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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Crafty! I admit I've not been there for a few years. Even so though it's part of the landscape and should be saved/protected etc.
  2. I thought this pump is owned and maintained by "Norfolk Windmills" hence they are seeking assistance. Last time I was there I'm sure it was free albeit the usual "Please donate box". P.s and to Mavis & John!
  3. No it was certainly a mink.. it looked like a black ferret and almost jumped on the boat.. Nasty thing..
  4. We spotted a Mink at Somerleyton on Friday.. Although I like to think I'm an animal lover. I can't stand these things they look evil.. I guess I need to report it as I understand these things are now an invasive species and need to be dealt with. Does anyone know if I need to report it and if so who too?
  5. "The Commodores Trip" Friday 12th June. This weekend the commodore of our yacht club (Those new to the tale; we had a sailing boat here in Kent so we was part of a yacht club as it's erm a cheap way to own a boat.. Although we still are proud members as it's close to home and discounted drinks! ) was visiting the area and wanted to come and visit what proper boating is like . The plan was they visit us on the saturday so we decided to run up to the boat after work. It was the first time we came up on the friday and despite driving through one mega thunderstorm the journey was quick and largely traffic free! We arrived just as it got dark, unpacked and fell asleep. Saturday 13th June. I was texting Sir Commodore (P.s he's just a normal bloke and "got the job" as no one else put their hands up lol!) and we arranged that we would aim for Beccles and meet up down there.. We wanted to put hours on the engine anyway as we are still running the engine in. Another reason we wanted to come up yesterday was that thumper (Orca's engine) was still leaking fuel ( ) and the chief engineer wanted to fix it.. he spent a couple of hours in the engine bay and after a few test fires reported that "it's good captain".. (In honesty, he probably didn't call me captain.. and he probably used lots of descriptive words but I'm sure you readers don't need to know these.. you can guess..!). Engine finally on.. Ropes unties between the drizzle we slipped away from a quiet marina. It was probably rather early in the morning so I tried to be quiet. The pesky bridge was closed and the gauge board there really does need a clean as even up close it was hard to read.. But yup with the tide behind me and reading it at 8 feet (Orca being somewhere between 8 and 11 feet.. I.e I still don't have a clue!!) I gave her a bit of reverse and span her around and retreated like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.. Typically we couldn't find the VHF radio either but the bridge suddenly opened as if the bridge operator was watching and thought best to open the bridge before Orca tries to knock it down. A tot on the horn as usual (Not sure if it does anything but nice to think it may) we went through and gently navigated this now familiar river. Beccles YC was once again healthily busy and knowing thumper is suffering from asthma at the moment and has a serious attack (i.e stalls) if its asked to go into neutral, I aimed for the closest spot.. To my surprise, Thumpers earlier operation appeared successful and it went into neutral without stalling out.. Nice! : She moored up without too much of a struggle despite a 2mph crosswind (which is normally enough to make her move at 20mph sideways... She really should be a sailing boat..!). We had a wonder around Beccles. A text from Lady Commodore "Dick had left late he chose to ignore SWMBO (The satnav) thus lost and ended up in a traffic jam!!" So they probably wont make it today! But we still did some shopping and replied back with "We will head to Oulton Broad.. Catch us there if you find out where to go!.. Tell Dick to listen to the women!". We also started our first Geocache adventure. I knew there was one in Beccles so we had a wonder and Dave found it before I did! Log signed we returned to the boat.. The chief engineer said we need some more dinosaur juice and googling pointed us towards Hippersons in Beccles.. So a good test for Asthmatic Thumper and my helming (patience) skills as it's a tight marina with a cross wind.. First go we noticed a boat taking up the service pontoon.. so gently spun her around.. The best thing is Orca really does turn on her own axis and I know (if she's playing nicely) I can get reverse and reverse out of problems.. Having a leg really does have it's good points.. Thankfully the other boat noticed us and made some space. second time in.. thankfully thumper was behaving really well.. I was getting 1.5mph (whereas before I couldn't get less than erm 4mph! without stalling) and we professionally moored up beside the service pontoon. A slightly sneaky Darren Hippersons (everyone's called Darren in the boatyards remember) said it's £1.35pl.. Although pointing out that I emailed Darrens boss in the week and he advised that it was £1.25.. Darren (Sorry actually his name wasn't Darren and he was a very helpful chap!) said that's if you got diesel heating.. "Yup we got heating and it's freezing at the moment" (Wiping forehead). (So be a bit careful there). Orca was quickly fueled up (25 litres) a nice chat to the chap as usual and a pat of the cat sitting on the reception desk, we left (although drooling at the proper boats in the wet shed there ... yummy ) (Seriously top marks to Hippersons, first time here.. Professional Yard. they do day boats and were brilliant with the day boaters.. we will be back there). The trip back to Oulton was sadly marred by rain (and disturbingly we had a phone call that Daves mum (and last weeks crew member "Grandma") was taken into hospital overnight although was sent home.. no worries. We stopped off just outside Oulton broad to look for our second Geocache (I'm not going to give too much away). We easily found it and surprised they really are right under your nose! Walking back to the boat, we was surprised when another boater said "Did you find what you were looking for?" Lol whoops.. part of the game is to be stealthy so we failed there.. "Was we that obvious" was my reply .. it was a nice chat though and we got a few pointers. We arrived into Oulton broad and once again slipped in the first mooring although it was nice and easy knowing that Thumper is behaving well. It was already getting late so still energised we went hunting for more geocaches.. One of the main problems I find with the boats is that it's easy not to wonder much and somewhat sadly we have seen most of the broads more than once .. so this is a nice little thing to get out and about exploring and having a reason to. (Instead of just aiming for the pubs). The third cache (the name for hidden thing) was rather sneaky.. it was a nano.. (I.e bloody tiny!) we didn't spot this one so wondered off to the next one.. sadly we didn't spot that one either although it was a nice walk... Back to the third, I had worked out that the phone app has a compass (!) and the GPS setting was quite precise so eventually we found it.. Right beside something we had passed many times.. It really was tiny and the bit of paper inside it which you need to sign was minute! We then walked around the park sadly no geocaches here although now hooked we was on the look out for our own spots! (hmm couple potential spots identified!).. Hungry with all this walking it was off to the wherry hotel for grub.. Pleasantly surprised with grub and thankfully they had Wherry on! We returned to the boat just after Dark. Sunday 14th June Sadly we was awoken to the pesky phone.. Ringing away. Dave's brother had called and sadly Grandma wasn't well had been taken back into hospital. Naturally I told Dave to do the engine checks whilst I went over and paid the overnight fee. Engine on and we slipped the mooring to return back to the boat yard. I texted our friends who where due up to advise. On the way back to the yard we managed to get more information and talk to Daves mum and learnt that the docs kinda knew what had happened and it's not as serious as first suspected and there's little need/point to go straight there, she also told us not to rush back.. Discussing quickly between ourselves we decided to head for the WRC.. to at least cook some breakfast and get more information which we did. Eventually more information did come through and we was assured that all is well and indeed there is no point on visiting today (Basically it seems like a medicine problem and she has been omitted to a ward for monitoring). Deciding that the best use of the day is still put some more hours on the engine we headed just upstream back to beccles for an hour or so. Once again noticing that there is some more geocaches locally we would get off the boat.. and have another walk to calm down a bit and look for the caches. Back on the boat it was just after lunch so we decided to return back to the marina. Thankfully it was low tide so were easily under the bridge and into the Marina.. the last time we was in the marina Thumper stalled out and we had to drift in her berth just missing the other boats (not sure how we made that!).. but this time with tons more control I came in dead slow (1mph!!) and noticing the neighboring boat had it's crew aboard, without touching anything backed Orca in very professionally! .. it's so reassuring to know that I now have all this control.. Well done to chief engineer and promoted second mate (back to First mate) for fixing it! We had a nice chat to the neighboring boat reassuring him that I always moor up that well we left for home. Thankfully we did get lots of hours on and we are now 6 hours away from the first service and the ability to get full gear range and thus go through Breydon water!! I did a couple of pictures and will upload a bit later. Update on Grandma: We visited her yesterday (Monday) and she seems so much brighter than the weekend before. She's up and about and even made everyone a tea and coffee!? I suspect she wasn't well the weekend before and hid it from us (bad girl). They are doing more tests and looks like they will adjust her meds which should fix the problem. Hopefully she will be home soon. Although she's worrying already about being on the boat and being away from everyone so sadly her time as crew on Orca may now be limited, certainly in the short term.
  6. Lol I remember the first time I caught a fish Grace.. I though the pole would move like it does it does in the movies.. but surprised and disappointed that all that happens in the float sinks lol
  7. Done Here's the direct link: http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/StraceyArmsMill/
  8. I must admit (not offence intended) I don't quite get those fisherpeople who sit in the rain on a stool watching the float all day.. For me (as in my earlier) post.. It's an excuse to do nothing.. drink ... and watch what others are doing.. It can be a tad inconvenient when the fish catches itself (I've certainly not caught it as I have no idea how to fish and most of the time the bait on the hook has come off a long time earlier!) as then i have to do something, although I generally shout at someone else "The pole thing is moving on it's own again :shocked" . Very rarely do I try.. although that's normally before the drink kicks in but then I hook one after the after so I'm quickly bored.. Enjoy the fishing all... We will probably make a start in a few weekends.
  9. Fingers crossed you get through! I've only been through a few times so I can't really remember what's up there. I remember that there is plenty to explore though. Horsey windmill(pump) is one must see though, if it's a blue sky it makes for a very pretty picture. You can also take the trek to the beach and see the seals, which although is a trek it's well worth it if it's a warm day, it's a pretty sandy beach and the seals will certainly be about and will be ready to say hello. You also have the pub at hickling which is well a stop... Other than that it's very natural and you will feel away from it all.. more of a southern broads feeling. Good luck getting through.. Obviously (if you are on a hireboat) you need to use the pilot to get under the bridge which alone is very very interesting !
  10. and to the forum from me! Hiring from Richardsons will mean you will be right in the middle of the northern broads and therefore you will lots and lots of places to visit right beside you. I'd suggest you just slowly explore the rivers near where you collect the boat. Places you will want to visit though include, Neatishead, Ranworth, Horning, Wroxham and Potter heigham. Although I suggest you don't do too much reasearch as it will spoil the fun.. just slowly drift about This is a really good website for a newbie, http://www.mynorfolkbroadsboating.co.uk/and there's a really good "what to take" checklist. There's also some really good videos and guides on Ricardsons website which are well worth taking a look at (http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/first-timers/#tabs=1). Final advice I can give you, it's to just take it slowly, there's no need to rush, that includes driving the boat, you will have more control if you just take it slowly. Also don't worry about not seeing it all... you will be back.. everyone returns! If you have any further questions just shout Have a brilliant time though, Please feel free to do a holiday tale on here with pictures.. everyone loves these tales!
  11. Here's the woodfordes ale trail Neil.. i'm sure Howard will be joining in! It looks like it starts this weekend! Can't wait! http://woodfordesaletrail.co.uk/
  12. HI Andrea we will make our way to that one then! I'm going to do some right evil ones myself over the next few months I'm addicted now lol
  13. and from me The reedcutters at Cantley is a traditional dog friendly pub.. they even have treats behind the bar for visitors I believe! Enjoy your holiday!
  14. Lol typical! I'm surprised these haven't appeared on Ebay is not an uncommon size although it is mid season I guess.
  15. Sunday 5 July 2015. Titchfield Boat Jumble. Open 10:00. Hound Hill Farm, Segensworth Road, Titchfield, FAREHAM, Hampshire, PO15 5DY. Junction 9 M27. Maybe worth waiting for Steve.. I guess this is close to you.
  16. Here's a couple of sample caches found in Norfolk this weekend.. The frog was up a tree and was quite hard to find (But via the phone app it's easier). The little pot was really really really hard to find.. but good fun searching for! We have really walked past these a few times and didn't notice this game was happening there! I've ordered about 10 different pots so will be putting some up. I'll put the link here so you guys can start looking for these.
  17. Lol don't worry the ale trail starts soon..so it will be geocaching mixed with ale trailing... bliss lol
  18. our second find was one of those it took ages to find it but yup soo small.. I'll put some pictures up tomorrow of some finds. We are addicted now
  19. We have personally used Rupert and he was brilliant. Highly recommended.. Brilliant Service.. Good luck guys
  20. I heard about Geocaching after reading one of the guides sponsored by Richardsons and I downloaded the app on my phone. Thinking it was just for kids I kinda ignored it but I made a mental note of a couple close to the boat in norfolk. Walking around beccles we wandered over to look for the first one.. thinking it would be obvious! Yeah right.. although it wasn't too bad.. but it really did show that we had walked past this thing many many times oblivious that there was this secret game going on. Quickly hooked we spend the rest of the weekend looking for these.. some are really easy to find and some are almost impossible.. and it's not a game for kids.. although children may help you find them quicker, we seriously enjoyed the hunt! We found it gets us off the boat.. and gets us to places we wouldn't normally see.. Can't wait to go again (We even did a few on the way home!!). I'm want to start putting my own "caches" sometime soon..so get geocaching! Website: https://www.geocaching.com/play Download the smartphone app on google play or apple store.
  21. JA.. How many is the next post? If Iain is doing the sensible post count then you maybe in luck as I'd guess only 10% of his 4000+ are sensible and he's a mod!! P.s as Grace said the members section is just insane..!
  22. I only drink from bottled water I don't trust hoses and filters. Washing up and brushing teeth etc is ok unfiltered but certainly not drinking unless boiled.
  23. Theres one of clives boats here at obys doing the opposite. Waterline looks clean though. .. see on the webcam..
  24. I just walked past a shop here. Peered through the window and it's a gun smiths.. it is proper country here lol..
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