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Well it's high tide now, and the edge of the bank here has overtopped,  so if I want to go ashore I have a 4 foot jump, ar a paddle. I guess I will spend an hour or so relaxing before attempting to  leave.i was planning to head home tomorrow,  after overnighting up river at geldeston,  but if the river level is too high at the bridge, may well go back to my home mooring, get packed up and leave tonight, especially as if I wait until tomorrow  I will need to pay an extra days parking. 

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Well the water level dropped  enough to get off and untie the ropes, so I left and headed upriver, the plan was if there was room under the bridge to head for the wild Mooring  about halfway  up and then slowly pack, heading back down later this afternoon  to load the car and head home, as it turned out there was a bare 6'6" when I arrived, not enough to get through with the paddle board on the roof, so I just hung a left and ended up on WR's home mooring,  now I will slowly pack up and head home later ( maybe after rush hour). At least here I have ice creams handy. And no rush to pack. I had to go tomorrow  anyway as I had promised to take my dad shopping  Sunday. 

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last time i encountered the closure i used the outside lane that crosses over to the other carriageway and bypasses junction 25, this time I got through before 8, I also got to the A2 closure at 7.58, they were all lined up ready to put the cones out and shut it, 3 hours home was a good run.

possibly though they are removing that cntraflow on the a12.

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