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Just Found This Little Chap

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How cute eh?

I'm not one for interfering normally but as we have unbalanced nature with lots of cats around I did put him in the hedgerow round the garden. Pretty sure he came out of it anyway. Mum was being quite noisy so I hope she keeps watch and feeds him and he survives. 


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We have had quite a few fledgelings, two nests of robins, one of black birds in a side hedge, some house sparrows in a bird box next to our bathroom and hedge sparrows, magpies and starlings etc, it has been great watching and hearing all their comings and goings, they are all so busy.

When some had fledged, I just created a few bolt holes, with a few old roof tiles, slows the cats down.

I know it's nature, but birds lay several eggs per brood, and have several broods per year, so there should be a good number surviving per year.

I saw three bitterns the other day, unfortunately they were in glass spicimen cases. We were at the National trust place, Calke Abbey, near Burton on Trent. We also saw two others at a National Trust place near Derby.

It seems 100-200 years ago, people collected these magnificent birds, a lot were eaten too, no wonder the Bittern population was devastated.



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We have been very unlucky this year or rather poor Mum and Dad Blackbird have.   First nest that blasted Sparrow Hawk raided it.   Second one it returned,  this time we were in the garden and gave it the bums rush but when we were not looking later the ruddy thing had all of the babies once more.    Dont tell me it is nature.  To balance things out what is raiding the Sparrow Hawks babies and killing them.   All a bit unfair in my mind.  

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