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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Hi, i ve got a problem with my nickon d200, it,s got a very dirty sensor, what,s the best method of cleaning it,or is it worth putting in the shop??
  2. Believe it or not it took 60 frames to capture just one of these fish ,we were doing 15 knots at the time!!
  3. http://www.juststainless.co.uk/products ... e_rope.asp try browsing here ....good vids aswell
  4. I have this problem at the moment,instead of the poppers i intend to change them to the toggle type of fastening as in a gale the poppers keep springing off because of the movement in the wind, don,t know if i can do it myself if not it,ll have to be a canopy guy!! If you fill the old hole with bridging fiberglass, the stuff with chopped strands in (from halfords!!) then redrill normaly works
  5. Best way to get the hang of it(don,t think i,ve mastered it all yet...i havn,t!!)is to go to the middle of a broad and practice ,best on a windless day :that way your not under the gaze of the expert skippers on the bank!!
  6. There,s nowt as ***** as folk.....as they say, regarding the Bytes road bridge what you must take into account is that it was planned in the late 60,s built 1972, in those days a flybridge cruiser was about as rare as apollo 14, given that the existing bridge has been there since 18...something and commercial /leisure river traffic had coped so far why would they feel the need for a humped back bridge ,indeed could one have been practical to build??,there may have been other factors ,like most of the large commercial traffic was going up the yare at the time ,pleasure craft were using the bure and most river boats could easily get under the old bridge with relative ease(tide allowing).Could anyone see the internet coming??,well 1 or 2 could ,but mostly everyone was in the dark!! Planning gaffs happen all the time (take high rise council flat blocks in the 60,s).!! As to this suitability ,personaly i couldn,t give a dam what other people think of my choice of boat, i like it!! i use it , and for what i want out of a boat its very suitable!
  7. Lots of food for thought, given that the works are due to start in may.........who would have the clout to actually stop it??, or who,s given the works the ok to go ahead??
  8. agree if you look into it they are already upto 695,000,have commisioned an industrial artist to capture it,s image,and a 60,000 survey and and and........and that,s not for all of the bridge.....half of it reading between the lines will stay exacly as it is(shoot me down if that,s not the case)
  9. Any old stick will do now, have an omi jobby cheapest one going and works fine, even mounted on the front deck very low
  10. This was kindly scanned by Que Vadis ,for anybody who,s intrested MX-2300N_20120116_163721.pdf
  11. http://site.postcardsfromthenorfolkbroa ... xtras.html scroll down a fare way, there are two yatchs which are named ,in clipper class
  12. Hi is your boat in this picture?? can,t see name though http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/page137.html
  13. If it,s only for foot passengers why can,t they just pick it up and lay new supports ....2 ft higher than the one,s there, also can,t see how a fiberglass boat stands any chance agaist a cold rivit?? ,i think there looking at very old damage from comercial boat,s (maybe steel).??
  14. why did i know that was coming!! lol
  15. Priceless(well i thought so!!)
  16. Personally i wouldn,t like to fit them in an engine which is possibly not designed to have them fitted,having said that if he consulted with a ford dorset 6 specialist?they might advise where to fit them in the intake,the modification may be more expensive than fitting external heaters,and may cause his air cleaner to catch fire!!
  17. Coarse there is another way....either fit a espacher hyronic unit to heat the engines(both) or 2 inline electric jacket heaters so the engines are never cold ...blurdy expensive though!!
  18. Flame plugs won,t work, you need to fit glow plugs, but if your engine hasn,t got turbulance chambers,or pre chambers, you can,t use these either, how about a pre drilled hole in the floor with a bung and a length of rod??,crude but cheap!!
  19. Update.....tide got to 8 inches below top of flood defence wall at st Olaves..... phew!
  20. oi ,you forgot.....the tv cooker fridge stereo and drinks bar!!! and the outside conservatory with personal communication device and sat nav posistioning!! and outside shower...
  21. It,s on a hill!! (well about 2 ft above max flood level) i hope! having said that i have been down there literaly surrounded
  22. For once i am happy to still be on the hard....
  23. If anyone wants to know how reedham bridge works (well roughly anyway) click this...... http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... o_Beccles/
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