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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Probably doesn't fit under the bridges
  2. Hi Iain. That's the thing I guess..people are now more focused on rushing to get to the next prime mooring spot instead of casually relaxing and enjoying the whole experience of cruising about. We was up 10 years ago we did just that.. you casually cruised about and there was plenty of moorings we always got a spot at ranworth and horning parish.. had a hour wander round and onto the next. But now it seems like everyone is up at the crack of dawn and by 11am they was anchored in tonights overnight spot (With the attitude of "yay we made it to Ranworth"). Chatting to the sailors (mentioned in the last post) they noticed this and we both agreed it makes no sense... If everyone just did more cruising and just casually took a mooring as the evening settled in then it would free up the main spots and give everyone the chance to stop off during the day.. (I really don't understand why people would spend up to £2.5k on a boat and use in such manner!!) Perhaps the answer is to reduce the 24 hour moorings to 8 hours during the high season so people can't "hog" moorings all day and into the evening, and plus encourage more mud weighting. And geez that picture of wroxham now looks like a nightmare!! Sod that! Enjoy the cricket
  3. Hi David, We've always been up Easter and August and never noticed this.. I think the problem is we forgotten how busy it is and also now I'm experienced away from the broads and we've been out with experienced crews (and larger waters) and I read a few books and got a few certificates. so such actions are a complete shock to the system. Possibly too before it was all part of the fun whereas now it's alarming and I can see the potential dangers .. Hopefully we will get used to it though and it will soon become the norm and perhaps eventually be part of the fun again but the broads are certainly unique though and close helming with inexperienced crews is a massive challenge!! I know for certain we won't be up on the northern rivers during the high season again, two weeks aboard is far too long for my nerves so it will be a few week long trips (as you say Easter (June) and September!!) and Orca will never be based up north! (Iain feel free lol)
  4. You might want to stop reading in a couple of days.. sadly the trip goes down hill very quickly and it won't be a good advertisment for the broads (Iain has the mod buttons at the ready!!). But I'm going to tell it as it happened.. but hasten to add, I've never experienced a trip as bad so this really is a rare occurrence... It should be nice and calm in September though although I understand both Steve and Debs and my parents are out at some point so you may want to keep a close look out
  5. Lorry park to europe you mean Mark..
  6. Hi Gary, Nice to see you too! You was really our first NBN flag spotted on the northern rivers! Thanks for your kind words too. Your boat there looked really good too.. Sadly this first week is already a bit of a blur so I don't quite remember the winds only the icecream we had on the way over lol. There's plenty more to come.. sadly we didn't really have a good time but it was still nice to be away I guess Hope to spot you again soon
  7. That's nothing Steve.. they got a lot closer! Monday 13th July. Once again up early following shark attacks and un-silenced engines. It was quickly apparent that it was a change over day for nearby Richardsons yard and most boats were using this as the last stop. Sadly I'm starting to worry any my skipper sences are taking over so I was up and keeping a lookout. Thankfully it was a nice mooring so I opened the canopy and chilled.. A family of swans came over and said good morning so I gave them some breakfast (Floating carp food). Sadly the rain returned although it was just a light shower. But I noticed that the fish started eating the duck food.. Dave appeared and decided it would be a good time to fish.. As did I and we spend a couple of hours fishing.. we both caught a few fish which was nice. About 10pm once it quietened down we left for a shopping trip to Stalham. I aimed for the village staithe but sadly it was full up. So it was back to some spare spots on the entrance to Richardsons (on what is apparently known as "Death corner". There was a few boats moored here so we felt safe enough. Wondering towards the town we decided to wonder around the museum of the broads (I think it was more of the pending rain clouds), we have been in here before but many years ago so thankfully we forgot most of it.. it was good.. we found some old hire catalogues and it was nice to flick through and spot Orca's sisters We spent a good hour and a bit in here. Onto stalham for shopping, I refuse to use Tesco here, so it was the truely local shop for random bits, the butchers for meat and the small shops for other bits. It was strange though to see our friend here shopping to, he was the chap that gave us the boat in the first place and now lives locally so not too much of surprise though.. we chatted for a good hour and promised to drop round later. Back on the boat (after peering into the boat building sheds - I'd s love to get in there and get involved.. maybe oneday is was just after lunch. I sat watching the newbies from Richardsons being show the ropes which brought back memories of our first trips on the broads. Finding a gap between the demo trips we left stalham, I thought it would be good to head for Neatishead before it got busy. It was a nice trip down. The little river into neatishead is very very narrow and from Orca's wheelhouse it seemed even more narrow, thankfully we didn't meet another boat on the way down and once at the end we spotted a gap and what appeared to be a boat leaving so I turned around easily (Not using the turning point as Orca turns really well (sometimes!)) and just hoovered around for a bit..sadly the boat leaving was simply being pulled into that gap so it was off to somewhere else (I don't think I've ever not got into here at this time of the day). Just as we left we run into a rocketship, it was clearly newbies out of Richardsons on one of Clives new posh boats. To be fair they was probably only doing 4 or 5 mph but they wasn't looking and didn't quite notice that there wasn't room, I noticed though and got Orca right over into a Private "Driveway", and sent Dave forward, annoying a slight crosswind developed so my plan was to hold the bow on the quayheading as so they could pass. We told the rocketship to slow down but sadly they waved back and ignored us. At this point as the water was sucked from below our keel Orca crept close towards the rocketship at which time Orca's shallow depth alarm sounded and I spotted the chain right behind our swimdeck (thoughtful), therefore I couldn't do anything and the rocketships windows where in the hands of the gods (I do guess the new bonded windows are plastic Clive?!). Thankfully they quickly passed and calling for Dave to walk us off the bank as we have no water to engage gear he did. Returning to the wheelhouse he reassured me that we didn't hit (which I thought did) but Orca's mudweight and chainpipe "was an inch from their windows". Oh well no harm down then.. (Instead of being arrogant, I'm going to share advise what I thought the other party should have done in such situactions so newbies aren't put off and can hopefully be prepared as we do all make mistakes but if we know what to do it makes them more fun! So here goes.. This section of the river is so narrow and should be navigated on tick over (ignore the rev gauge and the silly MPH boards), I know some boats need power though and we are no exception! so if you find you need power that's ok add slightly more power but not too much.. if you approach another boat and it's so narrow then you do need to pretty much stop and be prepared to fend the boats off gently so you can pass.. It is easier said than done but in general things are easier done slowly.) Thankfully we spotted gay's staithe looked to have an empty space although annoyingly right on the end. I approached forward but it quickly became clear we needed to reverse in as there wasn't enough space to turn (considering most of the boats were nice long ones too!).. So I gently reversed out and turned around in a larger spot and proceeded to reverse in.. Thankfully Dave understands what I was doing and was out to fend us off, I pretty much reduced power down right down and Dave walked Orca in. Although I had to turn into the mooring to position for stern on, but very gently as we had to pivot on the bows of other boats and I could see mudweights level with Orca's windows (and Dave struggling!) typically at the this point a side wind also caught us and made the turn that much stronger although thankfully the NBN Burgee flying from the pullpit caught a tree and stopped the turn.. we then backed in. I must admit it didn't look very controlled and once the engine was off I recollected and decided it probably wasn't the best idea considering how close boats came to our windows but no damage was done and lesson learnt (we don't need to squeeze into tight moorings really). Once off the boat a chap who was on a small tented sailing boat came over and said "I thought you was a hire boat.. I wish I knew you knew what you was doing, I was worried".. Reassuring him I said "Not quite sure I knew what I was doing to be honest but at least I missed you ". I needed a beer so we decided to lock up and walk up to the pub at neatishead. It was a bit of a walk and the typical rain didn't help but it wasn't too bad. They had wherry on and I grabbed my first Ale trail sticker! We decided that the BBQ planned for tonight wasn't going to happen so decided to order food. It was the first time in here since it was modernised and thankfully it wasn't as bad as I was worried (I'm all for modernisation but I do like the old country pubs). As we finished the sailors from beside us arrived but we was down so wished them an enjoyable lunch. I had spotted a geocache was nearby so we decided to take a look, it was a tough one but we found it but sadly no pen so agreed to return back tomorrow. Back to the boat, thankfully the walk seemed closer, the moorings were empty so I decided to hide a geocache here!.. by this time the sailors returned and we had a quick chat, the conversation quickly turned towards the boat (Typical question.. "is this your boat") so we explained and invited them aboard.. showed pictures and explained everything. They explained that they tour around (europe) in their little 15foot sailing boat and had already spent 5 days aboard (it's seriously bare bones sailing.. bucket and chuck it even!), this was the first broads trip and they started at Upton and have been up to potter and under and then up to here the last couple of days. They had met rock climbing so sleeping in a 15 foot sailboat was noting compared to sleeping in a tent hanging off a mountain! They also knew friends who had been aboard the first sailing boats to pass the northern passage in canada (Atlantic to pacific coast via the artic circle).. it was a really good chat.. proper sailing tales.. A few beers were drunk and it was a late night but a good night with company aboard. I did give them the nbn website details as so they can read this.. hopefully they do and safe sailing on your next trips
  8. That's some good news.. thanks for sharing. It's a shame it wasn't in place when we was up there but we will certainly take the trip when it's ready
  9. That's similar to what we have (although we only have one), the pumps not the best quality though (although it works.. well!) and the chroming is already peeling from the trumpet so they will probably need replacing in a couple of years.. I'd love to find a decent version though but these are worth trying.
  10. I did think that Peter.. but you would have thought that they would have considering these first?! Having walked that path a few times I can't quite see where these spots would be. I suspect they will be using the ibtc moorings Oulton end (which I suspect is a bit too far.. it really needs to be closer such as the old pier between the bridges) but not sure where they would land the other end... Shame it's not been well planned as I do think it would be really good for both areas and I'd love to see the docks there from the river.
  11. Does anyone know what's happening with this? It's in the broadcaster but the website shows as "Coming soon".. The boat appears to be floating but seems to have stalled.. I think it will be a good asset for all and be a shame if it doesn't happen. http://www.lowestoftwatertaxi.co.uk/
  12. Orca has a 160db truck air horn and even at times that's ignored.. I am looking for louder! The normal 12v boat horns are useless.. go for a air horn... (Although it would probably start to spoil the place if too many do it.. but at the moment I'm being selfish although only use it if someones about to hit me and at that point I want them hear me and get the out of my way )
  13. Windows is what the world's computer uses.. it's crap.. that's why everyone uses it .. It's owned by a guy called Bill, Named "Mircosoft" although they aren't Micro. Mircrosoft can't count hence the new version is windows 10 (previously we had 3.1, 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, 7,8,10)... For the first time ever these idoits (Microsoft) are given it away free?! Why? Because it's going to be Crapper than the last.. that's how it always works and also because they now can't even sell it because it's got so crap..Mircosoft don't know what testing is so it will be full of bugs so personally I'm not wasting my time and sticking with the version I paid for at least it should work (If that's what you call it).. Mac's, are developed by a bunch of cyder loving hippies (No not from Norfolk, or Somerset) they only have one finger so never developed the right click, the software always looks half finished (Just like their company logo) but these "dudes" like rounded edges cause it looks cool dude and they but very good at marketing so they market to all the cool dudes at excessive prices and bizarrely the cool people buy it (Love you mum).. Alan. DipHE, BSc (Hons) Software engineering.. (Class of 2005)...
  14. JawsOrca

    popped in

    On our recent trip up.. you certainly looked busy Jon... at one stage we saw you towing three boats all rafted together.. on the narrow river there that certainly looked like hard work!
  15. I doubt the BA look too closely and it's not really for the BA to say anything, It's the boats owners responsibility to ensure that adequate cover is provided in line with byelaws. If what kfurbank has said is true and looking at the link it appears so then I too would assume that insurance services provided would not be adequate. Therefore If I was insured with them I would be looking to insure elsewhere. It's to easy to be paying into a policy for years but it being completely worthless when you need it. "There's no smoke without fire" but naturally though there's two sides to a story and it would be good to hear what these companies have to say.
  16. Day 2 - Saturday 12th July. Awoken at the what felt like the middle of the night by a bump and the boat rocking, shocked I thought it was a shark attack but the sound of an un-silenced BMC quickly confirmed it was indeed a boat. Peering out the window confirmed too that most of the hireboats outside have departed, probably already off to find today's overnight mooring. So already wide awake it was decided we too make a move, we had moored towards the end and I was a bit worried we would be seriously bumped by crews struggling to turn around. Engine on Orca headed towards the end of the dyke and a quick 3 point turn Orca was turned and heading onto the main river, Dave at the ready to do the fendoff walk, although thankfully he wasn't needed. We headed upstream and into a light bit of rain... The aim was a trip to Lathams for fishing gear as we didn't have any aboard. Although noticing womack dyke I thought it would nice to pop in there and let the rain clear. Yup sadly the rain had no plans to stop, but there was a couple of mooring spots free on the public staithe so picking the biggest one, I gently reversed Orca into the stern mooring (Making full use of the ability of the steering in reverse), a nice sheerline private boat was beside us and her owners where clearly spotted at enjoying breakfast but reassuringly didn't feel the need to postpone breakfast. Noticing there was a post office in nearby ludham and remembering we needed fishing licences we locked Orca up and wondered up the road. The shop containing the postoffice looked nice, I don't quite remember this shop but we resisted buying any "junk food". Fishing licences in Hand we returned back to the staithe, on the way back though we noticed a couple of geocaches so we decided to look for these. Sadly we couldn't find it the hint didn't make sense Noticing our waste tank could do with a pump out we went into the little shop and booked a slot! (One boat in front of us) We obviously also went for a wonder (I really want a small "Norfolk" flag but couldn't find any), although the junk food temptation was too strong in here and we brought a few junky bits! To some shock we noticed a huge hireboat had squeezed in beside Orca... I daren't look for damage! But I quickly got chatting to the couple who sadly advised the boat was broken already.. on day 2 for them.. and could only be steered from above They also sad they was very disappointed with the boat and invited me aboard for further chat and details.. It was a flybridge boat from Faircroft and although very big, it was indeed very narrow and a bit of a confused layout, considering what they paid for a weeks hire I understand their disappointed.. it probably didn't help when I explained Orca's mooring cost is less than their weeks hire cost. Noticing the pump boat was now departed, I jumped off and wished them well and best wished and carefully moved Orca over to the pump out spot. The lady on the pump out was very talkative (I so like a natter!) I can't say what was moaning about but all good.. A brilliant pump out though.. this was actually our first proper attended pumpout as we have been using the WRC self service one so she pumped it through a few times, naturally I offered a tip for her efforts. The rain had now finally stopped so we departed slowly with the aim to head to potter. Passing the geocache spot from the river the clue made sense and we spotted the hide ... next time! The trip up to Potter was nice and relaxing, although as we approached the bridge we was shocked to see all moorings taken, but we spotted some of the free moorings between the cottages on the bank a little further downstream were empty so headed for these. Fishing gear and more shopping completed we returned to the boat as the pesky rain started. Considering the rain now appeared to be firmly in for the day we planned to go up the River Ant. Berny arms through the rain looked miserable as did the ant. Ludham bridge appeared between the wipes of the windscreen wiper just as the rain really threw it down, Dave peered his head around the canopy and confirmed there was enough space and Orca passed through easily. The rain slowed down enough by the time we reached irstead and as the mooring was empty I decided it was time for a break. We found a quick geocache and wondered around a bit.. noticing one of the local houses had done some little gifts (Painted flowerpots) we decided to grab one for our neighbour Jerri who was looking after the cat. Whilst moored we also spotted a boat passing with an NBN Burgee (Sorry I didn't see the boat name) but waves were exchanged! Engine on we departed. Quickly we spotted the ice cream boat "Indulgence!" (and fellow NBN member!) we got their attention and grabbed two ice creams.. although a bit of a dull day it was still warm and ice creams did the trick! I decided to head to Sutton for the evening.. we've not been there that many times before so it would be nice to be back. Approaching the moorings we noticed they all appeared full and time was getting on but I decided to still head up there knowing there was enough space to turn around anyway. Thankfully a mooring was available an Orca was quickly tied up. Just like last night it was a couple of Geocaches and a beer before returning to boat for dinner aboard and some fishing. The river quickly misted over so after dinner I grabbed the camera and took a couple of pictures.
  17. A flood barrier will also stop all "immigration" to and from the north/south.. now there's an idea... I'll start a petition...
  18. Sorry Iain.. I know what you mean.. it can get a bit rough there and the winds can make it a challenge but it was very clear that they were positioned to allow a large fishing gap.. considering they were all comfortable with most of the contents of lathams fishing store taking all of the 20 foot gap.. I do understand but when boats are looking to moor up I did personally find it a bit inconsiderate.
  19. Mark... I know her weakness all we need to do is stay in front of a tacking rag and stick boat she has no chance of catching us.. Perhaps we could give the amateur sailing club or beccles a call, they are really good at tacking down there.. we could pay them to play outside GYYS then she really will have no chance!
  20. Mark the fishing platform at that bank in Horning are charged by the "Woodbastwick estate".. Hence the fisherpeople aim for the BA moorings to save a couple of quid I've had the same looks though mooring the opposite side of the bank.. strange. Without moaning too much.. we did notice 4 or 5 private boats moored at Berney with a good 20 foot spot between them (so if moored within a meter of each you would get 2 decent sized boats in) as so they had a nice wide area to fish from.. imho that's being selfish and the BA should have a word with them.. considering the moorings were full and boats were looking to moor. I understand the need for a little bit of gap but this lot really where taking it to the extreme.
  21. Hmm but I think we will need a passport and pay a small fee.. this will give us the ability to second question whether we really want to do something so silly...
  22. lol.. I meant the painted flower pots... tut tut
  23. I think all we need to do is ban hireboats from the southern broads..
  24. You seriously made them??? If so then very good .. Perhaps if near the tourist routes you should do one of the little outdoor stalls with an honesty box.. they are brilliant up there and we got a few gifts for people back home!
  25. Jim as Mark said.. Turning on the narrow section of the YS with the tide flowing (in either way) is a serious accident waiting to happen.. (Been there done that) at worst you will slam into the bridge and take the boats superstructure with you.. Honestly don't try it.. Only run down to yarmouth knowing you can get under the bridge and ideally bang on slack water .. Enjoy planning..
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