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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. All good things must come to an end and Sunday saw us heading back to Shotley, where did two weeks go? Beneteau East Coast Power Boat Representative on a recruitment drive Exiting Ipswich Ship Lock Orwell Bridge Giving Way..... The ship was the Maersk Adrien but on Saturday this monster arrived According to the blurb She is the largest container ship built to date and is 398 metres long http://www.emma-maersk.info/emma-maersk-pictures.htm I have around an hour of video from our two weeks which I need to edit but if there is anything of interest I will post it up if folks are interested. I'm not sure how well my dash mounted camera will have worked underway but I will have a look.
  2. Early Friday saw us slipping our lines in Bradwell and heading out to the mouth of the Blackwater to see if the residual from yesterdays gale had died down. It had and we had a super run back up the coast to Harwich. Rather than going back into Shotley which would feel as if our holiday had finished we carried on to Ipswich. Bit bigger than hire boats to dodge Ipswich Haven Ipswich Waterfront Had a nice surprise on Saturday night when Ian & Liz joined us for an impromptu dinner on the back of Kiki; thanks to Rachel's culinary skills the meal was excellent and the company good.
  3. We headed off with a back up plan of Bradwell but to poke our noses out of the end of the Blackwater to see how it looked the tide was ebbing and we had not reached Bench before it was clear that a trip back towards home base was not on. The previous days Southerly might have died down but the residual was still circa 1.5 meteres at 2-3 seconds interval so it was back to Bradwell and The Green Man - what a shame A pleasant day in Bradwell catching up on a few jobs. We already knew that we were going no where the next day as a deep low was pushing in with gale force 7-8 southerly winds. The best window would be Friday when the low had pushed through and turned any wind westerly. Thursday was someones Birthday When one engine is not enough get two when two is not enough...
  4. A link with the Broads, this has been bought and is being converted to a live aboard
  5. It rained briefly the next morning before brightening up A trip into Maldon showed this to be a rather quaint place Maldon Moot Hall Maldon Waterfront An escapee from my birthplace A thoroughly enjoyable extended unplanned stay in Heybridge but it was time to leave. To cut down the time locking out early in the morning the lock manager asked if we would not mind locking in the night before. This left us with a rather surreal night in the lock! By way of a coincidence the yacht next to us in the lock was our 'neighbour' from Shotley.
  6. Busy now, and the Crab Catching Competition from the Lock Gates about to finish Incoming! Black Rose More details http://www.traditionalcharter.co.uk/blackrose.html After enough beer had been consumed it was time for the Greasy Pole............ Once we had watched the entertainment it was time for something to eat
  7. The weekend saw the Heybridge Regatta which is a big weekend for the area with numerous classes of old yachts racing but it is the smack racing that everyone flocks to see. The weather was perfect sunny but with a stiff breeze, it was quite a sight to see these old smacks racing. One of the 'Characters' of Heybridge is Nigel (or Windy Miller as we renamed him) he helps out with the lock and has not missed one in 10 years. The sound of him cranking the lock took me back to my childhood and Trumpton. No entry I wonder why!... note the traditional port hand channel markers Limbering up for the Regatta Exodus before the smacks arrive Windy Miller doing his stuff
  8. Heybridge Basin had one very good pub The Old Ship and another which was OK but the Barman must have been auditioning for a part in Eastenders There were no real shops before Heybridge itself and Maldon a bit further on. I am not normally a fan of Mr Tesco but I have to say the local store was very helpful allowing a trip up the canal in the tenders to the Tesco Landing stage to revital The Old Ship Tender Park
  9. Heybridge Basin is at the head of the Chelmer & Blackwater Canal Moored at last Our yacht friend had managed to get us in for one night only due to the Heybridge Regatta but a gentle word with the lock manager who had now returned from holiday and been very flexible where he put us saw us moving just out of the basin and onto the head of the canal. The forecast still looked grim from a wind perspective so it was here that we decided to scrub London and have some time on the Blackwater. Canal Manager with his 'fishing' catch
  10. The next morning with a stiff south west wind we headed down to Heybridge even on the Blackwater the wind over tide was giving a very short chop, nothing to worry about but the wave intervals were that short it was like driving over large rumble strips. As we arrived at Heybridge on cue it started to rain but the good news was the lock was just emptying so we had no waiting. The lock only opens around high tide in 'normal hours' meaning that if the tide in after 9.00 there is likely to only be one lock a day. Locking in the Rain From outside No automatic lock gates here..... if you moor in the basin it is a 'tradition' you help at locking time
  11. The weather was still not playing ball on the wind front so we decided to try to get into Heybridge Basin which is the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation Canal entrance. Rachel while I was testing Essex & Suffolks transport system had phoned Heybridge only to be told that they were full due to The Heybridge Regatta. I returned to Bradwell having a well earned beer on the back of Kiki, the tide was about 4 hours into the ebb when a large yacht came past and stopped... stuck fast on the bottom. Despite revving ahead and astern and trying to winch him off from a line to the pontoon about 17 tonnes of yacht had no intention of moving. It did however extend David's throw lines by about two feet due to the pressure on it It does get low As the Skipper had been left single handed waiting for his yacht to re float we agreed we would go for an early dinner and be back to give him a hand. We stood by and eventually he refloated and we manhandled his yacht back in to the hammerhead while the motor boat inside slipped out (just) and rafted outside as they were leaving at 0430. Said Yacht skipper was very grateful brought over a bottle of wine and during the conversation asked where we were headed. We explained Heybridge but they were full wheron he said the Canal Manager was his brother and if we wanted to still go he would have a word with him in the morning. As good as his word he did and we were in the next morning. A Happy Yacht Skipper Motors into the sunrise
  12. Thanks Andy no issues with the 'Leccy' Jonny. Later that evening we were off to Bradwells best watering hole The Green Man what a find this place is in such a small community the food was excellent and Local Dengie Bitter superb. There are a myriad of micro breweries in this off the beaten track area indeed going up and down the Blackwater the smell of hops abounds. A few examples http://www.crouch-vale.co.uk/ http://www.maldonbrewing.co.uk/ http://www.merseawine.com/brewery.htm http://www.mightyoakbrewery.co.uk/ http://www.saffronbrewery.co.uk/saffron-ales http://www.mauldons.co.uk/index.html I digress back to The Green Man.... it was here I found my wallet was not with me and recalling the Grey matter gave me the dawning realisation that I had inadvertently left it in the boot of my car at Shotley while unloading Nothing for it but to go and fetch it the next morning but with no means of transport other than the public variety and a very kind offer from Peter the out of hours harbour master who ran me to Southminster Station I proceeded on a 7 hour round trip on numerous trains and taxis for 30 seconds at Shotley and then back. It is a good job it was blowing a hoolie and there was never any intention of us moving from Bradwell - lessons learned.
  13. A fortnight with an outline plan to get up to the Upper Thames then back to Limehouse to meet our Yacht club and back up the East Coast. Regrettably the weather gods decided once again to not allow this... don't book a fortnight when we do Our intention was to make a run down to Bradwell; after waiting at Shotley until Tuesday morning (due to the wind) we went down to the fuel pontoon fuelled up and by the time this was completed the wind had really gotton up so back to our berths and await the afternoon weather window which appeared on cue around 14.30. A lumpy ride down turned decidedly snotty at the notorious Wallet as the wind increased again from the South, fortunately we did not have too far to run to our destination Bradwell on the Blackwater. Photos attached - as ever a Point and squirt advisory is in force on these images. Bradwell Creek Marina Offices Anyone who knows about boat fishing will know this guy who has been based at Bradwell for years - John Rawle - http://www.johnrawlefishing.co.uk/ Bradwell's most famous landmark
  14. Benson was definitely sought after and was an incredible looking fish. At around 29 years old I doubt it was old age that was the issue as Carp live generally much longer than this unless afflicted by unnatural illness etc. The longest lived recorded Carp was Rasberry of Redmire Pool fame at 64 years; the venue where Richard Walker smashed the the Carp record with a fish of 44lbs which lived in London zoo for many years and was named Clarissa by the Zoo staff. Rumour on the vines is that it could have been unprepared Tiger Nuts that accounted for Benson but that is clearly just conjecture at this stage. What is clear is that this will make a big dent in the commercials of the fishery as anglers flocked to have a chance of catching this fish. It is irreplaceable and in terms of value (even if Carp were a tradable commodity which they are not except from certified fish farmers) it would be worth a fortune when you consider a healthy 10lb Carp is worth in the region of £500.
  15. Are you sure your temperature gauge is working correctly..... ducks picks up coat and exits stage left
  16. Excellent Ian ( and Paul), More please Ian assuming we get some clear night's at some point in the future!
  17. 15 hours Goodness me what a trip - glad you arrived safe and sound
  18. Disgusting gratuitous topless shot Paul - should not be allowed on a family site
  19. Apologies I will be on a fleeting dash to Spain that weekend shame as we would have liked to have been there
  20. Our wait for the Friday 'window' paid off and we had a super run back up to Ipswich. Saturday was good also as was today so hope you made it Ian.
  21. Poked our noses out the end of the Blackwater early this morning before the next low hits,very unpleasant residual 1.5 metre confused chop 2 second interval will let it push through and I look again Friday.
  22. Ian, With that forecast I would sit tight for a few days and wait for a weather window. We had intentions of getting around to London but it just has not been settled enough to see a window to get down and back. We had to wait until the Monday of our holiday to get a window (probably only 4 hours) to hop down to the Blackwater and even then The Wallet was pretty snotty in a southerly 4 gusting 5. Fortunatly on entering The Blackwater the land helped in flattening things out a bit. Since then we have had an odd calm day followed by a couple of wind which has meant we have largely pottered around the Blackwater. Down to West Mersea tommorow and then have a window at present on Friday for a hop back up to the Deben or Orwell. Many experienced Yotties down here are bemoaning just how changeable and unsettled the weather is aborting trips further afield. One Dutch crew set off for France and ended up in the Blackwater as it was the most comfortable wind direction Friday would be OK from the looks of it if you could but personally (and it is always an individual decision) I would wait and find a window. http://www.windfinder.com/forecast/orfo ... gle_street No shame in fighting another day and with two weeks ahead of you why subject the crew to a kicking. Best of luck keep us posted and if you make it to Shotley in the next couple of weeks give us a shout
  23. Found a bit of Wi-Fi at last. Presently at Heybridge Basin http://www.itsaboutmaldon.co.uk/basin/ Have spent some time in the Blackwater after a delayed start to our holiday due to strong winds. We aborted attempts to get around to London as the weather windows back just are not there but have had a great time down here. Up to West Mersea shortly and the Company Shed http://www.west-mersea.co.uk/Mersea_Isl ... y_Shed.htm then back up the Deben to Woodbridge. Photos when I get back
  24. Oi I hope you paid your exit toll off our 'manor'
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