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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Hi Jim.. Personally I'd say you are pushing it with that plan.. I think it's about an hour from Ranworth to Acle alone (Then 2 hours).. so you are looking at three hours which would miss slack by some considerable time.. even though you will have the tide behind you for the majority. With an early morning tide at Yarmouth you do need to be closer to Yarmouth than further. Unless you buy your own boat then it doesn't matter where you moor as long as you have a good alarm clock Your high tops don't really permit for being too far off slack water. I'd say go for the acle or Stacy plan.. Stacy is about an hour or so from yarmouth with the tide behind you, so it would be a nice calm crossing.
  2. Thanks guys.. Sadly it gets a bit downhearted though.. but I'm going to tell it as it was and not try to polish it. (Mod's be warned you may need to moderate) Lol Steve. Good point actually I need to write it down before I forget it! Although not much to say... Drinking, Late nights.. Disco lights lol and regards to drinking you guys can't talk! Debs drinks out the bottle with a straw lol (I used to be a lot worse this year I was strangely tame.. although I needed to be sober to play dodgems).
  3. Welcome back there are quite a few local associations who I suspect will hold events throughout the summer and sadly these can really be anywhere. The yacht stations I understand can be reserved as can private moorings like Ranworth and salhouse. I've only ever seen a couple of these so I think you would be unlucky to see them .. I don't think you can avoid them, instead just have a backup plan The fisherpeople bit will probably start a heated debate if I went into that, but it's certain catch 22 (No pun intended ) personally I let them fish and move on to the next mooring, you will normally find by early evening they have moved on anyway.
  4. "Two weeks of insanity and Rocket ships" Day 1. Saturday 11th July. Raring to go, the normal un-welcomed ground shattering sound of the crappiest alarm in the world was a welcomed sound at 6.30am! two weeks worth of clothing was thrown into carrier bags and the random boat grab bag was located, by 7.30am we was in the car heading onto a surprising busy A2. Dartford tunnel was thankfully empty and before we knew it the "Welcome to Suffolk" sign just outside of ispwich wizzed passed together with Tesco's and the typical "What have we forgotten?" feeling... "Did you pick up the fitted bed sheets? I muttered to Dave?.. "Nope" was the obvious reply... "Ok Morrisons Beccles it is then". Beccles was soon upon us and for once I turned down the temptation of a Mc'd's breakfast! Into Morrisons, it was nice to be to be in norfolk, despite the drizzle.. Grr.. Morrisons was near to useless and surprising didn't have any fitted sheets, although we still managed to grab some "Drinks". Today's plan was to make use of a perfect early afternoon tide and head to the dreaded "Northern Broads". So the plan was to head for Asda, or Lathams or failing a Breydon crossing head for Beccles or Norwich. We arrived at the boat yard at 10am and was surprised to see the car park empty. The boat was quickly loaded up and engine checks promptly sorted. Engine on we was still on time for a Breydon crossing so we headed downstream. I wasn't sure how much room we would have under St Olaves although I thought it would be worth giving it a try so we headed towards the bridge and with thankful delight we saw we would have plenty of room, so carefully with the tide behind us we passed under. It's been many years (if any) that we have headed north on this part of the Waveney so as Dave had finished unpacking I made him steer whilst I relaxed in the late morning sun. Goodchild Marina quickly appeared around the bends along with the familiar sea like marker posts indicating Breydon was just around the next bend. Being late afternoon now we was joining a convoy of boats all of which appearing to heading out to sea and onto the promised land. The usual rocket ships quickly starting pushing the poor BMC's and Nanni's to 3000 rev's as if their lives depended on it, not realising that the boat was already on it's hull speed of 6.5mph! I kept Orca on 1100 rev's conserving Dinosaur bones. Although the chief engineer demanded full rev's as a "sea trial". Orca's lever was gradually pressed forward, her full planning hull quickly rose, the GPS quickly climbed until it peaked at 9.5mph at 2800 revs. Easing her back to what seemed a nice cruising speed she settled at 8.5mph at 2400revs and sadly the truly natural landscape of Breydon water quickly wizzed by, for once Orca was overtaking the Rocketships. 20 mins later we was passing under the spans of Breydon road bridge and surprised to see the tide had already turned! A gentle left turn after the yellow marker although it was more like a ferry glide considering the strength of the incoming tide and the confused turbulence of the outgoing tide flushing out of the bure. Thankfully I spotting a deserted Great Yarmouth Yacht Station we slowly headed towards the safety of the bank. The ex army officers which now staff the yacht station soon guided us in just like those chaps do at airports! A quick "Welcome" in a reassuring albeit confused London accent, which is sadly becoming far to common in Narfolk, followed by "I'm going to walk you up up a bit, as it may get busy". I briefly concluded "Please not too close as I only want to wait for the tide to turn and don't want to struggle to get out". Although such plea was promptly ignored and with a flick of the hand Orca was tied to the same post as the boat in front. Talking with my London accent now as perhaps that's the only way to be understood ; "Alright m8, any idea haw long the tide will take to turn". "20 mins m8".. "Ok me geeza, we just need to go to Asda to pick up the bits forgotten!" I think it's only been a couple of times that we have stopped with a boat here and Asda certainly wasn't built then! We got a bit lost finding the way in but thankfully they had everything we needed! We noticed that the Vauxhall bridge was the quickest route back and we were surprised to see it was all repainted and looking smart (Well half of it!). Back to the boat the tide had thankfully turned. We popped a couple of quid into the charity box as a mooring donation. Strange not to be helped out though! Thankfully the boat in front of us had departed so I had plenty of runway, although leaving Great Yarmouth was nice and easy and we was quickly looking back on Yarmouth (wondering why anyone would spend time there!). Dave took the helm for a bit and I watched the world go by, he's normally napping on this bit of the river as he enjoys the moment to rest but it was nice for me to relax for a bit. It felt strange to have Orca on this part of the broads, it's been over a year since we was last here ourselves and obviously the first time here with our own boat but a nice feeling all the same. The familiar sights of Stacy and Stokesby quickly passed by. Feeling hungry we decided to stop at the shop by Acle bridge, being a tough spot I wanted a challenge. Thankfully I'm already getting pretty good at the ferry glide! And drifted in like a Pro.. Although apologising to the couple enjoying a coffee outside the cafe who's view was now taken by Orca's topsides! Grabbing some leccy cards, tea towels and some ice creams we left for our final destination of Thurne dyke. Yup the couple seemed pleased! Approaching Thurne it quickly became apparent that this was where all the boats are, turning into the dyke we spotted a couple of spare moorings. On tick over I turned down, this is by far the closest helming I have done on Orca and flashbacks of sidewinds which are commong here were flicking through my head, Dave worked well fendering Orca off the boats already moored up although I think I only kissed a couple if any. We berthed on a port side mooring, although quickly spotted no mooring eyes and rond anchors weren't located yet. Somewhat surprisingly a holiday maker on a rocketship jumped out and instructed us to using the ring which he was using.. some 20 foot away from Orca's stern (Erm no as that would mean Orca would end up on the other side of the bank given any wind), thanking the chap for his help and offer we spotted a better spot on the other side and Orca was quickly all secured. The land owner was already doing the rounds so fee was promptly paid. We noticed a couple of geocaches on the smartphone so thought we would do this before beer in the pub. The geocache was up by the church so we wandered up, sadly we didn't find it and gave up just before being spotted by a local (It's never brilliant being spotted lurking in church yards just before dusk lol.. "Lovely evening for a walk" she offered, "Yes certainly is, Lovely spot it is too ". Another was spotted on the marshes and we quickly found it. Very nice spot.. well worth the walk. Pub for a pint before back to the boat for a prepared Chinese meal which we enjoyed on the cockpit bench seat whilst watching the night drawing in and the bats out enjoying their dinner.. It was nice to be up north albeit surrounded by lots of people and the feeling of constant glaring. Sadly not many pictures taken today, It was a busy day with lots of driving and unpacking..
  5. Punching the tide imho is never a good idea as it puts far too much undue pressure on the engine and should it go bang through there the best outcome is a few hours on the mud... the best plan by far is to carefully plan a passage and if you mess up then stop at a pub! Planning is also a key part of the experience.
  6. Perhaps do need a couple of signs .. "Are you sure you are going the right way?".. Then "Are you really sure?", "Are you really, really sure?", Finally "Thank you for visiting the Broads National Park"...
  7. Hi Alan, Certain agree the brand has a lot going for it, although I'm a bit worried that it's overly complex and perhaps a bit overkill for us. I emailed Sillette and they have advise it's more than we need (But won't suggest an alternative - Strange bunch!). I guess we will just have to go for it.. Thankfully there is no trim and tilt on this drive as it's rather simple (One reason we went with it).
  8. It was a flood tide the night before although the morning tide was much lower. I guessed they moored up there when it was on flood although Steve (LadyP) who left beccles 30 mins before us (The following morning) said they had left a few moments before only to be spotted up the bank. Perhaps a breakdown.. Certainly hope they got off and all are all well.. I did consider radioing through to the rangers but I've never seen one that far upstream.
  9. It's on one of the bends just downstream from the old railway piers near Beccles
  10. After what we saw in two weeks this sadly doesn't surprise me... although I am surprised they didn't try and go across the channel for a trip to france..
  11. Anyone knows if Duet 2 made it off?? Looked like they went looking for otters... (We advised the private boat assisting that it wasn't coming off as it was high and dry)... Wehlau one for you??
  12. Hi All, So back from 15 days aboard (well less two were we "needed a break!"), one big problem is that the only reused part on there is worn out.. so steering at a certain point (even when stationary) is very tight.. but I'm also getting lots of "feedback" on tight turns.. which to be honest scares the bejeepers out of me as it basically means the steering sticks and I have to either power up or down and force it around .. Quick googling suggest that there's a product out there which "helps" - "NFB - No feedback".. has anyone had any experience from this product? ( ) Sadly I'm now too afraid to use the boat until the steering is replaced so this needs sorting asap. Thanks as always
  13. The nbn meet almost ended up in beeclea high street! It came a phew (im getting a narfolk accent) of inches over the top! The harbour master said tonight will be worse
  14. Hiya. It seems 6 feet everywhere. But you should really try and moor the bank closest to where the wind is blowing... (that way if the mud weight slips you have all the broad for it to restick but we've never had one slip) we are south shore near the houseboats and it seems a good spot... Hi john.. extra strength repellant seemed to do the trick
  15. Come over and mud weight although theres the odd (thousand) mossies
  16. JawsOrca

    Ahoy Orca

    Fingers crossed it doesnt do that gulp. It seemed normal down to Oulton. We only have single engine (we spotted you a couple of times last week ) so I guess I would struggle if simular happen. I will replace the lot.. I've found the kit and sillette approve. . Judt neef to measure the cable ehich is easier said than done lol..
  17. Oulton broad mudweighting this evening...
  18. JawsOrca

    Ahoy Orca

    The hubs a bit worn and sticking at times not fun. We didn't replace as it seemed ok but 100 hours have killed it now. We will replace all with new though. It should get us to Beccles abd back if not someone will tow us lol
  19. JawsOrca

    Ahoy Orca

    Lol you must have shouted loudly tim. I heard over the engine lol. Sorry we missed you other guys. I like the little board walks sadly we dont have these down south although its so natural we don't need them. See you all in Beccles this weekend. We are doing land yatch today as orcas steering is a bit poorly and needs replacing but she will get to Beccles.
  20. I'm sure this elsewhere but top ten tips (I'm so surprised this isn't gospel) 1. Drive on the right 2. Overtake mid channel. When safe to do so. Keep clear of the other boat. Don't cut in too soon. 3. Don't travel after sunset. Unless you got navigation lights. 4. Moor against the tide or the wind which ever is strongest. 5. Step off the boat. Don't jump. 6. Wear a life jacket. Certainly were the tide is strong and certainly for children at all times near the water. 7. Watch your crew when on the bank dont use throttle when they have hold of the ropes. 8. You can't stop the boat its heavier than you. Use a turn around a post. If it's being pulled away from you then you won't able to stop it.. throw the rope onto the boat. 9. Go slowly.. everything is easier then. 10. Enjoy yourself. Feel free to add more but keep it friendly please
  21. Hi Robin. Sorry to say you guys spoke to dave and not me as I was in the shower when you came back. but thanks for stopping and thanks for kind. I was too shy to say anything in the pub plus didn't want to disturb! First time I've seen BA too and she looks stunning glad for you and good to hear all good with the leak. Hopefully say hello soon!
  22. From a steel houseboat owner... dont do it. Plastic plastic plastic.
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