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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Good luck to the guys living there and will be affected... despite the legalities etc etc etc it's still peoples homes.. so fingers crossed everyone is sorted out without too many problems.
  2. Friday 24th July Again I slept really well.. Probably being back on the peaceful southern broads It was also nice a dry with light cloud so I grinned knowing the forecast was rubbish! So I decided to run over to Oulton (we owe them a nights mooring fee) it was a bit busy still and there was no spare spots on the floating pontoon so I had to spin around gently and stern on.. as I was spinning though a dingbat on a brooms hireboat decided to just pull out instead of waiting and we had to stop and get out of his way.. Oh joy.. [Newbies.. Don't be impatient, If there's a boat mooring in a basin, sit and wait until they are out of the way ] Moored up, the harbour master wasn't about. Now I have a geocache hidden somewhere here so we thought we would go and make sure it was still there.. Hmm sadly no sign it's been stolen (yup it happens) balls! Sadly also the it started to drizzle so back to the boat no sign of the harbour master but we spotted the bridge opening again, which was opening which was what delayed us before. So we gave up. Dave said he wanted to do some fishing so suggested stopping for lunch at the dyke moorings. Off we went.. Strangly the dyke moorings where empty but thats all good as we could moor on the floating pontoon It was a strong tide so it was a pain to moor but I got her all moored up.. Just as Dave started to fish the rain came oh well so the weather was right. I reluctantly checked the weather on my phone.. Hmm yup.. weather warnings left right and centre so geldeston was off.. At this time my parents were spotted on the horizon.. in a bizarre moment I waved and they motored past?! Although we noticed/heard their exhaust was dry and called them up on the VHF and had a quick word.. Dad wasn't worried so carried on. We stayed for a bit but the rain and wind started getting heavy so we decided just to run for the cover of the WRC. The WRC was empty so we just moored side on, checking with the marina chap there all was ok. Which he confirmed all was.. We ran into the pub for some refreshments and booked a table for a bit later. Back to the boat to get scrubbed up for dinner. Dinner was OK. (I had lasagna which was ok but I'm not a huge meat fan but fancied something different).. Just as we finished we spotted Steve and Debs which was a bit strange as we thought they was in Beccles getting ready for tomorrows meet up. We grabbed a bigger table and Steve mentioned he had been a complete dingbat ( ) and left his tablets in the car and had to motor back to grab them (You could have called Steve and we would have driven them over!!) and spotted us moored up so decided to come and keep us company Sadly a band started to play (It seemed they was meant to be outside but came inside so it was a bit crammed and loud) so we went back to Orca to continue.. Erm yup we got a bit carried away and called it a night at about 2am lol.. but good evening nice to have a good chat!
  3. Thursday 23rd July A nice lay in! Our yard is so peaceful in the evening.. I've always said I don't understand stay aboard in the boatyard but I must admit I get it when the yards so peaceful! Certainly no other places close by. Today's idea was to head into Yarmouth, we've not yarmouth for many years really and I remembered again the time and tide museum was good.. I remember now we actually went here just before I went to uni in 2002!! scary! So in the car, yarmouth was close by, a bit of head scratching looking for a spot to park..eventually we found a multi-story but erm yup tiny parking space and no signs, not the best start considering I wouldn't say I'm a huge yarmouth fan. Once outside we headed towards the museum, spotting a geocache was on the way we grabbed that but reading the info page on the app it was really interesting.. it was the spot of the first zepplin attack on the UK during WW1.. We found the museam against what looked like a council estate but the museum was really good (http://www.museums.norfolk.gov.uk/Visit_Us/Time_and_Tide/index.htm).. just like castle museum it was huge and took hours to wonder around.. the best bit though was about the "Rows" (narrow row of houses) shame there isn't any left as Yarmouth would be really cool to wonder around. I then fancied fish and chips and we found the revamped Harry Ramsdens.. Yup yummy.. Finally the rock shop for bits before back to the car.. It was getting late and I hoped to get to Oulton with Orca and watch some powerboat racing but I think we missed that.. By the time we got back to the boat the sun was already setting.. So it was engine and Nav lights on But we had a magical trip down with the sun setting right behind us and Dave grabbed some nice pictures. I wanted to mud weight as we've only done it once and noticing the depth was only 6 feet we spotted a good spot by the houseboats.. Tomorrows plan was to head down to Geldestone and spend a night there but we got a few concerned messages advising a storm was on the way and strong winds and heavy rain.. but I didn't believe them looking at tonight's sleepy skies.
  4. Wednesday 22nd July. So that pesky cheap annoying alarm was set to go off at silly o'clock as I released the tide wasn't at 10.30am which I thought it was but just gone 8. So 6.45am I wondered down to the shop to drop off the dvd rental at the shop.. Yup no chance the shop was shut. So back to the boat for some breakfast. 7.30 the shop opened up and we both wandered down and dropped the DVD off. The goats were already awake and wondered over to say good morning as we approached the bank we noticed some people stepping off, and without thinking about it I pointed at them and said to the goat.. "Look tourist".. yup the goat quickly trotted towards them and yup the crew ran for the cover of the boat lol I quickly reassured them he's tame and probably lick you to death if anything.. they didn't look convinced lol Back on the boat we headed off but slowly at 4mph as we had plenty of time and I wanted to take the steering gently as at this speed I shouldnt need to steer much.. it was a nice clear morning and we was only overtaken by a couple of boats and all doing a gentle pace. Yarmouth YS was busy and all double moored which was a surprise, I've not seen it like that for many years. Under the bridges with no problems. The tide was flowing into breydon and the chief engineer gave me permission to apply some power. We got up to 9.5mph but I eased her back down to 2400revs and she cruised comfortably at 8.5mph which felt nice and comfortable, at this speed to the steering is nice and light .. We overtook a lot of boats.. One boat though was on the far right side, slowly overtaking another so I had to come back to 6mph but once they saw me I powered back up. The trip back to the marina was nice and easy. We had wanted to take the back into Norwich but sadly we was worried about the steering and as we had to be in Beccles for Saturday it would have been a bit tight with lots of helming.. So we decided to go back to the yard and use the land yacht! So in the car into the big city.. Norwich feels like London in places but still good.. Dave wanted to see the castle so we went there first, I thought I would be just the castle but surprised that it's a museum.. I must admit the castle bit was the best bit but the museum was interesting. Off for some shopping, we grabbed some mustard obviously and gifts for people back home. We did a few geocaches before heading back via the river walkway. At norfolk YS we spotted the family from Ranworth and we had a good chat.. they really did well to get here considering we saw them in Stokesby last night but they said they just got here.. Sadly they had problems with the throttle on the boat but Faircroft did a good job at fixing it .. although they lost a day.. Eventually we wished them well and hoped to see them again soon! Sadly it was now rush hour and geez norwich in rush hour is just like london! It so needs better roads! Eventually we left and we fancied a chinese, thinking there was a Chinese restaurant in beccles we headed there.. nope... closed, the smart phone then suggested Lowestoft which we did and thankfully found a nice restaurant there.. (http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Restaurant_Review-g190775-d6223152-Reviews-Emperor-Lowestoft_Suffolk_East_Anglia_England.html) After a nice meal we spotted a nearby geocache which was apparently near the "furthest easterly point" having down the furthest southern point we had to see as it was a walk away! Yup it certainly was we spotted a little extra bit so carefully wandered out and get some pics. Back to the boat after a nice afternoon out with the car.
  5. I hope you are OK Monica.. At least she sold quickly and you can now move forward Think of all those different hire boats you can hire now and some right smart ones!!
  6. Whoops... Is it still there mark?
  7. to the forum from me.. P.s that does seem to be a real "them and us"!!.. Plastic Orca will be over by the woodies though (Hopefully!).. She does a fair few grand worth of timber inside lol
  8. Myer to the forum from me. All the different vessels are all part of the broads. Thankfully I've done sailing and Mobo'ing so I understand both sides of it. I've settled back into a mobo for now although am still a member of my local yacht club with lots of possibilities to go out sailing. Although I've never sailed on the broads as it's seems hard work.. So personally you broads sailors have all my respect! Just ignore the others.. there all either weird or jealous
  9. Same here, I'm bringing Orca down to Beccles too.. I think Robin it's now your duty and responsibility to help crew B.A Hope Griff gets some help
  10. Lol oh ok Sorry Barry lol.. Will see you down there then!
  11. Barry are you bringing springsong to Beccles next weekend?
  12. Oh Grace.. My parents never took us on the broads when we was kids.. Mum thought I would try and drown myself.. Hmm don't think I would have! I know what you mean though, I won't cause a debate about what I think of these (expensive) new boats but the older ones still have ton's more character and neglecting the cost if we was hiring, I'd be going for the proper old boats ( I do certainly think Clive needs to paint some of the new boats Orange or Yellow as we running the risk of the iconic colourful hireboats going extinct at this rate ) As for the Richardsons obsession I think you need to change your forum signature to say something along of the "Official NBN Richardsons Groupie" lol
  13. Grace you should seriously try Marthams one day.. I wouldn't like to call them basic .. more like "honest and traditional".. I still have memories from hiring Janet from them (I think we did 2x 2 weeks over 2 years) . Sadly we was obviously not around the days when it was all timber boats but we got a sense of it on Janet. Try it seriously. But I suspect you may struggle to look back at a plastic boat in the same way as before though.
  14. Sabre .. I heard Sabre.. What's a Sabre princess? lol And Andy, you are meant to be flat out working, mid season, not out and about on your own boats enjoying yourself.. geez I think we've seen sweet freedom and it looks very nice with a nice fresh paint job
  15. I might have explained it wrong Robin.. two secs I'll google... Yup sorry it's actually "Hoveton Great Broad nature trail" (Wroxham Hoveton.. both the same!) Access is via the mooring opposite Salhouse island moorings. It's not as long as How hills walk but it's still really good and easy to waste an hour.
  16. Thanks Grace.. that's Daves Lol I probably didn't explain it that well but it was just like that.. I think they was both drunk and first day out but surely you would just hold you hands up and go "Sorry not sure what I'm doing but I'm learning" instead of saying something random.. God only knows how I didn't put someones windows through though..
  17. Tuesday 21st July Although a lovely quiet mooring last night, I didn't really sleep, it was a windy and wet night and I was worried about the the boat (I never sleep when it's really windy though so nothing unusual).. I think I was worried about the swimdeck breaking even more considering it was a stern mooring. Although I woke up a bit later than usual so once up thankfully we was still moored up and the swimdeck was all good. I noticed a chap hireboat from summercraft was sitting beside his boat, so I asked if it was last day.. Surprised to hear "No First day", I had a good long chat giving them some tips on where to go and what to do, they was newbies and had a Hampton style boat so could go everywhere. Thankfully we got out of the mooring with no problems, the river was very very busy and we had to pay attention following lots of day boats. Needing a walk we stopped at the Wroxham broad nature reserve, it was a nice day and we had a nice slow wander round. As we headed back to the boat a large hireboat had got the basic of mooring against the tide (But they was getting an icecream and it was windy), it was a load of lads and eventually we got them moored up, although a couple of times the helmsmen ignore me when I said no throttle, so much so in the end I told him to keep his hands where I could see them!! Spotting a gap in the traffic we quickly departed reversing into the wind and like a pro spinning her around (I do love the way she spins around!!). We had a really leisurely cruise down past Horning, thankfully although busy everyone was being sensible. The plan today was head to Stokesby this evening ready for an early morning crossing south tomorrow. It was about lunch time so being in rush we decided to head down to south walsham and mudweight and do a bit of fishing. All the public moorings where full with fisherfolk so looked like a we in for some good fishing! It was getting again and as we approached the broad and turned into the broad the steering jammed up and I couldn't steer out. Slightly panicking I eased off the throttle and managed to force the steering around. Dave was up on the bow getting the mudweight ready. I gave him the toot on the horn and he dropped it at a good spot.. I relaxed for a bit and then tried the steering with the engine off, thinking the jam could just be something to do with the prop wash but it was jamming up even when off so indicating something was up. Now annoyingly all of the running gear was replaced apart from the steering because it seemed ok, although over time there was a wobble on the hub so we wanted to get it replaced this winter thinking it would be ok and is just wear. I told Dave and was getting really worried, so much so I couldnt relax and fish and Dave agreed we just take it slow and limp the boat back to it berth down south. Remembering Russell marine was here I said to Dave, lets see if they these chap have a spare hub. The wind was really strong and it was an on shore wind which meant it would be very hard to moor up without losing control. Ideally we wanted a spot in the basin but there was a (small) boat already there (taking up three berths!), so the only one left was side on one. I realised the only way to keep control was to keep the sterndrive pointing into the wind and gently edge towards the quay, in the end I did so with the engine and in reverse and then going to neutral once dave had steped off from the very front of the bow.. but all in no damage (for once!).. I ran in found someone, dragged them out, and yup they condemed it saying we need to replace it all and no easy job etc etc.. Dave thought it was just the grease had thicked or departed so WD40'd the end thinking that would do it (Yup we know you shouldn't do this but it just had to get us home).. thankfully that worked and the steering was working really well.. So we left again heading straight for Stokesby! As we headed down towards the main river though we spotted one of those pesky rag boats tacking on the bend by the public moorings and in a good breeze, thankfully though they was moving nice and slowly though so I wasn't worrying, so as they tacked I steered to go past (they was tacking towards up), to my surprise though a rocketship decided to turn towards us and head at some speed to the same gap. But yup, there wasn't the room for the both of us so I sounded the "Get the out of my way" horn, expecting them to bear away, ease down and get back onto their side of the river, yup they didn't infact the speed up so I rammed Orca into reverse and drifted (with the wind behind me) into a thankfully empty mooring spot! A chap in a mooring spot ran out as he thought he was about to get rammed by a container ship! The pesky rocketship helmsman said some lovely words to me, at which point Dave headed to the back of Orca and politely asked "Where was we meant to go" (remembering we are approaching a sailing boat coming towards us and this boat was on "our" side) their response was "On the other side of the river... you should get out of my way".. Dave ironically said "There's a sailboat that side though that's why we are on this side".. (He was actually calm and polite, he can be a bit abrupt so he can be hard work to control but he was ok! Leaving it as that we carried on.. Although the chap on the moored up boat managed to laugh and shrug his shoulders as in "Normal for Norfolk"... [Ok for newbies, Once again the boat overtaking another boat, whatever that is sail or power, should keep clear of that vessel and other vessels, you can go on the "wrong" side of the river but only if it's safe to do so, you certainly shouldn't expect a boat on the other side to get out your way, just like in a car you shouldn't make another vessel take aversive action and you should hurl abuse if you make a boo boo!] Thankfully the trip down towards Stokesby was nice and peaceful. We spotted the hireboaters which we met in Ranworth all moored up but all other moorings were taken. But we noticed they had a big spot with a reasonable mooring infront of them so I said to Dave, I'll spin round and ask them if they can pull back a bit so I can get in in front.. Spun round, it was a strong tide and wind.. Getting close the chaps said they can't go back any further as no points to tie too and trusting but they said the spot is big enough for us anyway and it kinda looked it.. So spun round a bit further up and came back against the tide as I approached though it was clear it wasn't quite big enough and the wind started pushing us into the boats so I gave up.. Waved goodbye and gave hand signals saying too small Hoping Stacey arms would be empty. As we approached Stacey we spotted a boat right at the end but thankfully it was largely empty.. It took a few attempts to work out which way to come in as the wind and tide was pretty much cancelling each other but eventually I just threw it in but not doing any damage! I don't think we have ever overnighted here so sadly was a bit disappointed but we planned to do a BBQ anyway so wasn't too concerned spending the last night without a pub. We wondered into the shop to grab a few bits and spotted they do DVD rental so grabbed a Harry potter DVD! BBQ on.. Whilst I was preparing food, Dave screamed "Some dude just tried killing his wife!", "What the" I ran out and noticed a hireboat doing doughnuts and a pissed off women sitting on the concentrate. Dave spotted the chap accelerated whilst his wife was on the shore with the rope in her hands (but moored with the current, the wind had dropped and the current had increased), we ran over firstly I checked if the wife was ok .. Clearly shaken she was ok and promised she was. Dave helped the chap moor up although he was in full reverse (Thankfully his wife naturally threw the line back on the boat) and sitting there.. Dave gave him quite a telling off although and told him what to do and what not to do it seemed to go in one ear and out the other but I guess he was worried about his wife. I made sure again she was OK.. sadly she sat there all day so I guess he learnt from such mistake but it could have been much worse. [Newbies, Simply.. moor against the tide, if the boat comes in uncontrolled or started drifting sideways then turn around and try again, Never accelerate forwards if the crew are on the shore, mak sure you know where they are and where your lines are before accelerating and take it slow, it you are at full throttle something up ]. BBQ was nice, as was the sunset and I got some pics before we watched the Movie (although Dave feel asleep half way through)
  18. I must admit, I'm kinda with Robin on this one.. We only go to potter for lathams and don't stop overnight and don't eat here.. I agree it does need more, if I remember rightly it used to have a little independent shopping bit but that's long gone.. I don't think lathams should go though as it's a good reason to stop (If not the only reason), tidied up; yup I agree.. I think there does need to be a decent pub and restaurant which will give people reason to stop overnight... and perhaps a cute little market like Wroxham Barns etc.. I don't think it's the best spot for a chain though as it's really a rural little spot but it certainly does need more... ideally keeping in character as grace said of the shacks.. but a chain I guess is better than nothing... let's hope it can turn around.. I think the addition of the tea rooms is showing it's trying to turn around..
  19. There's a pub in Potter? I thought that was a working mans club... Seriously though.. I have been in once and it wasn't for me.. I like oldy worldy pubs or well done modern ones. Sadly this one needs a serious amount of money spent on it.. Perhaps its a good spot for a harvester (Considering my Stacy arms harvester clearly isn't happening).. Or a really decent refit.. I do think there's a market here if it's done well and sells good food as there really is no where to eat there in the evening.. Fingers crossed (Needless to say good luck to the person who takes it over in the short term.. personally I wouldn't touch it unless it was refitted).
  20. Oh geez too many.. I guess the favorite was Silver Melody (The original), she felt like a proper boat and we had a good time on her. She's a very similar to our current boat to Other's that stand out though and equally favorite was Wildcat from Alpha and Firefly from Alpha (Wildcat was the perfect size for norfolk and I could relax and steer with my foot! We hired that boat many many times - Firefly again felt like a proper boat).. Lastly "Janet" from Mathams.. she clearly is a proper boat and we got the full experience on her (even weakening corking over Breydon water as it was a bit rough!). P.s JA I've not seen your hull before.. are you a broads boat? (you really need to get them humans to work harder as that picture looks an old one )
  21. Hi Alan, Good Idea, but I'm finding the stern is probably the safer bit as I can easily see that and control with the sterndrive so I shouldn't do too much damage there. But will certainly considering the idea of adding some protection Thanks Paul, I understand (From advise from Alex on Braveheart) that the bow thurster normally has it's own battery so we would certainly look into that. To be honest though we will probably get someone to do the full install for us as I don't want to be spending the winter working on it and would rather as if my Magic have someone else do it (We also know we have no experiance of this (And I've never inspected one fitted) so best to give to someone else ) Hi John, The bottom of the boat are erm pretty full of erm liquid supplies already! lol But we have slowly been adding more ballast (we have been using Pig iron) although I think does need a bit forward which will be a bit tough to get ballast into. I don't want to make her too heavy though it's just a matter of playing. We will get there in the end
  22. Hi Bob, Sorry too to hear this. Personally I would have taken pictures then contacted my insurance company (and pestered them) .. With pictures and the boats registration number it's easy enough for the insurance company to get the owners address details and persue a claim.. I'd also let the BA know that a certain boat is causing damage.. (not to mention driving around perhaps a little tipsy...)
  23. Hi Saily, The WRC does do good food. I must admit the decor is a bit weird imho?! I haven't been to the ferry inn at reedham for years.. See attached, Is this you? (Sadly the cloud cover was a bit heavy for brilliant pictures but perhaps if I make greyscale they would look good.).. It looks a similar rig to your profile picture. This was end of may though.. this boat looked amazing coming down the river though.. Always a nice sight to see
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