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9 hours ago, MargeandParge said:

Every time the oil and filter is changed the engine runs momentarily without oil pressure. 

Just saying :default_coat:

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

I would only flush or clean the sump and not run the engine. 

That's normal. The oil pump will need to prime itself after the oil has been drained. 

What we need to remember is that we are talking about old design engines here that require mineral oil and not the modern synthetic type. On the plus side, mineral oil is a lot cheaper than synthetic.

I don't own a boat but if I did I would change it twice a season for the cost of the oil and a filter. Start of the season around easter and again October/November time as the boat would I imagine have a restricted use over the winter months. Don't forget, the engine does not get a particularly hard life, for most of the cruising it is barely above tickover so never really gets the chance to get to clear its throat so to speak. One thing a diesel does like, is to have a good blowout now and again. 


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I have to say that while I was wandering to the wet shed to see if Griff was still there, I did notice that a Richardsons mechanic was working on the engine of one of their boats (from the fact he was running at a fast idle when I passed on the way down, and on tickover as I walked back to Water rail, he could well have been warming the engine to do an Oil exchange. so yes, Richardsons do work on the boat engines between hires.

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Hi Flushing oil is only for heaverly coked up engines that haven't had a regular oil change, and if used should be drained by removing the sump plug then refilling with  cheaper  high detergent oil, then dain this out after a short period to remove all the crap before refilling with new oil. When you change the oil in a engine you can't get it all out via a sump plug and evan less by sucking it out via a dipstick hole. By using flushing oil you will leave 1/2pt or more behind which then contaminates your fresh oil and reduces its lubrication property's. Look at the manufactures oil specification often 8pts then when you do a oil change you will never use that amount to refill often a 1/2 to 3/4pt less this is because you can't get at the oil in the oil pump, gallerys,cam followers etc.. There should never be a need to use flushing oil if you change the oil and filter regularly/annually.When I was a Apprentice this was a perk as the stores would send over the full amount then when we refilled to the mark we would have 1/2pt or more left over, added up to quite a lot in a month. John

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