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Any Linux experts around? I have acquired a laptop for Jamie to break (it's what he does), but before he can break it I need to make it work. The main problem is that it's an old model which someone has tried to upgrade to Windows 7 and it's just not up to the job. I've added some memory that I had lying around and I can get it to boot, it will even run Youtube just, but anything else is out of the question.


I'm thinking of putting Ubuntu on it to reduce the useage of the OS (and in no small part to the fact that I doubt the Windows installation is properly licensed). Can anyone explain in words that a total techno duffer might understand, how to go about such a process.

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go online, download the file - burn the file to cd/ dvd as a disk image (iso) file, insert the disc into the machine and fire it up - booting from cd disc. follow the instructions on the disc.

you can fire it up and run from the cd to see if it works, on one laptop I had to try 3 different versions until I got one that worked (it was a very old xp laptop)


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Ubuntu is a nice reliable Distro. I ran it for a while but the available software was not to my taste. It does need some pro software houses to get involved in writing software imo but I suppose that is unlikely given 1) the number of users and 2) the differing flavours of Linux (Ubuntu, SUSE, Debian etc, etc, etc.)

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Spot on Warp, it will not run Ubuntu. When I plug the USB flash drive in and try to boot it gives me the menu but when I select an option, be it run from the drive or install it thinks for a few seconds then a multi coloured band appears at the top of the screen. I have tried Xubuntu too, same thing. I have a list from the www of the "lite" versions of Linux and will try one of those tomorrow.


It does boot and run Win 7, it will just about do something. I think the problem is the 600mhz processor.

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One wierd did thing happen. I ran Ubuntu on my main laptop, from the flash drive to make sure the iso file was OK, and it loaded and ran fine. It also activated the bluetooth which has not worked on my laptop since upgrading W8 to 8.1, and no amount of new drivers ever fixed it. But on Ubuntu bluetooth worked fine. The strange bit is that when I booted back to 8.1 bluetooth still works. It's almost like the Ubuntu switched it back on.


Since upgrading to W10 bluetooth has been fine

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