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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. With perfect weather Hamford Water was the destination for a day and overnight stop, we actually anchored just into Landmere Creek. This area is the setting for Arthur Ransome's 'Secret Waters'
  2. And a very nice flag on your boat Geoff
  3. I do know they were having an 'eye' kept on them and it sounds as if from other reports my sighting was not a one off. Perhaps we will get some 'official' confirmation. I can see how for example a first timer judging speed can be difficult and providing not OTT a warning from our friendly Rangers should be sufficient for most folks to take care in future. Some folks however are just bent on tearing around and it is these that are the problem. History shows that some do not heed a friendly word in their 'shell like' and further action has to be taken. As I have indicated before make a note of time and details of the speeding, description of the helm or better photos (as it will be he who will be the focus of any further action) without this you can already hear the cries of 'I'm Spartacus' and phone it through to River Control who will liaise with the rangers. Weight of evidence can be a powerful thing even without photo's; but photo's are the best evidence as most are also date/time stamped in the EXIF information. Just shows for those that bleat on about nothing being done about speeding that it is when there is enough information/evidence to allow this to happen.
  4. You could do worse than have a chat with some of the members here: http://www.geocities.com/lincolnboatclub/index.html I can recommend this book for some background http://www.amazon.co.uk/Norfolk-Broads- ... 1898574065 And this site for some reading: http://www.jim-shead.com/waterways/rive ... ke%20Canal http://www.jim-shead.com/waterways/rive ... e%20Drains
  5. How are you getting on at Goodchild HA? Some very nice folks there; we were sorry to leave but full time salt called Although another forumite and we, often still feature in their press adverts Edit: to correct grammatical gobbledygook
  6. In conjunction with RNLI and Finning (CAT engines)
  7. I don't know about the Chet at present Ian but I suspect the high temperatures will have raised the water temperature and reduced Oxygen levels which tends to make fish lethargic and inclined to feed less. Fish also are not keen on very high light levels so a combination of these two factors are probably in the mix. With this weather night time is probably the best bet unless you can find a stream feeding the river or faster water where Oxygen levels might be a bit better. There is of course an easier explanation but it would be rude of me to suggest it
  8. My own experience of Shaun at French Marine is that he is very helpful, French are a Yanmar main dealer. I have had e-mails via shauns Blackberry after office hours in response to questions. The guys at Levington have always been excellent when I have dealt with them so from my own experience you are in good hands. As an example I asked them to look at a coolant blow I had under warranty, for some reason the engineer decided to do a service. When I queried this with Shaun he could not be more apologetic and organised a credit; result free service. As a result of that I buy all my engine spares from them.
  9. Might be also worth a PM to NeilB to see if he can point you to a 'trusted' dealer
  10. I just pressed the shutter the boats skipper put me in position
  11. If you had been partaking at a local hostelry then perfectly understandable - thanks for sharing it.
  12. Tut tut Martin that is supposition your honour I am not sure that bow fenders unless the fixed fendering is a great deal of use as it tends to 'ride up' with direct contact particularly if it it angled. Fenders as you know are really just a means of stopping boats rubbing together and not designed crash damage protection. The fixed fendering while not overly attractive works very well and many of the BA patrol launches have it. Whether that is fitted as self defense I know not
  13. Most of mine over the weekend were similar Simon with the light changing significantly frequently it did not make for getting anything particularly usable particularly when your f2.8 had been left behind
  14. Slapped wrists... this should really be in Broads photos. Mods feel free to move
  15. Broad Authority Auxiliary Rangers in disguise crack down on speeding
  16. Henry's friends On the wing Preening Nesting
  17. Is the sun over the Yard Arm? Ian does the honours At least it was only the Strawberries and not the Champagne they were interested in
  18. How cute Totally unsuitable for the Broads; one of each
  19. Well for a day...... Up for an evening at Yarmouth's best kept secret (seriously) Ian & Liz (Palmtree) invited us for a sail on Tamara. A thoroughly enjoyable day although the wind gods largely deserted us and we sort of 'drifted' about. Thanks Ian & Liz the day and your company were great A few shots from the day light conditions were not great as it was misty and overcast. L glass stayed on Terra Firma these were taken with a Sigma 18-200 and were just quick snaps rattled off. Somethings don't change but many were in good spirits
  20. If you are there again in the evening Simon some of these may give some food for thought, some excellent evening shots http://www.pbase.com/compuminus/cambridge
  21. Is that for the new film? I know much of the the Internal Hogwarts prior filming was done in Oxford; University rivalry strikes again then.
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