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shore power

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This will show my ignorance, but, never having had shore power before, do I have to turn the battery switch to the OFF position before connecting to the shore power.

I presume the shore circuit is completely apart from the rest but am 253 miles from the boat and want to know NOW.


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no need to turn the battery,s off as previously pointed out the 12v and shore power are not directly linked and are seperate circuits, you may have an onboard charger that will recharge your batteries and run your 12v system when on shore power, depending on where the 12v isolators have been fitted they can also prevent the recharging to take place and isolate the bilge pumps which is never a good idea, most well thought out systems will not care if the batteries are isolated but there are always the odd exception!, We have a main isolator to the engine's systems and a seperate isolator and feed to the bilge pumps and lighting system etc and our charging system is contantly monitoring the batteries individually and up to press have had no issues no matter what we use as the boats sytem is "intelligent" and knows when shore power is connected though we can overide it if we ever needed to.

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The time that some charging systems come unstuck is if you are starting the engines while still plugged into shore power.

If you have any worry's that you may get a charge from the alternator and the battery charger at the same time it is worth unplugging before you start the engines.

Not electronics minded so can't properly explain the problem other than it is something to do with the diodes.

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