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Everything posted by AdnamsGirl

  1. Many thanks folks. I did look into the possibility of calendars in the past as I do probably own enough old images to create one without breaching anyones copyright. The problem is cost and the fact it is such a niche market really. I have no space where we live and don't want to end up with boxes full of merchandise I can't sell and have not been able to recoup costs on. I have a friend who is a graphic designer and obviously has contacts within the industry for getting pretty much any sort of promotional ephemera printed. The problem is quantity. Short runs of items are so costly. Yes, the likes of bonus print etc. offer printing on anything from 1 to 500+ items, but in my experience the quality can be rather ... erm ... poor (putting it politely). I don't have the funds to outlay in the first place, and a markup on top of even 50% would just make these things so expensive for what you get. Add to that the fact that I have to drive three miles to get to the nearest post office, which if I just sell one item a week, all adds to the costs. We do have some bits and bobs which I need to get sold on Ebay and down at the local auction which should hopefully bring some funds in to help with computer equipment. So if anyone is in the market for some ghastly 1970s German china birds, an antique nest of tables or a c1840 writing slope .... Carol
  2. Howard .. you are a lovey .... thank you ! You make I blush And a massive thank you so much to everyone who has made a donation or contacted me. I'm really overwhelmed by the support with donations and offers of help and advice. It's so lovely to know that people enjoy the website so much. I love it ... but it's nice to know that others do too I have decided that I do need to rebuild the website from scratch, so it makes sense to do that in the latest version of the software I use. I should hopefully be on the phone tomorrow trying to negotiate a deal with Serif and will make a start on getting to grips with it and have a play with the ideas I have for the redesign whilst I get the funds in place for a new computer. Your help will make such a big difference though and I'm quite excited (if not a tad daunted) at the prospect of a brand spanking new Broadland Memories! Thanks once again Carol
  3. One of my Flickr contacts, John Fielding, takes some fabulous aerial photographs of Norfolk, Suffolk and the Broads. I don't know the chap personally, but I presume he is an amateur photographer who appears to take his photographs from a light aircraft. There are some great images amongst this set ... scroll through the pages to find all of the Broads pics. https://flic.kr/s/aHsjvDjLxf Carol
  4. This book? There are quite a few old Norfolk Broads books which can be downloaded for free if you search about ... here's one. Search for Norfolk Broads and Norfolk on that site and you should come up with more. Not the same as having a real book, but better than no book at all https://archive.org/details/landofbroadsprat00suffrich Carol
  5. Talk about losing track of things! This was sent to me ages ago to add to the Then & Now collection and I found it again this week whilst going through what I had to catch up on for the website .... sorry! Raisena at Horning in 1936 and in 2013: Carol
  6. Clive ... I couldn't possibly impose .... you're already sponsoring half of Broadland !! But thank you. Whilst it's not a route I want to go down at the moment, I am not ruling it out for the future depending on how things go. Griff ... you are such a sweetie! Wow ... that is a very unexpected and generous offer .... but too generous. I honestly wouldn't feel right accepting. The thought of having to almost beg for money via a donations button is something which doesn't sit easy with me in the first place, so you can imagine that I would feel mightily uncomfortable with such a large gesture. But thank you so much for the offer. The thought and your kind words mean a lot to me ... and you can have a hug next time we meet! Besides which ... I would be too tempted to bid on it myself, which would somewhat defeat the object of the exercise! (I will take you up on the offer of photos and films when you have the time to sort them out though ) Thanks to everyone. As I said, the idea behind a donations button isn't to bring in piles of dosh. If you visit the site and get any sort of enjoyment out of it, and have a couple of quid to spare to help towards it's running costs, then that would be wonderful. I'm not looking for massive donations. If I can just get something to help towards the costs then that would be great. I'll continue to chip in what I can and muddle along whatever happens. Carol
  7. Thanks everyone. I've got on alright with 8.1 so far, but having come straight from XP I have nothing in between to compare it to. There are features I like and some that infuriate the hell out of me, but I'm getting there with it. I'd forgotten that it had already been pointed out to me that Windows 10 would be a free upgrade to 7 users too, so that may well keep costs down. I didn't have the greatest experience of off the shelf desktops in the past ... I had Medion PC, the components of which were bespoke for the machine and could not be upgraded when things went wrong. I'm sure that I could buy something a lot better than that now, but it may not have all the features I require (video capture card being one example off the top of my head). My friend has actually done wonders with what he has built for me in recent years so I am happy to continue with that for as long as he is! What I have now is pretty high spec (well high enough for me anyway) and it will hopefully just be a case of new operating system and some additional memory. My monitor is not that old really, and I have been happy with it so that's fine. That will come later in the year though ... for now I'd just like to sort out software updates to try and get the website running properly and accessible for as many visitors as possible .... and have the ability to keep on top of updated versions in future to avoid these issues. I certainly don't need or expect to get a fortune with a donations button .... but every little helps as they say! I've never set out to make money to cover the time I put in ... perish the thought! It's a hobby .. a labour of love and I give my time freely. If I ended up with excess above what I need to continue running the website, then it would be ploughed into buying the odd film or photographic addition to the archive. Carol
  8. : I'm far too much of a control freak to farm too much out! Mind you, the spammers who target the website email account seem to think I have multiple staff, a fleet of company cars, issues with all manner of office related problems that they can solve and a need for doormats with logos on them! Carol
  9. Many thanks for your replies. I use Wordpress for the website blog but honestly don't know my way around it well enough to have a clue how on earth I could recreate the main website using it. I have to be honest and confess that the thought of migrating the site to an entirely new platform fills me with dread and would inevitably end up causing me a lot of anxiety and stress ... which is something that I really need to avoid (believe me!). I use Serif Webplus. I've been through all the "against" arguments about Webplus in the past and I know it has it's limitations, but it's a system I know how to use, has (mostly) worked for me and I think I would rather stick with it and hope that the listed specs on the latest version are right that it will now be compatible with mobiles, tablets etc., which the website is currently not. Certainly, before I even consider switching to something else like Wordpress, I would like to at least give what I am used to a go and see if I can get it to work. Advertising from Google .... no!! From what I've seen with adsense, you don't appear to be able to totally control what Google decides is related to your website. I really really so not want to consider that sort of advertising. Bespoke, or sponsorship type advertising ... hmmm .... still very reluctant at this stage. Costs? Well ... the current Webplus is listed at around £90 although I may be able to get a bit of a discount as I am an existing customer. Virtually all the software I have been using is massively outdated and has therefore been incompatible with the upgrade to Windows 8 on the new laptop. To be honest, they have long been in need of an upgrade anyway as their features are extremely limited, but I struggled on with it. I have managed to upgrade photo editing and desktop publishing software reasonably cheaply by buying slightly older versions secondhand which do work on 8.1. The other main issue now is going to be Microsoft Word. I am still using 2003 on XP at the moment! It seems this will not work in 8.1 however. I appear to be looking at around £100 to upgrade that for just one computer (lifetime license). How much the upgrade of my PC to Windows 8 is going to cost, I have no idea at the moment. I am lucky that my best mate can do it for me (no labour costs, bless him), but we haven't looked into how much else will need replacing at the same time, or thought about costings. Hopefully not too much as it had a massive rebuild a couple of years ago and I'm happy with the speed and hard drive capacity, and the processor is apparently compatible. (All over my head) Ongoing costs in adding material to the archive. I never added up what I used to spend on buying photos and films for the website, transfer costs etc ... but it must have been at least £500+ a year. Yikes! The sky is the limit on how much some of this stuff can set you back. I have been lucky and picked up cine films for £10 ... but equally, I paid £140 for one from the 1930s. Transfer costs were not cheap either, although I am hoping that a very kind offer I received last year from the chap I have been using, to transfer them for me for free in return for a good plug on the website will still stand I guess that's a form of sponsorship really. Equally, photographic collections can fetch some silly money at times ... prices that I wouldn't dream of competing with even if I had funds available! I've been increasingly priced out of the collectors market in recent years but I'm eternally grateful to those people who send me their photos, memories, films (thank you Bill) etc which at least ensures that the archive does keep growing at minimal cost to me. I have been given access to some truly fantastic collections over the years and long may it continue! Many thanks for all your suggestions and support Carol
  10. I'm back at the helm of Broadland after a year long break due to family responsibilities and health problems ... it feels good to get started on the website again. Fingers crossed it stays this way for a while. Last year was a rather difficult one to say the least. Anyway ... I have a bit of a dilemma. In the past, Broadland Memories has largely been funded out of my own pocket with a handful of DVD sales helping things along. Unfortunately, a change in household income has meant that I just can't do that anymore, as much as I'd like to. Website hosting costs are minimal thanks to Craig Slawson, so that is not an issue. What is a major issue at the moment is the fact that I need to upgrade the software I use as I've noticed a few display issues in newer versions of Windows. I'm still stuck with XP on the main PC I use for the website but a recent upgrade of laptop has highlighted some major problems that need addressing. Essentially, I think I may end up having to rebuild the website from scratch again when I do get the latest software versions. It's probably time for a redesign anyway. Not to mention needing to upgrade to Windows 8 on the main PC this year! XP seems to be seriously struggling to keep up with software updates these days. I've always said that I wouldn't have advertising on the website and this is still not a route that I want to go down. I have always been very conscious to avoid any hint of commercialism with what I do. It is strictly not for profit and will always remain so. However, if I am going to continue to run the website then I do need to get some funds from somewhere. I've noticed that many privately run websites of a similar nature, and forums too, have a "donation" button for visitors to help with running costs should they feel so inclined. Again, this is something that I always said I didn't want to do, and I actually hate the idea of having to consider it, but I'm in a position where I don't really know what else to do. It has also become increasingly difficult to compete with collectors for old photographs and cine footage over the last couple of years. I still put in bids with what I can afford, but rarely end up being lucky now. I always think it's sad when I know this stuff will then never see the light of day, hidden away in private collections. Any additional funds going into the website Paypal account would certainly help with this side of things too, but my priority at the moment is the desperate need to upgrade the software etc. that I need to actually create and run the website. Is a donations button an acceptable thing to have to help with Broadland Memories? I'm just very conscious of the fact that donations can sometimes be a rather controversial subject and don't want to land myself with any more hassle or headaches. I just want to keep doing what I'm doing with the archive. Your thoughts please Carol
  11. Ow wow ... that would be an amazing coincidence if it is you. I've had people spot themselves or family members in other peoples photographs on the website before, but not in other people's film yet. I've tried to get a higher res still for you - this is the best I can do but don't know whether it will help. Carol
  12. I have linked to the first of these films elsewhere on the forum, but as it was part of a collection I thought I'd give them their own dedicated thread in this section. I was kindly given a collection of cine films taken during boating holidays on the Norfolk Broads for Broadland Memories. The five films cover 1965 to the 1980s and are a super addition to the archive. I have had the first three digitised, the other two will hopefully be done at some point this year, but I've now turned my attention to getting the 1960s and 70s films edited and uploaded to the BM YouTube Channel. The first film is from 1965 and follows Mrs & Mrs Vardy and friends as they holiday aboard one of the Glitter/Glimmer of Light class of motor cruisers from Herbert Woods. I finished editing the second film today which dates from the summer of 1977. Once again, the Vardy's holiday with a group of friends hiring two boats from Wroxham - Saraline from Porter & Haylett and Royal Standard from Royalls boatyard. Interestingly, both boats are still in hire as Grosvenor Girl and Trent Bridge. Sadly, their cine camera must have developed a bit of a fault at one point during the holiday as there is a rather shaky section in the middle. I edited that down to just leave the scenery for historic interest. On to 1978 next ..... Carol
  13. This was the original mill which stood on that spot at Horning probably c1920s. I believe that it became a holiday home in the 1930s ..... I don't know how much, if any of the original mill was incorporated in it or not. Horning Mill, Norfolk Broads 1920s by AdnamsGirl, on Flickr A closer view c1915 Mill on Ferry Reach at Horning c1915 by AdnamsGirl, on Flickr Carol
  14. More info about this years Dragon Boat Festival and entry fees here: http://www.dragonboatfestivals.co.uk/dragon-boat-festivals/east-anglian-dragon-boat-festival/entry-details/
  15. The sailing club films are wonderful Coincidentally, I created a Norfolk Broads on Film section for the website last week which gathers together all of the old cine films I've uploaded to the Broadland Memories YouTube channel and links to the various playlists of other old Broads footage which I put together on there. All divided into the individual decades between the 1930s and 1990s. The film side of the archive is growing steadily and I thought I ought to make more of a feature of it on the main website rather than just the simple link to the YouTube channel that I did have http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/page338.html I also uploaded the first of a collection of films taken by one family over the course of 20 years of holidays on the Norfolk Broads which very kindly were given to me - this one is from 1965 I am now able to get a bit of time to myself again, so I've made a start on working on the website again, albeit in a more limited capacity than before ... but it's a start. There will be more new films and photos to come in the coming months. I also have further films which I haven't even viewed yet, let alone had digitised. Carol
  16. Perhaps a slightly romantic version of her eventual fate which was passed down the family then? Carol
  17. Hi Mike Great pics! And there is the the aforementioned Queen of the Broads, presumably very close to the end of her working life. Carol
  18. It was the Waterfly which was supposedly left to rot on Breydon but I have no idea of the location, if indeed she did end up there. I'd also be interested to know! My info came from the Waterfly website which was put together by a descendant of John Long: http://waterfly.greatyarmouthphotographic.co.uk/index.htm The Pride of the Yare was moved to Nottingham in the 1950s where she worked as a passenger boat on the Trent, along with the SS Gorleston. More here: http://www.ourgreatyarmouth.org.uk/page_id__551_path__0p5p104p.aspx Carol
  19. Another passenger steamer at Reedham. This was the Waterfly and the postcard dates to around 1910. Waterfly was owned and operated by John Long who ran trips on the Broads between 1894 and 1914. She was licensed to carry up to 274 passengers! The outbreak of the First World War led to a severe drop in passenger numbers and Waterfly was retired from service. She was converted for use as a lighter after the war but, sadly, ended her days lying on the mud flats of Breydon Water where her remains can apparently still be found. Waterfly Steamer at Reedham c1910 by AdnamsGirl, on Flickr Carol
  20. Great pics as always Peter. I have a copy of the last postcard which I have dated to c1912 .... not Resolute (which was a double ended steamer) but probably the "Pride of the Yare", which was the sister ship to the more famous Queen of the Broads. This was the Pride of the Yare at Reedham c1910. It ran trips between Yarmouth and Norwich, whilst the Queen of the Broads ran between Yarmouth and Wroxham. You could buy a round trip and do both in one day, with a train to run you between Wroxham and Norwich. Pride of the Yare Steamer at Reedham c1910 by AdnamsGirl, on Flickr Carol
  21. Herring gulls take up residence on the sunken house at Oulton Broad ... at least I think it's a sunken houseboat! Hard to tell now. It made me smile though. Squatters Rights by AdnamsGirl, on Flickr Another taken at Oulton Broad Mine, mine, mine by AdnamsGirl, on Flickr Carol
  22. I do rather like the sugar beet factory at Cantley from a photographic perspective, and it looked for all the world as though it was belching clouds from the chimney as we approached. The old and the new here, with Hardley Mill on the right. Is that where clouds come from ... by AdnamsGirl, on Flickr Carol
  23. Looking good for a 110 year old lady - the beautiful river cruiser Maidie racing on the River Yare between Buckenham & Langley last week Maidie by AdnamsGirl, on Flickr Carol
  24. Hi Ron Yes, they should definitely be preserved and good on you for doing that and sharing the pics here. I've got pictures of varying qualities and ages on the website and it matters not that some are not quite so clear. They are all an important record of the area and, in your case, your own family history. Hi Liz - do you know, I'm not sure that I have ever seen a photograph taken in Jenners basin, so it's not one that I's thought of. I hadn't noticed the other Hearts cruisers, but you may well be right. I was partially working on the tree line in the background which looks very similar to a slightly older photo I have of Wroxham but the possibility of Thorpe hadn't crossed my mind. The height of the quay heading to water level would make more sense if it was Thorpe I guess. Ron - here is Lorelei from the 1972 Hoseason brochure Carol
  25. I think your photos are taken at Wroxham. Is that not Loynes boatsheds on the left & the Hotel Wroxham on the right? I think you can sort of make out the bridge in the background, but the picture quality makes it difficult to tell. Carol
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