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Everything posted by Broadsword

  1. Great stuff, but check out Hilary Lister in 'Artemis' too... http://yachtpals.com/hilary-lister-1953 Saw her littl boat in Brighton the other day, but no sign of the skipper... And it really is little!
  2. I think it's Ludham, but have absolutely nothing to back up that suggestion!
  3. No, probably not Brian, but then again, we might sink quite a bit of beer and keep the tackle nice and clean :-D !
  4. Now, now... That's a bit naughty :-D I don't think the gentleman concerned would be among the sinners... I'm not a fisherman either Brian - We always have some keen fishermen on summer camp, and I don't mind having a go if someone else is there to do the fiddly stuff like getting them off the hook! On a nice day it can be quite restful and therapeutic.
  5. I will gladly hear the confessions of any NBN fishing season transgressors... Perhaps you could provide me with a special confessional Bri?
  6. In the Arthur Ransome books, 'Death and Glory was' a converted ship's lifeboat I believe... The one in the picture is, I think, the one featured on the films... I don't know who owns it now... Nice to see it again Brian...
  7. Yes, good one, thanks! Keep it coming!
  8. It has changed a lot hasn't it? I thought I recognised the trees, but was not sure how far away they were!
  9. last guess from me... the trees in the background are (I think) in the direction of the Thurne between Womack and Thurne Mill, so... Irstead area?
  10. got to be... maybe...? Where's your confidence Trevor! I don't think it's Womack.
  11. I thought you'd spotted the otter!
  12. Sorry... only teasing. This is the Wherry Ardea being restored by NBYC. I had a nice look over her last year after my early morning shower at the top of the wetshed! The workmen were very informative and friendly & they are doing a lovely job.
  13. What surprised you Jonny? A boat in the boatshed?
  14. OK - heading towards Sutton... somewhere in the Sutton Broad area!
  15. Naaah... on the North, Fleet Dyke?
  16. I am trying to work out if that is a compliment or not... and it's getting late...
  17. I paid to have my anti-fouling done by Russell Marine before the boat was launched... to be honest, I was not sorry that I didn't have to do it. For me it would mean another long trip, fuel and time... let one having to do the work myself! I don't think the cost was prohibitive once you factor all that in.
  18. If you are a member on NBF as well.... you can enjoy John's excellent offers anyway... assuming he is able to repeat them this year.
  19. Just read up on it... sounds pretty toxic stuff!! I'lll chat to my local hardware man, (who knows everything worth knowing about most things...) and see what he can suggest. I may need to do at least the side edges of the topsides...
  20. I appreciate that David, thanks. I will try that first... the caution about 'cutting' has put me off a bit!
  21. Thanks David, a useful suggestion... I had thought that an application of a cutting compound might help to restore it?
  22. I'll give it a try when we go up after Easter... thanks all...
  23. It's vinyl I believe, stuck on... Pauline on NBF has suggested a heatgun or hairdryer...
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