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Posts posted by VetChugger

  1. 6 hours ago, RS2021 said:

    Don't forget this country ceased to be a manufacturing country decades ago, we are a service economy now

    I know this comment has a political slant but, nevertheless, this is something that many predicted would come to haunt us one day. And here we are. Yes we still make some specialised products but our mass production lines and natural resources that are the basis of any country's wealth are long gone. There does need to be a huge rethink as to our economic future. Apologies to the Mods!


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  2. I was on the terraces watching Norman and that great Leeds side and yelled myself hoarse in the process. I met Norman a few times and, as so often is the case, you could not wish to met a nicer or more friendly man. I also saw him score some wonderfully dramatic goals, mostly with a dynamite shot from distance.  I also recall his somewhat fraught encounter with Francis Lee which resulted in the early bath for them both. RIP Norman, you will be missed on saturday afternoons on local radio!

  3. Another huge vote for France from me! I have friends who emigrated to southern France in Midi Pyrenees and have visited many times. I have driven through France many times and have felt nothing less than welcomed and being well looked after.  I was very tempted to follow my friends and totally up sticks myself. Only family kept me here. I also loved my visits to Le Clerc Supermarche. A totally different experience to that of Tesco/Asda torture! Wonderfully friendly folk and how I wish I was there now!

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  4. I realise and am aware that we do not normally mention "the other place"! On this occasion I will make no apology for directing fellow forumites to go over and look under the "BA & Toll Charges" thread at a post from TT at 6.24pm Sunday.

    I think you may agree what a tremendous example this would be to many many other business owners and landlords  during this awful crisis.

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