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Film Archive - Broads Authority Film

MY littleboat

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A real throw back as you say Gav complete with Carry On background music, but the company would be called something like 'Plainbroke'

A bit risqué for 1972 at one point surely... what would the AA's say about that!

Did everyone really go out for an evening in suits in 1972?

Another one that would have AA's choking on their Fray Bentos - when giving tuition Roy says "not much more to it than driving a Vacuum Cleaner"

Was that a guest appearance at 4.13 by a relation Gavin :naughty:

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That is spooky Perry!!

However, I'm also amused that the only piece of 'film burn' has occured at 6.14! SOmeone at some time has watched that piece of footage with intricate detail!

As for 'driving a vacuum cleaner.. um, I have no idea if that is a fair comparison or not.. nor a washing machine either - I'll have to ask Annie! :grin::grin::grin::grin:

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Well blow me! The magician seen at roughly 2 minutes 20 into the film "Poz" (also seen judging the kids fancy dress competition) is one of our neighbours! He is still a childrens entertainer and used to do the discos for functions at our local pub ....... I'm sure he still wears the same suit! :o

What with spotting footage of my grandparents bakery and my nan walking out the shop door in another EAFA offering this week, it's a small world ...... everybody knows everybody in Norfolk! :naughty:


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