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Convenient Chilled Chips


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Saw these and thought what a good idea.   Knowing how restricted you are trying to freeze or keep frozen the likes of chips on a boat,  you can now get these and they are chilled.   You could decant them into your own air tight bag so not taking up more room than necessary,  keep the instructions and wollah !! you have chips during the week.



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These are oven chips and so convenient,   that was my thought as the person who although on holiday is full time cook and bottle washer.    I do take sweet potatoes and baking potatoes as well as Maris Piper.   However, I will not fry anything and my attempts at making oven chips are just not worth speaking about - hence the idea that these would suffice.

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A useful idea, we do a sort of oven chip on the boat by chipping rooster potatoes, parboiling them and finishing in the oven with some goose fat. It's a good compromise but like Hylander I would not want deep fat of any kind on board. 

Whilst I am not a great chip lover there are somethings like a decent cod loin or a nice fresh steak than simply need chips. 

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