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Breaking The Rules


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Well there are certain rules you follow when it comes to buying boats n as most know i kinda advocate that you should really follow them .

And yet here I am having just agreed to buy a 14'  grp sailing dinghy without even seeing it n its turning up tomorrow evening :15_yum:, thing is though is cheap for what it is n all the important boxes are ticked as in  its as advertised if it isn't then its a wasted journey for someone , thing is I need a tender and after the demise of my mirror 10 a few weeks ago I need a replacement quick ish , slightly more expensive on tolls ( £8 :37_disappointed: ) but hey ho more space etc .

Come to think of it I bought the mirror sight unseen too but then again its not much of a risk a few hundred quid .

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5 minutes ago, Regulo said:

I'm up tomorrow, Rick, I could call round on my way home and give it a full survey for, shall we say, £100?

Does that include a survey on team dog :15_yum: 

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5 minutes ago, LondonRascal said:

If it floats it’s a goer I’ve been told, thing is some things that float don’t want to go anywhere :223_speak_no_evil:

Yea your right there are plenty of floaty things that don't move including hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of boats , to me that's a waste I'm firmly in the moving about camp regardless of the weather etc :15_yum:

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13 minutes ago, socrates said:

I look forward to regular updates on the maintenance,   refurbishment and modification of your new vessel. 

Take it we are having a play with it on the River tomorrow?

No not tomorrow too busy on a wooden boat :15_yum: 

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