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Fishing At Swan Inn


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All the grass, the sailing club car park , and the public car park all belong to the Swan Inn.

The sailing club leases it's car park AND IIRC 12ft depth  into the grass, from the car park along the bank edge  to the end of the moored motor boats. That's to the start of the where gravel path on the bank starts.

The sailing club DOES NOT authorise anyone but club members to use their leased parts for anything but club purposes, due to insurance requirements.

I do not know what the Swans position on fishing is officially, However I have seen many times people fishing including overnighting. But the mooring of boats comes first, as that's their customers..

Also note if your planning to fish there, it's worth having a look at https://horning-sailing.club/    "sailing calendar" to see what's on during  daylight hours (09:30 -16:30 ) at weekends, as the river just there gets busy with turning boats. 

Generally one Sunday in two is a racing day at the club, with the rare Saturday.

In the Summer, Saturday afternoon / evenings  is Sundowner sailing, Thursday afternoon / evening is the sailing school, but they normally go up on to the broad.

 From Mid October Snowflake sailing club https://www.sfsc.co.uk/pages/  rent Horning Sailing Club premises for 6 months through to March, they race only on Sundays and Boxing day. (10:15 - 16:00)



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Thanks for the info.  I’m a seasoned regular but usually stay in house for a week.  For the very first time I’m trying to do something on the cheap for a long weekend. And just figuring out options to sleep in car or bivvy, fish from a dinghy during the day. Or similar 

thanks for the heads up about sailing. It can get quite chaotic!  


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Many yeas ago when i was a keen piker i fancied a night sesion on the grass there. Prior to my chosen night i popped into the pub for a beer & the then manager agreed i could fish.On the night mine was one of a handfull of cars in the carpark,there was hardly a breath of wind, no boats wishing to moor & i sat quietly contemplating when there was a crash behind me.The handbrake on one of the employees cars had failed & it had rolled down the slope into the back of my Peugeot 405 estate which had already had a troubled life.With no discernible new damage we had a laugh about it,she went back to work i & spent a pleasant few hours catching nothing.:default_biggrin:

  • Haha 1
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