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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. 2015 news article, no harm in reminding folk, especially as it illustrates so aptly the way the BA operates. I too wonder how many, or how few people come here because they have been mislead . Interesting to note that JP & Co have progressed, if that's the right word, from misleading road-signs to equally misleading pin badges!
  2. It might be worthwhile reminding Parish Council's of the downsides of supporting Dr Packman's arguably deceitful NP campaign. Our good friend, London Rascal, has elsewhere reminded us of this BBC news report which makes it clear that the Broads is not legally a national park. Mind you, the spin very clearly, to my way of thinking, shows an unfortunate level of deceit! People come to the Broads for what they are, not for what JP wants them to be! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-30952369?fbclid=IwAR22NvPmpqiUopR1nypiy-B7j3wt7zPMIuNXDQmbOMgKK2Q1KEH9SBN_HfQ
  3. It will be interesting to see just how quickly, or slowly, the Authority, or its agent, takes before Loddon's unwelcome BNP sign is removed. Hopefully it will be removed with good grace rather than petulance.
  4. Thank you. Right and proper reaction by the PC, I hope that other PC's follow suit.
  5. Agreed, Fred, but in the latter stages of this thread there have been some unnecessarily obtuse, even challenging comments. For many of us the forum has also become our Broads based social club. The tone of some of these recent postings have not been what many members would wish of NBN. Friends can and do debate, and remain friends, let us hope that that continues.
  6. A humbling thought. I suspect that a number of the crew were what one might have called 'officer class' from which the casualties were proportionately higher than those from 'the ranks'.
  7. Ste, I believe that you have been given the answer, see above. http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=5742&BoatHistory=20192 Wndboats sold their hulls to all and sundry.
  8. Great stuff. Just browsed & speed read, must go back when I've an hour to spare. Another cracking chapter, thank you.
  9. Would you please explain, especially in the context of this thread.
  10. Perhaps not required but certainly appreciated, thank you.
  11. Classic comment! I've come across in my Drascombe and with the wind astern have surfed most of the way, that was quite exciting. I have also crossed into the teeth of a full gale and our faces were caked with dried on salt from the spray. Got to say that I like it that way! Don't think that I have ever had to clear seaweed up though, or gather mullet & crabs from out of the bilge. Well, on Holland's IJsselmeer but not on Breydon.
  12. , perhaps not! The bloke is the problem rather than the solution
  13. And to go 'oooh arghhh' when one of those nasty, noisy flying doofers goes overhead!
  14. I have long thought that a formal 'ginger group' is long overdue. What won't and can't work is an angry replica of either the NSBA or the BS. With some boat owners, for example, living many miles from the Broads means that such members cannot become involved and that annual general meetings will be out of easy reach. The principle of a formal Broads Forum is, in my opinion, spot on. Web based is probably the way forward. We need facilitators rather than moderators. Open to all, BA infiltrators too! A Broads Forum free of Authority control and constrictions has a lot to commend it.
  15. The issue of folk who live outside of the Authority's area of control is easily taken care of, it would also apply to anglers, bird watchers and walkers for example, they would be able to subscribe to their governing or representative bodies irrespective of their home address. The alternative is to restrict voting members to toll payers, riparian owners and local businesses. There is an answer out there, just got to find it!
  16. Have just had a peep at the SOLD website, not convinced that its agenda would be entirely appropriate for the Broads though. Mind you, perhaps we could form a group called SOB, not Spirit of Breydon, but Save our Broads. But thinking about it, perhaps POB would be better, Protect our Broads.
  17. This picture includes a fine example of The Broads Mungle, probably the most used and inappropriate tangle/hitch commonly seen on the Broads. Perhaps notices banning its use on the Broads would be public money better spent than faux BNP road signs.
  18. I won't bother to check but you could well be right, does it matter though? The call for elections on the Broads is clear and arguably necessary, if only to break up the unacceptable level of control exercised by the Doctor. Let's be clear, we are discussing The Broads, not NPs in general. We have a number of clearly identifiable user groups, each of which could have a representative body to which interested people could subscribe. Sub groups are inevitable but as such would have to accept an umbrella group to represent their interests, just as boating as a whole has the NSBA. It could be achieved, if there is a will.
  19. That is something that very clearly you too can be accused of!
  20. Would you please explain why Sandford is obviously not a threat. As one who attended Parliament to petition against the Broads Bill I can tell you that the wise folk in both Houses declared that as Sandford was integral to the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 then if the Broads was to be a national park then it would have to be with the same conditions and terms as the existing NPs. With its duties regarding navigation it was made absolutely clear that the Broads could not and can not be a national park as the Broads Act is unique to the Broads, no Sandford. Argue with me if you want, you might win, but argue with recorded history (Hansard) then you won't.
  21. I don't doubt that you have read them, please re-read my previous, bizarre question. One of the real similarities between the Broads Act and the National Parks Act relates to planning, as I expect that you already know.
  22. Just curious, how many is many, many? It's just that there aren't that many applications within the Broads area. Anyway, conservation issues seem to apply pretty much wherever, not just in NPs and the Broads.
  23. Some years ago, in a magazine called Anglia Afloat, the editor highlighted the lack of trust issue. Subsequently the NSBA has featured the lack of trust factor in its house magazine. Nothing has changed since. It isn't only the lack of trust in JP but also the unknown factor of who replaces him. Trust is key, and that has been lost.
  24. Agreed but if the major players make a stand, the RYA, The Ramblers and us anglers, then I doubt that even a majority government will have an easy ride with this one. On top of that Parliamentary time will have to be found and at the moment there are more pressing issues for Boris & Co. Rightly or wrongly I don't think that we can take anything for granted though and I share your concerns.
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