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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Bill, wasn't it you, you naughty man, who revealed the identity of the hotel in question on this forum? I'd blocked out it's name so don't blame me!! All that aside, until something new emerges, as it probably will:
  2. I know that, but the wording is, in my view, a clear indicator of the questionable methodology in use at Yare House. That phrase might be reasonable in the right circumstance, as back in 1986), but nevertheless it is open to obvious re-interpretation. It should never have been allowed onto the statute books. Alarm bells do need ringing, and this is one of those occasions.
  3. "such standard as appears to the Authority to be reasonably required;" It doesn't take much imagination to realise just how such a clause could be misused. Alarm bells have to ring loud and very clearly.
  4. Plus a few others, just possibly!!
  5. And that is without North Norfolk being marketed as something it is not. I agree entirely that Norfolk, and indeed Suffolk, are a great deal more than just boating. In my opinion neither needs the marketing confusion that is being created by the BA.
  6. That the BA itself has triggered this devisive BNP furor is clear testament to their lack of ability when it comes to their questionable marketing skills! Unless things have drastically changed in marketing since my professional involvement then antagonizing the customers is never a wise move.
  7. The industry itself, plain and simple.
  8. Personal, no, not so. It is the BNP fiasco to which I object, not the man himself and I suspect that I am not alone in that.
  9. You and me both, so we can agree!
  10. I think it fair to say that it was JP that reignited and now continues to drive the present faux NP furor. I have a copy of the original Countryside Commission's report for Broadland. Coincidentally both Vaughan's dad and mine are listed within as consultees.
  11. The boats can famously take more than their skippers can!!
  12. Bit more Southerly in it this weekend and the house is being buffeted, bit glad that we aren't afloat!
  13. You and I have both been at Authority meetings and have seen the evidence, you are entirely right.
  14. It seems to me that the Authority is doing its damnedest to bully people into agreeing and accepting its BNP aspirations. This is not the way forward, and it never will be.
  15. One criticism of Dr Packman's BNP campaign is that it is devisive and history certainly supports that. Ideally there should be solidarity but that is a two edged sword. My view is that those on both sides of the fence should agree that the truth shall be the unarguable, deciding, and uniting factor. At the moment we have devisive, deceitful and muddled marketing and that helps no one.
  16. Many a true word spoken in jest!
  17. We can only guess! I do know that a few years ago several boatyards and other outlets refused to distribute the BA's Broadsheet because of the BNP content. I am not convinced that that many boating businesses are exactly enraptured by the Authority, at least not the ones that I talk to! The hotel in question, I have to wonder just how well they were previously informed or have they solely relied on Yare House spin? I have no experience of the establishment or its management but it does appear to be a sound business.
  18. I thought that JP's response that Loddon's sign would be relocated was nothing less than petulant. In the meantime I hope that this encourages other Parish Councils to reject these misleading road-signs.
  19. https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/politics/fury-over-broads-national-park-signs-put-up-in-loddon-parish-council-authority-1-6515948?fbclid=IwAR3MoDUdHmv6IH_IQ8nJSwipIVQDNjUmtJPCyGd5Pn73wy6Tyas3Bp5KdKk
  20. It's a man thing, soaps dismay me too!
  21. Parliament has blocked previous attempts to make the Broads into a national park because of the Navigation issue. I'm no lawyer but unless a way around this issue, and it's one that could have a knock on effect not only on the Broads but also around the coast of Britain, then I don't see an easy way forward. Britain is an island and it would seem that the Broads is an island within. Boris, for all his faults, has acknowledged that the coast of Britain exists!
  22. Carried on out to sea, nipped over to Holland and brought us all a stick of rock or a bottle of Bols back from Kanaal Strasse!
  23. Grange Hill, East-Enders, Jeremy Kyle, bring back Mrs Whitehouse!
  24. It should speak volumes but I'm afraid it won't to the deaf ears at Yare House!
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