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Everything posted by Pete

  1. The problem with allowing large external images is that I'm not sure the forum scales them down, please correct me if I'm wrong. With attached images, a smaller version is created, so that it doesn't fill up the whole of the users screen, and saves on bandwidth, until the user decides to see that image in full quality/size. You can always mimick the same effect by using
  2. The limit of 1600 is for uploaded files. For attaching external files it was 1000.
  3. Looks to happen on photos taken with a particular setting/combination of settings. There appears to be a fix, which I'll apply at a quieter time.
  4. A couple of great photos there. There is (or at least there was) a herons nest in one of the tall trees on the eastern side of Barton Broad. I may have a photo of it, or at least of the bunch of tress to look out for, I shall look when i get home. I expect there are several others also in this area, afterall, the woods beside Turkey Broad are known as Herons Carr.
  5. May be a Mandarin duck, given the stripe from the eye. http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdgui ... /index.asp
  6. I'm aware of that issue, it's something out of my control, but I have sent a request to the relevant people asking for a fix.
  7. A few more updates... More space around the page jump buttons at the bottom of the page, so that they're easier to press. Posts are now more clearly spread out when reading a topic. (Links to) Attachments now display regardless of whether they've been added inline or not. Attachments at the end of a post are now displayed in a neat box. Added the beginnings of the view members profile page.
  8. Replying to and creating new PM's should work now, let me know if there's any issues. Edit: when creating a new PM, when you submit the message, you'll be redirected back to the message, (but with the typed in username now turned into a (broken) link), submitting the message again will actually submit the message second time around. This is the same way as it works on the forum, although it's not so obvious.
  9. Thats high on my list, I gave it a shot about a week ago, but for some reason it didn't work, and what with it being mobile phone based, its a PITA to debug.
  10. No need to thank me, doing it as a mini project for myself, which hopefully one day soon will get used by many other forums. Just added auto-login, and hide-me-this-session checkboxes/sliders on the login page, so should save you having to type in your login details each time you visit on a tiny keypad/screen.
  11. Have updated the iPhone version of the site with a few minor changes. * The forum list is now divided into categories. * Sub-forums now display correctly, and don't cause a redirect loop. More to come soon!
  12. And some more info on electic posts: http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boat ... oints.html
  13. Hi mgman, welcome to the forum. Someone may well be along to correct me, but as I understand it, you pull amps from the charging posts, not watts. The posts are either rated to 16amps or 32 amps. Assuming a 32Amp post, at 240 V and no losses, the total power you can pull from that is 32amps * 0.240volts = 7.68 kW (P = IV). So that is more than enough to power a small electric/oil heater, which tend to be around the 1-2kWatt mark.
  14. Pete


    Here's some of mine, of varying quality. I've included the rubbish ones aswell so people can learn how to avoid making the same mistakes The one of Barton Broad was made in DoubleTake (Mac only), can't remember what I used for the others.
  15. Hi, I'm not sure yet if the iphone allows image uploads, as I dont think you can access the photo library from the browser. With the new OS coming out soon though, that may change. Yes, an opt-out feature will soon be appearing.
  16. Glad to hear it works reasonably well on Opera Mobile. Any chance you could take a screenshot of what you're seeing? I've got a rough idea of what you mean; on the iPhone the buttons overlay the title, but should be easy enough to enforce the layering
  17. Thats great. Have noticed a few usability issues, mostly arising because I did all the testing on a test site with only a single forum.
  18. Some screenshots are attached below. Those of you familiar with the iPhone interface will hopefully recognise the similarity.
  19. For those of you with mobiles, if you try accessing the site now from your mobile, it should automatically direct you to the iphone style theme. Would be interesting to see how it displays on devices other than the iphone. At the moment it can only detect mobile browsers, and not laptops connecting through a dongle. So far it supports the following: Login/Logout Listing Forums Reading Topics Creating new topics Replying to topics Listing active topics Listing PM's Reading PM's (Creating PM's to follow shortly) There is a bug where after the 'Information' page displays (after logging in, posting a topic, replying to a topic) the links on that page either dont work, or make the next page look odd, but should be fixed soon. Also stickies and announcements aren't handled too well yet. So let me know what you all think, and let me know of any problems or possible improvements.
  20. Over the past week I've been working on an iPhone theme for the forum; a lightweight version of the forum, with an iPhone style interface, which should be much quicker loading, and easier to use on a small screen. Are there any iPhone users out there who want to help test it for me? It should also work on other mobile browsers, but I onl have an iPhone to test it on.
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