big bogey man. Reckless peaople are dangerous in a tea cup.

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  5. "Commercialism" Used often, mostly little understood. To focus on profit, some define regardless of quality amongst many other slight variations in definition. Without the growth of the hire industry over the many years and the money that they have brought into the area and ecology I often wonder what the broads would be now. The organisations that balance the ecology of the area do so with funding from the many businesses from small one man bands to the larger businesses. If people were not attracted to the area there would be little funding to look after the place. The person who runs a corner shop, a cafe etc etc are they not guilty of commercialism also... do we berate them! 

    As long as there is a demand there will be people / businesses to fill it. I know for a fact that Clive and Richardson's care very much for the area that they operate within and run a very good business. Do they make profit yes, are they excessive at the cost of all other things, then the answer has to be no. They would not invest so highly in boats that are better for the environment in which they operate.

    L&Ks to all.

    This thread was about a business and all of its employees celebrating success, a reward for their hard work and investment of time and money. If we don't have anything nice to say may I suggest you do so on another thread. Also ensure that you are familiar with the conditions that you agreed to uphold when you joined.

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