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Push The Boat Out.


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Every year Horning sailing club has an open day, this year it is Saturday the 6th of May. (Probably from 10pm till -16:00 I'll up date that, when I get the full details.)

We arrange for a selection of sailing boats to be available to take people out on  20 minute -1/2 hour trips (I believe for free). Most are Keelboats, that have a lump of lead hanging underneath so there is no chance of Capsize.

If you wish to go for a sail, to see what it's all about come down and see us there are no comittments to join or anything. (though we'd like you to of course).

 Wear flat soft soled shoes.

Llife jackets and an experienced helmsperson are provided...

Tea, coffee and normally a good selection of cakes are available ( for a very small charge, (60p for a coffee)).


So come on down see our freindly club, see what's it all about, even if you have no intention of becoming a sailor:default_biggrin: ..


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just heard a piece on the radio from Horning Sailing Club, it went well a good advertisment for the club, Seemingly 39,000 went to events round the country last year to try sailing.. Go on you know you want too

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If you can't work out why the reference to two open days, it was due to the unpleasant weather and  high winds on Saturday, so for safety  no visitor sailing was carried out, but they were invited to a rerun on Monday.

As it turned out my mistype of the 6th instead of the 4th turned out to be correct!!..

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