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M25 - Jcn 27 (M11) west bound variable speed cameras


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Had the joy of travelling down this section of the M25 on Saturday (all those lovely lanes, but the inside lane still must have some sort of curse on it as no one wanted to use it) and wanted to advise the speed cameras are now working.


I thought the sections with variable speed cameras only worked when they enforced the speed restriction (always assumed that with the ones round by Heathrow and never got flashed). But saw 2 cars get flashed (both directions) when the speed restrictions were not lit up on Saturday.


Thought it was worth mentioning as it blew my myth out of the water. :River Police

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A few of them seem to be always flashing and are probably faulty. On all the variable speed limit areas it's worth remembering that if the sign has a red circle around it the limit is mandatory and no red circle means advisory. 

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