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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Hi, i work in Lincoln alot,and have seen your boat in person,took a while to work out what the hydruolics were for!!,Welcome to the forum,could you take her to sea??
  2. How about this little puppy??/ http://www.dpreview.com/previews/canons100/
  3. diesel falcon

    Lift out

    Can you knock the bridge down for him C live???
  4. Acle bridge has an average high water clearance of 13 feet, Have you tried this website for map and guides? http://www.norfolk-broads.org/maps/maps.asp
  5. We got a broom 37 under ,and que vadis,s bayliner...11ft ,with plenty to spare, just check the predicted hieght at Gorlston gauge,when it reads zero there,s over 12 ft under the bridges
  6. I like Ranworth strathe(malthouse broad) ,chinese takaway delivered, a reasonable pub, but you can get as far as potter,and Wroxham,a nice diversion on the way back from potter is to turn right and go past hunters yard lovely mooring on the island ,very peacefull,or moor further down, the walk to the pub is worth it.The ferry at stokesby is also nice
  7. Right ,and they,ll just love the claxtons!!! ,Somerlayton ,s the dukes head great gastro pub.
  8. Hi, this is a pic i borrowed from jills group ,unusually shows all of our merry band together in one pic
  9. What you could try is Aqua gem green ,it,s a porta potti toilet adative for daily use,it,s biological and lasts for about 4 days ,might coat the pipes and stop the smelly bacteria
  10. meant to add if you know someone who has done the coarses, beg the notes off them ,they are a great help and lets you do some self learning before you shell out for the coarse
  11. Hi, Clive. The coarse above is a good start,but you can,t beat actual sea time, so before you invest in a boat might be worth "hitching a lift with an competent skipper"just so you can get a feel for reading charts and navigation aids and get a feel for sea work.You could just buy a boat kit it out and just go...there are no rules to stop you,but ..would you want to?/,the rnli are the people to speak to for the best advise
  12. Yes it,s been an popular winter break for us for a few years,although it,s now getting more comercial so now not so keen
  13. Ok here,s the last one ,this is a straight off the camera jpeg,
  14. To show the difference ,this is a shot ,without the filter,it looks very pale but shows just how bright it was.
  15. In this picture the filter has really brought out the blues in the sea ......
  16. Hi, it,s been a bit slow in this section lately ,so having just returned from hols ,i thought i ,d post some pics ,as i took the nikon on hols again,i was after a new eyepiece for the camera so visited a camara shop on Lanzerote, they didn,t have one, but after a lot of bartering from 80 euro,s to 25 euro,s a full hd infra red filter was purchased,i was a bit sceptical at first but in the very bright conditions it really worked well(the first photo is for a certain member!!)will post more later .As always it,s best to view them full size by clicking on the picture
  17. hi, i mentioned the plugs in the block to connect a hose tail into for the coil
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