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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Could stop your nose being stung as you macro focused through the eyepiece
  2. pks1702

    AI Servo

    I omitted to mention in my original post (although I'm sure you will have spotted) images 3 & 4 are the same aircraft and were taken at the start and end of the burst to show that focus was pretty much still there despite around 20 images been shot as I tracked from right to left. Just spotted I left this fairly fundamental point off the post
  3. Nice shot Paul They can warble away 24/7....... Edit to remove wrong link.. now superseded by Pauls
  4. pks1702

    AI Servo

    I am sure you will see much better results Mark if you are trying to track a moving target. With the AF set in 'normal' mode it is not dynamic so locks on at a given focal length which is fine for static subjects but not that useful for subjects that are on the move. http://www.shutterfreaks.com/Tips/CanonAIServo.html
  5. pks1702

    AI Servo

    Quite Simon but at a provincial airport you have to take what you can get for test purposes and they were appreciated Yes it has a 'few' focus points which as a custom function you can choose to expand individually or as groups. RTFM is a major job and really a case of reading, experimenting and reading again. The A380 is certainly as lump - where was that taken? Birds next
  6. pks1702

    AI Servo

    You never cease to amaze me Bruce.... Yes it is Despite some of the bad press regarding focusing issues I micro adjusted to kick off with and then Canon recalled and in addition added a firmware update. I think most 'sensible' uses agree the focusing is back where it should be and one of the reasons I took these was to test it. The focusing is so quick it has taken me time to adjust to it. The custom functions give huge flexibility and as I shoot all round subjects this seemed the best all round upgrade for me. I look forward to continuing to get to grips with it
  7. pks1702

    AI Servo

    You are certainly correct Bruce but I was not airside New Baby is:
  8. pks1702

    AI Servo

    Not many Kingfishers Jonny, these were the only flying birds I came across
  9. pks1702

    AI Servo

    My new toy has some very useful AF settings which can be set dependent on the subject matter, background and speed of movement, all of which is taking quite some experimenting to get to grips with. I was looking for some relatively fast moving subjects which I could lock on to fire a burst and see the results. In AI Servo mode once you have locked onto your subject matter the camera continually refocuses as a subject comes towards or goes away from you. As SWMBO is still in recovery mode after her latest medical mauling I had to find something nearer home. Mmmm what could I use.... As you can see the only position I could get somewhere near was largely into the Sun which under normal circumstances we would not consider but as this was a AF tracking exercise only I took this option. I must say I am fairly impressed with the metering in difficult circumstances and have now found another custom function which would allow me a very quick exposure compensation given this situation again. Usual riders slight softening in compressing to fit the site parameters; click to see maximum size.
  10. Thanks for the update Rod and solving the mystery
  11. Update time http://www.dpreview.com/news/0904/09042 ... pdates.asp
  12. That craving for a fix can be a problem. Sound advice Mark. Perhaps also worth working out your cost to change Simon. Failing all else have Susan hide your credit cards
  13. pks1702

    SLR help/info

    Clearly Jill you will be writing the picture resizing guide for Simon
  14. pks1702

    SLR help/info

    We will have no trepidation here if you please all are welcome; the day you stop learning and all that. The G9 is a very capable piece of kit I seriously thought about upgrading my p&s to one but upgraed my SLR instead Many 'experts' would take the images produced by the G9 over the G10 despite its higher pixel count. Don't be shy post away
  15. Simon, I think Bruce has saved my Bacon; I'll admit when I'm trumped Superb image Bruce
  16. These might assist http://www.great-landscape-photography. ... lters.html http://www.nathangriffin.com/technical/ ... ted_nd.htm http://kenrockwell.com/tech/grads.htm http://www.leefilters.com/downloads/ass ... ochure.pdf
  17. Thanks Mark Perhaps a subject for a 'how to' on Simon's guide
  18. pks1702

    Canon 500D

    I think we are not the only ones confused... dependent on which review you read it is either mid range, entry level or a combination of the two! Canon say it is not a 450d replacement but sits just above it and below the 50d. It looked to me like a slightly tweaked 450d with HD capability but from a personal perspective HD in an SLR would be of no interest to me due to limitations. The 500D only shoots at 20FPS at 1080 anyhow. Given the choice with prices similar I would go for the 50D every time as the CMOS has tweaks, better build quality, higher burst rate and better RAW buffer. At getting on for double a 450D you have to really want HD capability, prices will inevitably fall but I really don't see that sales on this will be huge given the models just above and below. It could have more to do with Nikon's latest launch than any common sense with their range. But as Simon said we don't run Canon
  19. Yes hats off Simon I am sure this will be of great value to many forumites
  20. This helps me http://cpn.canon-europe.com/content/tec ... af_tips.do Page 5 - http://cpn.canon-europe.com/content/tec ... #container
  21. Thanks Bruce beat me to it.
  22. With that you will be able to order from the menu at The Ship from your mooring
  23. Hi Jonny it was a nice day but there was a pretty strong Northerly wind making it feel very cool. We did not venture out as SWMBO was still delicate and it was a fleeting 24hr visit to see if Kiki was still floating We did manage a mosey up to The Shipwreck at lunchtime to make sure the beer was still OK They certainly are Rod I think as a result of those Morse levers which are either full power or full stop
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