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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Holidays, maybe a stay-cation holiday this year! In practical terms I would have thought a realization that plans might be thwarted would be wise. One of my girls is a consultant pharmacist and one of her duties right now is training re coronaviris within the care industry. Clearly the NHS is doing what it can in regard to being ready for a pandemic. Positive thinking, along with a hint of realism perhaps? At best it appears that are we are some months away from inoculation.
  2. I could make an educated guess as to filthier items but I suspect that public toilet door handles would be higher up the list!
  3. The old grey matter is deteriorating fast! Yes, mention of a mooring, but sadly no details.
  4. Regretfully common sense is not that common.
  5. Jeckells, no hesitation on that one!
  6. Which is good news! I wasn't aware of that one. Just hope that over-stayers are discouraged. I wonder what will be moored at the old Vagabond mooring?
  7. I thought that antiquities were your game? I look at pictures of Prince Phillip and seriously wonder if being 90 plus really is worth the effort. Might change my mind if and when I get there but at the moment I have no great enthusiasm at the prospect!
  8. It would, if you had an eleven foot plus fixed mast! I go back to my suggestion that Rail Track provides a suitable (visitor) mooring downstream. Decent visitor moorings, away from the infamous Prince Of Wales Road yob magnet, would seem to me to be a potential plus point for Norwich.
  9. Whilst I agree with the rest of MM's post on the subject I do question the above. I can just see Rail Track saying something on the lines of: "You allowed us to rebuild Trowse as a fixed span bridge so why not the same for Reedham, Somerleyton and Mutford bridges?" As an 'executive' negotiating technique it's about par for the course. Big shipping may not wish to visit Norwich but sea-going boats might. Perhaps Rail Track should sponsor a big boat mooring downstream of Trowse?
  10. Rail Track says 'Jump' and the BA jumps. BA says 'Jump' and Rail Track turns its back and ignores them. As for who pays, well, Norwich City benefits by the barge's removal. as does the barge owner, as does Rail Track, hopefully some if not all the dosh is coming from that direction. I'.m only guessing but she could be stripped to the waterline at the Deal Ground and then the remaining hull slipped at Yarmouth for final deconstruction.
  11. The loss of Somerleyton & Reedham bridges would have a devastating effect on the long established and popular Brundall Trundle. The Broads does have fixed bridges, arguably a precedent has long been set. I'm afraid that Vaughan's dire warning is probably realistic. Railtrack, unlike the Broads Authority, almost certainly has a near bottomless purse when it comes to litigation. Lifting cabin roofs and radar arches with counter-weights set in tabernacles is the way forward.
  12. Interesting program on the telly tonight about dieting. The calories and unhealthy goodies in a curry meal, arghhhh! As much as I love good Indian food I think I'd best avoid all Indian restaurants and takeaways. PS, agree about the Acle one. PPS, there is a very fine Indian Restaurant at Oulton Broad https://www.laboneindiancuisine.com/
  13. Some of you might recognise the venerable stinky on the right! I don't think that she's been abandoned.
  14. I have one 17/18 inch high round one and one 17/18 long sausage shaped one. The round one is Anchor Marine, the other is not. Both in reasonable to good condition, both white, both need a clean, either or both are free. Neither have a string on them. Can send photo if required.
  15. On the other hand, being a pessimist for once, she won't have far to sink. Crossing Breydon, that could be interesting! Another abandoned wreck?
  16. The idea of a vagabond restaurant escort was initially quite appealing. Mind you, the old ticker might not take it!
  17. We both have friends around the Broads, even in high places! The Rhond Telegraph is alive and well and we both have eyes and ears.
  18. There are a greater number of instances where they could have but didn't! I suspect that we both know that.
  19. I would expect it to go down next year as the new 24hr mooring in Oulton Dyke is a one off expenditure being charged to this year's toll'. Smitch6, just add up all your annual boating costs, work out how many days use you have, divide one into the other and then go seek solace down the Sailors Home!
  20. But it is surely relevant to your comment: "By all means make that inquiry but when ever has an "individual" ever had authority over a national body. Its a bit like suggesting that your local council can control central government!"
  21. If dredging needs doing then get on and do it, simple! Well, maybe not always that simple but a far greater show of enthusiasm wouldn't go amiss, as one might reasonably expect from a statutory Harbour Authority.
  22. The Authority can at least make a stand. An example being the disposal of spoil. Apparently on the canals cost effective side casting onto the banks is still practiced, not by the BA though! Don't forget, the BA has chosen to call the Broads an NP despite being told by Parliament that it couldn't!
  23. All the best boaters come from Suffolk. I have a daughter that lives in Kessingland so free delivery could be on offer!
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