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Eastbourne Air Show


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Just got back from the air show and have to say it was fantastic, I saw for the first time the Red Arrows.....they were amazing.


The RAF, Army and Navy were all there and the amount of men in uniform......I came over quite faint a couple of times I can tell you lol


There were some really old planes doing fly pasts including Spitfires and Lancaster Bombers, that's what my dad said they were called anyway, whatever they were it was spell binding to watch.


I took some fantastic photos on my mobile phone with our very own Admiral in mind being a retired Pilot and a couple my dad took of me with my arms around a couple of Soldiers and Pilots :naughty: when I got home to post them on here my purse and phone were missing from my bag, don't know whether they were stolen or just fell out which have to say has never happened before. We did inform the Police but nothing has been handed in as yet and probably never will be


John I am sorry. would have loved you to see the photos, maybe next time and those bloody Pilots were gorgeous lol



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All done thanks Alan, can't really say whether they were taken or just lost to be honest. The thing is, what ever did we do before mobile phones were invented? It was in for repair a couple of weeks ago and felt lost without it then so today we are going to buy another one. We also have no land line at home as we have thousands of free calls so no point in having one


Feel completely lost with out it at the moment, sad when you think about it really, got me thinking about what  we all got up to with no tv or internet etc, I would imagine people had a lot more conversations in the past and a lot more babies were made lol



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Feel completely lost with out it at the moment, sad when you think about it really, got me thinking about what  we all got up to with no tv or internet etc, I would imagine people had a lot more conversations in the past and a lot more babies were made lol

Hi Grace,


For your information we played a lot of cards, gin rummy and the like. Board games too. Listened to Friday Night is Music Night on the radio.


I was baby sat, yes I was a baby once :naughty:  Mum was a nurse who did night duty 38 years straight night duty at that, so my faither went to the pub to play dominoes and have a half n half pint. Pubs shut at 10pm then up here.


Basically what I am saying is, you made your own entertainment then.


Now back to reality, I am very sorry to read you have lost those items, I have experienced pickpocketing at Malaga Airport, and it aint nice. If that is what happened to you :cry


cheers Iain.

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Iain, were you also around when there were dinosaurs :naughty: just kidding, I had a chat with my nan and she also mentioned radio on a Friday night and that my great grand mother had eight kids, so it would seem it was radio and an early night on a Friday lol



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Hi Grace,


Iain was not around when there were dinosaurs, but like myself ( I guess Iain is slightly older) he can remember beer when it was less than one & six (8p) a pint, fish & chips were two & six (13p)for a family of 4/5 people, petrol was about 4 & 6 (23P) a gallon after saying that the average weekly wage for a tradesman was around £13 per week.


We listened on the radio (after time for the valves to warm up) on  Sunday afternoon to Kenneth Horn, the Navy Lark or Jimmy Clitheroe. Happy days.


The TV on Sunday was Dixon of Dock Green, Doctor Who and Sunday Night at the London Palladium, our old set had a pink covering screen, a screen about 9 inch to 12 inch square  and took about 3 to 5 minutes to warm up, by then in the early 50's we had two channels, children's TV, was  Andy Pandy, the Woodentops and Bill & Ben.


The above could be why we tend to be grumpy now.


As Iain said we had to make our own fun as a child (even today) I was never bored, you just did something or made something. Go carts, tin cans on long strings to talk down or short strings to use as stilts. There was a hill at the end of the road, all the kids used to sit on a book balanced on a roller skate and go down the hill, great fun until you fell off.


On the old button B telephones you used to be able to tap the receiver to make a free call, or see how many kids you could get into a telephone box etc. Just like now kids were kids, but unlike now there was no malice in them.


Sorry re the trip up memory lane.




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"There were some really old planes doing fly pasts including Spitfires and Lancaster Bombers, that's what my dad said they were called anyway, whatever they were it was spell binding"

I should think they were spell binding, you were watching the first public flying in over fifty years of two Lancasters. The Canadian one has come over here to join the BBMF Lancaster for some public displays.

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Iain was not around when there were dinosaurs, but like myself ( I guess Iain is slightly older) he can remember beer when it was less than one & six (8p) a pint, fish & chips were two & six (13p)for a family of 4/5 people, petrol was about 4 & 6 (23P) a gallon after saying that the average weekly wage for a tradesman was around £13 per week.

Oh sorry Grace continuing off topic. The following corrections to Alans post (you can tell he is still a young whiper snapper :naughty: ). To be exact, I had my first pint at 18, Ushers Lager naff it was, 1/9d.. a dram then quarter gill 1/7d. Small poke / bag of chips 3d ...a Fish Supper 1/6d two fish in it (Whiting)and chips. When I put petrol in a car for the first time it was 5/10p a Gallon for Esso Extra. We queued for petrol the Friday they bumped it up to 50p a gallon lol


Decimalisation in 1971 has a LOT to answer for! 



cheers Iain.

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