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It was chilly (video)


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Thank you for posting.   What a really good video.   Could almost have been there with you.    We hope to be out for a couple of days this week to get hubby fishing at last.    Weather is bound to turn gloomy and cold for Tuesday/Wednesday so brace yourselves.   Oh yes and I forgot - windy.   Longest day today so nights are drawing in,   heck we have only just got some decent weather , well we have today.


I look forward to your next video.     Where is the boatyard because wherever it is , it is certainly well kept.

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Hi Mick


Hoping to fish a lake we have not fished before over the weekend and have been told there are loads of nice Tench of a good size, hoping to beat my PB so any tips you cold give me regarding bait, ground bait etc would be much appreciated, don't worry won't tell my hubby he's a 3rd Dan Black Belt so best not lol  :kiss



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Hi Mick


Hoping to fish a lake we have not fished before over the weekend and have been told there are loads of nice Tench of a good size, hoping to beat my PB so any tips you cold give me regarding bait, ground bait etc would be much appreciated, don't worry won't tell my hubby he's a 3rd Dan Black Belt so best not lol  :kiss



Ha ha. maybe I am not the one to ask after just returning home after two days without a bite :cry:

But any good ground bait would do, I like to have some particles in like Hemp, it keeps them foraging for ages, don't spread it over a big area though, just around your hookbait.. Also you can't beat a good worm. Let us know how you get on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mick, just got back from fishing that lake with Tench in, caught two roach, dropped a worm on my leg (was wearing shorts) never jumped up so quick in all my life, started to rain as we packed up and got soaked so have decided to take up golf instead lol



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Grace, don't believe any golfer that says it disny rain on a golf course! :naughty:  I should know lol I was Match Secretary at one of the local clubs here. We have several courses all links and all are a mile plus away from the clubhouse at the 10th tee so getting drooket was common place. Take my advice stick to the rod n string wi a hook. :naughty:


cheers Iain.

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Mick, just got back from fishing that lake with Tench in, caught two roach, dropped a worm on my leg (was wearing shorts) never jumped up so quick in all my life, started to rain as we packed up and got soaked so have decided to take up golf instead lol



:grin:  :grin:  :grin: Sound like a great day, keep at it I am sure you will come up trumps, one of the best Tench baits ever is white bread, I'm sure even you can manage to hook a bit of flake on your hook.

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Ha ha, bread doesn't wriggle, when's the next video instalment?


Iain, I've played crazy golf and it took me about two hours to finish the course, I best just give up on sport altogether and take up knitting  lol



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