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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Sorry all done John.. Tim and all: At present the system isn't sending notifications (Nor PM's) to your personal emails .. John and myself are addressing and hopefully it will be fixed shortly.. Updates will follow shortly Sorry all.
  2. Thanks John. no me neither. I guess its a server issue and not the board.. I'm just off to work but I'll message Jonzo see if he can look.. If not I'll look when I get in.. Although I got a pesky new boss whos already got the annoying habit of looking at my screen..
  3. Thanks John, The same here.. I just sent you a test PM which should email you too.. Can you advise if you get the email?
  4. strange, can someone please reply to this. so I can test
  5. Lol yeah Grace not sure steve can be too blamed.. I think the lovely pubs up there are the core problem.. we can't be blamed for the need to frequent! lol Steve, I think we need to do a mini pub crawl on the forth then... Woodfordes ale trail ...I'm sure it would help the dizzyness or at least make it feel a bit more normal
  6. lol don't worry I've done that before I admit though as a developer it's not the best in terms of usability and my own programs only have the one button...
  7. Lol whoops sorry Mark.. We have seen this one actually.. looks good.. I think it's actually a popular name, although probably not because of the film "Jaws" which ours was named after, but other things.. 1 being it's an apex predictor and the native american connection. According to Craig's list.. there's 15 (Excluding ours as she's not ended up on there yet) Orca's on the broads (at one point): http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boats_matching_search&RegNo=&bname=&aand=EQ&tand=EQ&quicksearch=orca Don't worry though you won't miss us Mark when you see us lol I look like a chav and Dave looks like a punk rocker.. and we will probably be zigzagging (Pesky Wind.. (hic) )
  8. Hi Griff.. I'd certainly report him. As long as you got the reg correct. Sadly because I do lots of driving I get a few idiots. I always report them and I do understand that the police prosecuted one so it's worth reporting. Worst case he will get a phone call or a knock on the door which should make him grow up and perhaps if he has something up with his car (tax insurance) then they can check that out to.
  9. JawsOrca


    Nope.. But BA took over responsibility of Breydon for Gt yarmouth harbour authority and then suddenly needed a boat able to cope with 5 feet waves.. (I've never seen 5 feet waves at breydon..)... £115k boat later.... Lots of people enjoy golf together...
  10. I asked the same the weekend too.. everyone is paying the advertised daily rates and everyone is a daily visitor.. If you have a large boat it's not an overly bad price if you don't visit everyday.
  11. JawsOrca


    It's not RCD approved Iain.. http://www.orkney-boats.com/boats/pilot-house/pilot20.html(or it maybe inland use only).. So perhaps for some strange reason the BA wanted a offshore capable cruiser (For H&S purposes maybe?).. ( But still not sure why they couldn't have gone for the slightly larger Pilot 25 which was offshore certified and probably less that what that SOB cost.. Perhaps everyone enjoys a game of golf together too!)
  12. JawsOrca


    Because it won't cope with 5 feet waves Iain.. and/or be less fun for the rangers...
  13. JawsOrca


    It is said that it dates back to 1936 when Norfolk’s then chief constable, Captain Stephen Hugh Van Neck, raised concerns about the behaviour of women on Broads boats. Say no more...
  14. Mod's can we delete this post and issue 10 warning points to Peter..?
  15. Dad it's the other way round now.. You fall off the end of the world going north...
  16. Thanks all.. It's nice to know the mobile phone should work. I'd guess too the call handler would advise where would be the best place to move the boat to. I think it really should be something we all think about and try to come up with a rough idea of what we would do. I know I'm a serious helm hogger so I do need to step back and let others get practice.. mooring really isn't hard but I bet it if you've not done it alot and when adrenaline is running.
  17. Looks a bit like pink champagne...
  18. Hardley Mill is lovely.. If you've not been you really need to... I was captivated seeing a mill (pump) turning for the first time.. Really worth the trip even from the otherside.
  19. Hi All, Having narrowly missed a medical emergency with one of our crew (Grandma feel sick a week after she was on the boat), it's got me thinking what I would do if it happened on the boat in the middle of the broads.. Considering the lack of phone signal (Our marina for example has no mobile phone signal). What would be best thing to do? Do I call a Mayday on the VHF (which everyone is licences for)? Even though we get a mobile signal? (would a VHF really get a decent range being so far inland?) or if we had a mobile signal should we just call 999? If the boat is no where need a road should we move the boat (even at night) to somewhere closer to road access or could this delay things and I'd be worried if leaving the patient to move the boat do more difficulties? Considering distances should we dramatically break the speed limits? Should we navigate into a private marina if that's the closest or continue onto a more open area? Would an air ambulance be sent out to us? I am worried at the moment I really don't have a plan to deal with this. I'm somewhat relieved that we have our own boat with nav lights/vhf radio etc but what about a hireboater too.. Are mobiles good enough for emergency calls? Should they move after dark to meet the emergency services? (Obviously I'm talking about a serious life threatening emergency here). P.s Grandma is home after spending just over a week in hospital. Thankfully, although it was serious, it seems like it was caused by medicine problems which has been adjusted and she's already running around as usual.
  20. Apparently so but you will need an app..: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bricatta.GPSTetherServer_FE&hl=en(If it's an apple phone then no idea ) I'm not sure how reliable it will be though (Not to mention the need to keep both devices charged) .. I'd suggest you at least get a GPS tablet.. (Most tablets even the ones out of china now have GPS so for £50 - £60 you will have an android one which won't require the tether.)
  21. This sounds fun.. I keep ours on the boat at all times. But it would good to see pictures of the NBN burgee getting into places! Iain.. I'm with Ray.. lets see scoot flying the nbn burgee up in scottyland!
  22. Safe trip eric.. it's 16dc and a light drizzle here in Medway and it's mid summer!!
  23. Perhaps we should have a southern broads section?! Personally I think the tides down south are really really good.. couple of reasons. 1. They allow you to practice basic navigation. 2. When used correctly they save a lot of fuel!!! (which is good for everyone). In terms of fenders. you are better grabbing a couple of A2 or A3 fenders.. a cheaper alternative is a fender board (http://www.practical-sailor.com/news/build_your_own_fender_boards-10681-1.html) Personally I love the southern broads and have no plans moving north any time soon.. there's more space.. some amazing pubs lovely little villages, it really feels you are getting away from it but still feels like the broads.. I really don't understand why people don't come and experience it.. Here's one of my favourite videos so far.. It's far from reeds and reeds..
  24. Let's keep it friendly If there's no space I just go elsewhere
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