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Back on a boat.

Brian J.

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We have just got back from our week on Silver Mystique out of Brundall.

Our previous luck with the weather held good and we had a rain free week. Following reccommendations from this forum, we didn't go very far for our 1st night - Rockland Staithe. We were he only boat there so was lovely and quiet. The pub was also ideal for me, about 50 meters.

We travelled for 3 hours on Sunday to moor at Loddon. Quite crowded by the time evening had arrived, and the walk to the pub was at my limit - knees and back complaining quite loudly.

Monday we went to Oulton Broad and moored at the yacht station as we had arranged for sister in law and her husband to meet us for lunch the following day. We took them out for an hours cruise on Tuesday and then lunch at the Wherry Hotel.

Tried The Lady of the Lake the previous evening, the beer (Wherry) was very acceptable but the pub itself left a lot to be desired - dim and dingey.

After Tuesdays lunch we motored down to Beccles for the night, very crowded. The idea was to go to Geldeston on the Wednesday but we decided that as I couldn't walk very far, it would be a waste of a day, so left on Wednesday morning and cruised up to Somerleyton where we stopped off for a pint at he Dukes Head? At the limit of my walking distance and served a questionable pint of Wherry - cloudy. This may have caused my dicky stomach the following day.

Wednesday night was spent at the Ferry Inn at Reedham .

For the first time we caught a favourable tide and went back to Rockland for Thursday night, with another meal in the pub.

Unlike the last time we were there, the staithe became full up quite early.

On Friday morning we waited for the tide and cruised sedately up to Whittingham. We found this stretch of the Yare to be most like what we had been used to on the Thames with more wildlife than anywhere else we had been. Even saw 2 kingfishers and a brown owl just sitting on the bank by the waters edge.

We turned round and butted the tide back to Coldham Hall where we had lunch and I had the last of the Little Sharpie.

What can I say? We had the best meal of the week and the best beer. I can now see why you all have your get togethers there.

As Silverline wanted the boat back by 0830 on Saturday, and with the forecast for rain, we decided to get the boat back at 1630 and head off for home.

All in all a very pleasant week, even if we did get the wrong week as far as tides went.

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The Wherry Hotel was much as you would expect from a carvery, like the proverbial parsons egg, good in parts.

My wife and her brother in law went for the carvery and found the vegetables plenty and good, the pork was good but the beef was very tough.

I looked for a beer that I liked, but found none until I passed through the other bar and found Wherry and Lifeboatman on pumps in there.

The place was clean and friendly, and of course had the view over the Broad. cheersbarcheersbar

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:wave hi brian, we've actually seen a whole family of herons, it was a few years ago when we went to rockland broad, we'd just started coming off the main river where it's very narrow, & we looked up into a tree & saw a massive nest with a whole family there was two adults & two youngsters, it was great to see them all, lori :Stinky
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