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May BA Briefing.

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As well as the info on Polkey's Mill, note the "vintage" poster which Dr.P loves - which actually shows a modern train and illustrates/mentions every aspect of Broadland except boating. If you look at the artist's other works, one of them makes a feature of the invasive Chinese Water Deer :default_icon_rolleyes:

I presume the image shows what JP imagines the future of Broadland looks like. I think in reality he might be in for a nasty surprise.

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Err..canoe, wherry, sailing boat, wherry, sailing boat, another sailing boat, a hire boat. Nothing about boating there.

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Dom - the modern train exists as it is a poster "inspired" by the original series. It would look a little silly to put a steam train on a modern poster advertising the use of the existing rail line  - its not about advertising the Broads per se. Whether you like it or not, I actually think its quite good and captures the essence of Berney Arms, which it actually is about!

I congratulate the young artist - I wish I had that talent!!!

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I think sometimes we get a bit too negative about the BA here on the forum. I’m not saying they are perfect, and there is a lot of decision making I would question. However, I read the newsletter and thought there was plenty about boating featured in it. It’s a shame about Polkey’s Mill moorings, but I think the BA is right not to be ‘held to ransom’ by landowners who think they vacant make a quick buck out of the rental fee. 

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12 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

I think sometimes we get a bit too negative about the BA here on the forum. I’m not saying they are perfect, and there is a lot of decision making I would question. However, I read the newsletter and thought there was plenty about boating featured in it. It’s a shame about Polkey’s Mill moorings, but I think the BA is right not to be ‘held to ransom’ by landowners who think they vacant make a quick buck out of the rental fee. 

It does appear that the southern rivers are suffering from BA apathy more than those up north.

Obviously, we lost the pontoon moorings at Whitlingham, then Langley and now Polkeys Mill.  We went past Pyes Mill last weekend and there are around 100 metres of moorings taped off.  Reading the newsletter there’s neither mention of that, nor an indication of when repairs will be made.

Mention was made on here a couple of weeks ago about a group of constant cruisers who are moving between and occupying two of the three formal moorings on The Waveney between the WRC and Beccles.  There are already too few moorings available down south and there appears to be nothing in the offing to improve the situation.

There is a rumour that the BA are focusing their attention on the more popular northern rivers.  I do hope that the rumour is ill founded and something is done soon to rejuvenate ‘down south.’

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