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Posting from an iPhone


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Not sure if this is the best place to post so feel free to move.

Basically I cant post on the forum when using my iphone. I can log in read the forum but the moment I try and post I go to the page where you write the post and basically the box is full of what i would call "script" and there is no "post" button either.

I have the most upto date software on the iphone and am pretty stumpted.

If nobody has any idea what I am on about I will try and post some screen shots.


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There are known issues with the version of Safari in the latest iPhone and also the very last verion of the iPhone 4. You can update the software on the iPhone 4 by plugging it into a PC with iTunes installed and it will automatically update the operating system for you and should show php generated stuff properly, however, I believe the newest iPhone is still buggy . I don't know if the forum techies can spread anymore light on this?

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Not sure if this is the best place to post so feel free to move.

Basically I cant post on the forum when using my iphone. I can log in read the forum but the moment I try and post I go to the page where you write the post and basically the box is full of what i would call "script" and there is no "post" button either.

I have the most upto date software on the iphone and am pretty stumpted.

If nobody has any idea what I am on about I will try and post some screen shots.


hi matt ive just posted on here with a iphone 3GS & it seems fine to me, & i'm using mercury full browser, ive tried the ithers & like you say they don't seem to work on an iphone, lori :Stinky

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Not experienced it myself as I don't use an iPhone anymore, but yes there are definitely issues with the iPhone browser and the mobile theme.

You may want to try installing Opera on your iPhone as it renders things differently to Safari. I do intend to make some changes to the forum's mobile skin at some point as posting really doesn't work very well... Although if anyone wants to develop one they're more than welcome to submit it!

Everytime I try to log on with my Android phone it just brings back the same log-on screen complete with user name and password... any ideas, please?

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Thanks for the response.

I have tried Opera and it makes no difference-I still cant post.

It is nearly as problamatic as getting access to the members only area.....

:wave matt, try mercury browser,ive been using it for a while & never had any problems with it, i even use it to go on webcams too. lori :Stinky

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Everytime I try to log on with my Android phone it just brings back the same log-on screen complete with user name and password... any ideas, please?

:wave hi john when i had the htc wildfire , i used dolphin browser & it was quite good, it even gets good reviews on google, & i think it's a full browser, lori :Pcheersice slice

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Well I have tried all of the above and still no joy :(

:wave hi matt have you tried SKYFIRE , i use that sometimes on my fone & it's also got flash for videos, if none of the browsers work on your iphone then you could have a problem with your phone, have you tried doing a hard reset or a restore on your fone to see if that helps ? which iphone have you got ? ive got a 3GS with ios 5.01 the only problem ive got is my battery draining because of update :lol: lori :Stinky

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Well I have tried all of the above and still no joy :(

:wave hi matt, had another thought , have you deleted your history & cookies lately ? because sometimes if you have'nt that can interfere with some of your old apps, if you go to settings then scroll down to safari & delete them, the come out of settings & double click your home button, & there you'll see all the apps thats you've used, if you just touch one of the apps till it wobbles then you'll see a minus sign on them, delete ALL the apps & then just click the home button again to go back to home screen, you should do this every week as it also help sabit with your battery, apart from that i can't think how else i can help you flower, good luck. lori :Stinky

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Thanks for all the help guys but it has made no difference two guns

Lori-Its an Iphone 4 running latest software whatever that may be...

I can log in but the moment i try to post a reply I get:

:wave hi matt now that ive seen your pic i know what your doing wrong , your using the mobile version, if you go to skyfire & type in the web address then go to the top of the page to settings, then click desktop, & you should see this full page, [attachment=0]iphone desktop version 001.PNG[/attachment] good luck, lori :Stinky

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