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We were considering how to offer members reliable and non-sensationalised info on this topic. 

We ‘phoned a friend’!

Probably the best advice out there right now if folks are worried in a general sense in how to protect themselves , this is from the WHO: 


This is the Uk gov webpage which is a little more daunting and less easy to navigate 


Hope this is helpful.

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Covid first reared its ugly head early 2020.

My MrsG works in our local spar shop, to date she has never caught it despite the thousands of customers in and out of the shop weekly.  Me - I'm in out numerous houses / hotels / trade outlets constantly I have never caught it either.

Dec 29th I'm on a team shoot day with Griffs Growlers, five teams, four guns in each team plus staff.  No symptoms (We came second btw due to controversial circumstances - Should have won it)

Dec 30th - I'm in t house no contact with anyone

Dec 31st - Another clay shoot, about forty in attendance, for a couple of hours.  No symptoms

New Years Day - Family walk about eighteen of us including five dogs.  My inner core temperature wasn't right and I was feeling off colour.  Got home for about 1100.  Come 1400 and I'm feeling decidedly unwell.  Covid test - Negative, must be a bug then.  However MrsG checked the same test at 1900 five hours later and there it is, a faint line = positive

So after nearly three years of dodging it I have at long last succumbed.  This is gonna muck my work diary and clients about no end


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Day four and I'm back to about 90% full operating capacity, still testing positive though.

MrsG succumbed late Monday night / early Tuesday morning, she is proper unwell but this evening managed to get out of bed and had a shower.  Of course since it's me that infected her, I got the broadside (Expected).

At least this time in her world it wasn't the boats fault, nope it was shooting that caused this, she says I am now banned from shooting - She is joking of course, at least I hope she is otherwise one of us is gonna be disappointed - It will not be me! :default_2gunsfiring_v1:


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