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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Super Mark, well done. Certainly making that 50D work
  2. Very nice collection of images Simon
  3. See: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&start=130
  4. It was a furry critter but certainly not a syrup of any persuasion
  5. It would make a mess of the flowers A rat with a tail my Grandfather used to say
  6. Very dull evening here so lighting is not great. I thought the birds were really hungry at the rate the nuts were depleting but I have caught the culprit. The ring he is balancing on hold a plastic container that carries water but this cheeky thing does not like getting his feet wet so kicks it out! I wondered why I kept finding it on the ground.
  7. I would have to agree with Pete looks like a juvenile. http://www.luontoportti.com/suomi/en/li ... darin-duck
  8. Although the weather on the East Coast was not as good as further west we had a most enjoyable weekend. Saturday saw David putting his mechanical problem solving to the test in an effort to make work some less than ideal hose tails for my new Racor Primary Filter (see earlier in this thread why I needed to change from the Separ fitted) this meant a trip to the Chandlers but when that fix was not satisfactory off to Pirtek. What a great find these guys are (in most major locations countrywide) they took a pride in wanting to resolve the problem is the most elegant way possible. Upshot was an excellent solution was found and the bill..... a tenner At most Chandlers it would be three times that. The tides for a run were better late in the day so our Technical Mod decided to show me how to fit a new Primary Filter Including routing the supply for the Webasto I think I will get my fuel supply module of my apprenticeship now signed off but stock control of Hose Clips need improving Fantastic job and any niggling doubts about the ease of changing filters at sea if required gone. The weather got more grim with some heavy rain and a cool northerly in the afternoon so a run was postponed until Sunday and an impromptu BBQ was the order instead once the rain had cleared. On Sunday it was time to test the filter and give Kiki a run after being out of the water for a week. A 4 hour run out in the company of Kingfisher saw us get down to Frinton/Clacton. Kiki's speed is back after her bottom scrubbing and prop polishing a most enjoyable run was rounded off with a potter up to Pin Mill.
  9. And boat related to boot. There are some fascinating images amongst these which purvey the wilderness. The Yacht at Anchor in 540-60 knot winds makes you feel you are on deck. Just a shame they are not slightly larger http://www.petersmith.net.nz/photos/antarctica-1.php
  10. It could be down to a lack of service (or not) As David has eluded to D Series are pretty advanced beasts. It could be dirty fuel or even water both these will I understand put the EVC engine into 'limp' mode.
  11. Nice shots Mark - thanks for sharing them. Technically pretty difficult but as you say modern DSLR's with high ISO capability are a boon in these conditions. There is unsurprisingly some noise coming through the coloured image but it does not detract from the shot. I really like the B&W's they capture the atmosphere in my view better than the colour with the added bonus of any slight noise looking like grain on a print My camera has expandable ISO to ISO 25,600 and low noise in difficult conditions was one of the boxes it ticked, although not tested in anger yet The third image in particular is technically difficult and the result superb
  12. Not a weekend to be getting out anywhere serious with Easterly winds 4-5 gusting 6 although the Stour or Orwell were fine. Settled in to catching up on a few jobs and surveying the fitting of a new helm pump. David & Rachel on Kingfisher were due to go on club trip to Brightlingsea, West Mersea, Bradwell etc for this next week but even some of the yachts did not go on Saturday morning. They were patiently checking weather etc but it was clear given that they needed to arrive around high tide that this morning was the best weather window. Guess who I just spotted Have a good trip guys.
  13. I didn't mean too - honest Just interested as part of the Petrol v Diesel debate that often goes on i.e. lower capital cost v's potentially higher fuel bills. Don't worry Ian for your trip down I can arrange a refueling team with a couple of 45 gallon Drums off Orford for you
  14. I thought it would be another Diesel Bug thread
  15. Thanks for the report Ian. Quite an eventful trip in more ways than one but well done on another foray. What did your tests show you were using in terms of fuel?
  16. I changed them last at Goodchild in late 2007 from memory, so about 18 months Ian (too long really). They are fine for occasional forays to sea but when full time at sea Zinc are probably a better bet. Not sure if you saw but I left you a bit of information earlier (Page 16) in answer to your Deben mooring and access question
  17. Only pulling you leg David If you want an extra pair of hands to take her round for some fuel give me a shout.
  18. Thank you Jonny; but I will have to have a word with my neighbour his 'man' has parked his ship on my drive
  19. A bit further up than I have been Jonny so can't give you any personal recommendation but you could have a look at these Great Yarmouth Bluedawn , Richard Green 01493 601008 , 07770467199 Lowestoft Freedom , Mick Kelly 01603 415251 - 07980 871731 Lowestoft Blue Eagle 2 07860 646377 Lowestoft Hvita , Andrew Wood 01502 518000 , 07903 967941 http://www.ukcharterboats.co.uk/acatalog/Lowestoft.html http://homepage.ntlworld.com/temple3000/page1.htm
  20. Well no special could be sourced even the Vetus was a keyway job so next year I will need to change the Prop Nut to accommodate a fitting which I can get an Anode for! Ready to go back in this afternoon with collar fitted as near the prop as is reasonable. Kingfisher is back on Station but parked in the wrong hole
  21. They felt confident they could source a special; I sent your Vetus link - thanks. I won't be surprised to haul her out next year only to find a collar in place though!
  22. Only until next year when I change them again Jonny You can't really skimp on anodes and how long they last depends on lots of parameters, marina's vary. If they are part worn next year who is to know how long they will last; too big a risk to take so replace and be safe.
  23. Simon's explanation is right Jonny but if you want some bedtime reading.....http://www.mgduff.co.uk/leisure-craft/c ... ction.html I would rather fit a number of sacrificial (Zinc in our case) anodes than having my rudder and prop chewed away It depends on the type of water you are in as to what metal you will use; general rule of thumb is: Salt Water - Fit Zinc or Aluminium Anodes In Brackish Water - Fit Aluminium Anodes In Fresh Water - Fit Magnesium Anodes The ones that I had fitted were Aluminium as we were on the Broads in a Brackish area (Goodchild) with forays to Sea. As you can see from the images they have fizzed away rather too quickly although clearly doing their job once fully sea based. We have fitted Zinc this time as we are 100% sea based now.
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