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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. www.visitsuffolk.com Places to visit: www.somerleyton.co.uk pleasurewoodhills.com www.africa-alive.co.uk www.eatm.org.uk
  2. Well done to Richardsons. Personally i feel strongly that couples/small families are being forced into private ownership (Or give up altogether) as hire boats are getting bigger and thus more expensive.. (Unless they are smart enough to look at smaller independent yards which are able to offer cheaper alternatives but I suspect those newbies don't look much past the hoseasons website). I'm sure there's people that disagree and/or argue that there's not the market these days but surely yards survived on just this before?
  3. Sadly as I don't drink that much I can't drink Broadside anymore Iain (I used to only drink it though).. it's way too rich for me now.. I find wherry is more drinkable.. Woodfordes do "Nog" which is similar to broadside though bit again I couldn't manage that.. Personally I like to support more local companies too. I think Adnams has got a bit big and it's really ruined it as you can now get a adnams anywhere. .. Woodfoodes are growing too but they still feel local.
  4. Bit of a bump. This starts this weekend! I guess the ale trail books are in pubs now (Or from Sunday) .. this year there's also a Mobile App. More details here: www.woodfordesaletrail.co.uk. Apolos to mods/Jonzo for keep plugging this but personally I feel this is part of the Broads attraction
  5. Joking asside, sadly to thieves an outboard is an outboard as you say if it's and easy grab then it will probably go too.. At least that's a good tip on the Covers. Outside of the broads, I've heard of owners using random colours of spray paint to make the engine look less attractive which I understand has proven successful. From the googling I've found that covers can be obtained by emailing: broadsbeat@norfolk.pnn.police.uk or calling Broads Beat on 0845 456 4567 (Prices start at £15).. Please feel free to share further details though Stuart. (There's some good tips on here: http://www.norfolk.police.uk/newsandevents/newsstories/2011/june/makeyourboatsecuritytight.aspx- I must admit I'm aleady been a bit trusting and leaving stuff in the open.. need to stop that).
  6. I wonder if they would steel a chinese branded one?! If not it would be a good marketing idea and a reason to buy one: "Built to withstand thief"... !
  7. And you only joined the forum in march...? At least they visited lowestoft.. I dread to think what yarmouth would look like to ET. I wouldn't worry about.. it was probably some locals playing with helicopters from the 99p store.. or the RAF playing with the Russians as usual.
  8. I've got wicked games in my head again! You did this to me last time! (Good cover too). Brill Video Robin.. I must admit I'm starting to miss the northern rivers but it wont be long until we get up there
  9. I'd say an engine is something that needs careful consideration (If used by a boat that's frequently used) as it's needed to get to a2b and even on the safe broads, it can be a right pain if it don't play ball (Certainly considering as we have no breakdown service down south ). An engine should also last a fair few years without problem. From experience, I've brought cheap and it quickly becomes clear that it's a false economy, learning quickly that the money wasted would have been better spent on something proper and sadly you end up buying the branded one in the end anyway. As with everything you buy the most you can afford but somethings need money spent on them. There's obviously a risk with most brands but there is such thing as you get what you pay for not forgetting the extra peace of mind is worth it's weight in gold! When we got our tohatsu's they were the new(ish) boys on the block but it was evident they where built well (they even had better ideas than others, including things like enamel coated water channels. (Our 3.5hp tohatsu is 8 years old and still going strong!). Clearly there is a market for cheaper models although I would only ever use on a boat which is hardly used and isn't the main means of propulsion.
  10. Looks good.. Shame not a wooden one.. some of them are amazing.. "Proper" looking boats
  11. Have you got a chriscraft then DF?
  12. Lol japs fixed... (hopefully).. although I guess it could be offensive .. I think it's overkill..
  13. Welcome over here Jamster Glad you found us
  14. I remember when we brought our tohatsu (it was a 3.5hp) it was widely known that engines I think up to 4hp were all tohatsu based but rebranded as the other brands etc (you could tell though as the engines where identical) .. Googling hints that it's swapped around a bit now and Honda are now making the larger tohatsu (http://www.boatingmag.com/boats/honda-to-private-label-large-outboards-tohatsu).. so tohatsu certainly are the brand to go for.. Although I agree with Robin, if you hardly use it a chinese brand probably are ones to consider.. But personally I won't go for anything other than tohatsu (We did get a second new 18hp 4 stroke and that was very very good). Sorry I know we've drifted away from the original post which I believe was a very positive review for Marine Tech at South Walsham.. my folks have used them to and I believe they were very good with them.
  15. Thanks Dave.. Very Interesting (Honestly).. appreciate your time taken to answer Really looking forward to getting back up there and trying to do a better attempt at fishing now!
  16. Steve, why do they go past the middle though? Surely they can get a smaller one and fish closer to their side? We had a funny trip last year (or the year before).. we came into one the dykes at Rockland.. (at slow speed).. I saw a head pop up from the reeds followed by a scream and someone running at some distance towards us to the grab the rods positioned in the water.. At the same point point I put the boat in reverse and waited for ... I suspect they was asleep or day dreaming. but they were very good about it and thanked me for stopping (which we did with plenty of distance).. no harm done all part of the fun.. they even offered to buy us a drink for wasting fuel lol
  17. Don't forget we have a smiley for get your coat...
  18. (Tohatsu's are very good outboards. We've had a couple and they have been amazing..good choice!)
  19. Another update. I've had an email chat with a chap from the "Norfolk Mink Project" a volunteer project dealing with these. Sadly, Somerleyton being just over the border means someone else will have to assist although Suffolk Wildlife trust do similar so hopefully they will be along to assist. The chap advises that they are compiling a website to aid tracking, reporting and further information on these in Norfolk. It's not live at the moment although there's a holding page though and it's expected to go live in a few weeks. http://thenorfolkminkproject.org.uk/so for now still report via the BA. From the conversation it certainly seems these things wreak havoc and can quickly decimate wildlife including the water vole population which is apparently improving on the waverney (and other broads areas), so it's certainly important to report these sightings. Obviously it's sad for the individual creatures but they aren't native so need to be controlled.
  20. Lol... good spot Iain! The distance from the step and the bank is just too much with the swim deck even with that step it's still a bit of a mission! I forgot to put on the earlier tale that we left the WRC and half way down the river noticed the stole was missing.. It was also missing from the swimdeck.. back tracking we found it floating down the waverney! It was a bit fun trying to fish it out with the boat hook and dodging the on coming boats. There is no way an aft door is going in though lol
  21. Couple of pics attached. Sadly these are with my mobile so aren't brilliant quality. (I also think my sensor on my DSLR needs a clean and I keep putting it off). I've smudged the geocaching ones as they may give away the secret but it gives you some idea of how hard some are! The little one was behind a sign!! (If you do guess it please keep it to yourself). Thanks too chaps for the thoughts on Grandma.. she's still doing well and is apparently walking around the ward like nothings happened! David.. certainly look at doing geocaching.. you can make a start at home too as there will be plenty were you live there.
  22. Dave I hope you aren't apologising to me? As imtamping2 said there's no need. I wasn't trying to be right by any means.. just keeping the discussion going.. I'm sure you know what these forums are like.. i.e it's good to know for sure.. Thanks for raising it in the first place.. These sales details could still be wrong.. who knows for sure P.s Those windy fans remember hardley mill near cantley (Hardley side though) is working and really worth a visit..
  23. Just to advise. I emailed a few organisations including the above. An ecologist from the BA has just emailed me and advised that the the BA do make use of Mink monitoring rafts which also trap and allow for them to dealt with humanly. Obviously a potentially sad ending for this little american mink but a potentially good outcome for the water voles and others who these little critters gobble.. Well done the BA. (so if you do spot these in the broads please do report it).
  24. Hi John. There's a complex initiation ceremony. It's a bit like joining the freemasons.. You will soon see what I mean ... Lol no in all seriousness, one of the mod team will put a post up in the members section to see if other members class you as sane.. if you are then you won't be allowed in.. if not you will be welcomed in and will soon have access to the joke section...
  25. Geez yeah here's the bit in that sales particular: The main focal point of the property is the windmill which is owned, insured and maintained by the Windmill Trust. The windmill has been decommission but remains a real attraction for visitors attending the site. The Trust pay the venders for opening the windmill to the public. Currently their is a Lottery Grant awaiting approval for half million pounds to spend on the windmill.
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