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Weekend Escapes with Warwick Davis


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Sorry Neil, with all due sympathies to Andy for his understandable dissapointment, I don't think it's reasonaqble to assume with such certainly that the BA are doing anything underhanded.


Andy's actual words were "Sadly, the Broads Authority (so I am told) was *very* keen to promote the Northern Broads."


It could well be in the best interests of Broads tourism as a whole for the undeniably most popular area to be highlighted in the limited broadcast time  of a single TV program.



Hi Strow,


I`m not really assuming with certanty, as i said, read into it what you will, i know what i think. That`s just suggesting, allbeit in other words, "it`s in my opinion only".


The one thing you can`t change is history. You can lie about it (absolutely NO suggestion anybody is lying here), but you can`t change historical facts, and history HAS proved in the past that the bigger more established, and sometimes more expensive hire fleets have had preferential treatment from various different Norfolk related bodies, be they agencies, the BA, and other governing bodies, so to "suggest" something similar may have happened here, and i said "MAY HAVE" and NOT "has" is in my mind reasonable.


One reason why i think it may have been a good suggestion to head north, is the slower and lesser tidal range on the norther rivers is far better for novice crews. That said, with all the film crew that were with them, probably all very able bodied people, the Davies family would have had ample help if they encountered any difficulties on the stronger southern rivers.



Regards to all ................... Neil.



PS,  i`d just like to say, this post is in no way whatsoever meant in any offencsive way to any of the larger hire fleets, so if it comes across that way, sincerest appologies, as it was`nt meant to.

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