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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. That's right! Behind all the tears and drama are some wonderul skills. I particularly like watching Steve, the horologist (is it). Also, the fella that revived the jukebox recently was a wizard!

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  2. I'm going to be just a bit more blunt about this. Can we cease all debate discussion and crusading on the national park issue whilst this crisis is ongoing. To harrang the BA about the NP status in response to work they are doing and arrangements they are trying to put into place is beyond my own tolerance! Also to see valued members with opinions and stories to share being driven out by this is unforgiveable! Please take heed!!!

    • Like 8
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  3. 8 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    Just had a unwanted birthday present. Just had a text from the NHS.Telling me I'm in the high risk group advising me to stay at home for 12 weeks .

    Snap Ian! Have to admit it was a tad unerving to  say the least!

  4. 2 hours ago, Smoggy said:

    It's good they have an argus store, that was probably wishbone ash's best album, not something you can get in a normal argos.

    That certainly was and still essential listening for me. Thanks for the link you posted. Yourself, Ali and the lovely mutt take care of yourselves! You must be mourning Sonia having to shut up shop!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    I tell you what - this forum has been an awful lot more active than usual, for a winter Sunday morning!

    Thass loik wot they say in Norfolk :

    "Hint yew got nuthun else ter dew, boi?"

    And please please please keep it up! I too am one of the old codgers with underlying conditions who is under house arrest! I need pages and forums like this to read and keep my spirits up. So, please keep it coming! Thanks.

    • Like 5
  6. On a more modest scale, its always been my dream to have a Skoda Yeti! I've always really liked them and, since a certain motoring journalist said it was the best car he had ever driven, I resoved to have one. Mine is not a new one as they ceased manufacture a year or so ago.  I've had this for about six weeks now and I am well satified. Its a  Yeti Outdoor 2.0 TDI CR [170] Elegance 4x4.


    Yeti Outlander.jpg

    • Like 1
  7. Sorry, but we hired that very boat and it turned out to be the worst boat we have ever hired. Space almost everywhere was a compromise too far. That may well be because we opted for the six-eight berth version. The upper helm is a total no go area if you have any back problems at all. If you are fortunate not to have any, there is a good chance you will after sitting up there. Really sorry to rain on your exciting holiday but I do believe in honest opinions and experiences.

  8. 1 hour ago, grendel said:

    I just had the paypal one- announcing i had just paid someone £128, and if I wanted to cancel it, then i needed to click here to fill the form in.

    Yeah sure, especially since all my notifications regarding payments normally come through messenger

    Snap! I wonder just how many folk have succumbed to Heidi's charms??

    • Haha 1
  9. I too recall the famous Izal. Mind you, the roll did seem to last a lot longer than a typical roll of andrex does now. My Gran's was even worse! It was Izal but came in a box that slotted into a ceramic box affair on the wall. It came out a single leaf at a time.


    Oh! And she also had piles of carbolic soap!

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    • Haha 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Polly said:

    Had the authorities in Wuhan been more effective, starting with market oversight, it is possible none of this would have happened.

    I am no more a fan of China and the human rights violations etc than anyone else but, in this case, I think this is a bit unfair. This virus is completely new to the world and nobody really has an effective way to deal with it yet! Yes, the nature of China's way of governing tends to conceal all manner of things but I think we need to make allowances and support anyone's efforts in trying to find answers to this problem. World leaders have already stated that they have had lots of useful scientific information provided by China and we are all learning as things progress. Lecture over!!

  11. Looking at your video, although short, that level of smoke seems quite normal for a BMC. They have never been purveyors of the worlds cleanest air! Is it mainly blue smoke that you see?? The colour can often give a big clue to the cause. Also, the two main canal based forums are good sources for advice. There are searchable topics.

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