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2013 Toll Information


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  • 2 weeks later...
:wave hi all, ive been reading the anglia afloat mag about the tolls going up, & the hire boat operators are'nt very happy at all,which i don't blame them, apparently tony howes secretery of the broads hire federation, said " that this penalises the hire craft more than anyone else, but the trouble with that is , that they'll put the prices up on the hirer ,which is not good, it's expensive enough as it is, NSBA chairman, richard card , said " nearly 40% of tolls income is now supporting the authority's central overhead,whilst the amount of money spent on maitaining rivers & broads fell by £1/4m last year, which is disgusting , & apparently the agreed plans will see the smallest boats on the broads pay less, & more than 50% of craft will face no rise, whereas ,larger craft will face increases of more than 3% from 1st april, with the average hire boat looking at a 4% -5% rise & the biggest ones will be more than 6%. but surely that's going put the big hire boats prices up, & people won't want to hire them, which is bad for hire companies & bad for people like me, who like to hire big boats, these people obviously have no heart, or care about the holiday industry. lori :Stinky
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The problem seems to be that they want to keep the broads idylic so that people want to visit it and therefore the tourism boosts the economy and business's surrounding the broads. But to keep it idylic, they have to keep the number of boats down. If they had there way, all boats would be put on trailers and removed after every trip. The hire companys have no choice but to pay the higher toll as their livelihoods depend on it, hence the price hike. The small boats, canoes etc do have the choice to say bugger it i wont use the broads anymore and take their vessel out of the water , so the ba have to keep them sweet with lower tolls.

It will always come down to the richer pay more, it's the common sense approach. But as the ba will eventually realise, there are other factors which always come into play. As you say, higher tolls = higher hire price. Then those will less money wont be able to even afford to hire. In that sense everyone ends up paying more.

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:wave, i think us hirers are already paying enough as it is, i had a letter the day from hoseasons, saying that horizon had put their fuel prices up, so ive got to pay an extra £20, even though i booked at last years prices, which seems wrong to me, lori :Stinky
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The small boats, canoes etc do have the choice to say bugger it i wont use the broads anymore and take their vessel out of the water , so the ba have to keep them sweet with lower tolls.

The BA's toll charges structure has always been very disproportionate for the size of boat Branden.

Last year for instance, the toll for a tiny 8ft long rubber dinghy with the smallest outboard motor (2hp) was £97.44, whereas the toll for one of the largest craft, a 40ft long 10 berth motor cruiser was £373.94.

So the toll for the little rubber dinghy was about a quarter of its secondhand market value.

The cruiser would have a value of at least £40,000 though, so its toll was a hundredth of its market value.

The navigation maintenance overhead of dinghies and light craft is minuscule. They require minimal depth of water and no permanent moorings.

Is it fair that small outboard dinghies have to pay more than a quarter of the toll fee for the largest of craft on the Broads ?

This year the toll for the 40ft cruiser has risen from £373.94 to £400, whereas the dinghy ( "motor, up to 5sq m ) has dropped from £97.44 down to £90.

So the charges are still proportionally very unfair, but at least it's addressing the imbalance slightly.

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We got out bill and it is up £20 plus. According to the news sheet that came with the email most if not all of people are paying less!! Could somebody from the paying less section please stand up.

Me ! :)


motor cruiser 17 sq m £192.94

sailing dinghy £48.72

canoe £28.88

total £270.54


motor cruiser 17 sq m £196.56

sailing dinghy £45

canoe £28.88

total £269.64

saving 90 pence....

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