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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Plus showers and toilets. As for the idea of any form of catering, let's see how the proposed mobile kiosk pans out. Back to the idea of education, is it really the duty of the BA to provide a schoolroom? I don't expect that schools will be clamouring to pay for coaches etc in order to visit Acle.
  2. Bill, that's utter nonsense, apart from the fact that the site was secured to provide moorings. Have you read JP's report? Have you read the details of the competition? It's ill considered pie in the sky, surely even you can see that? No, I don't suppose you will.
  3. It is clear that the retail side is seen as a means of subsidising the educational facilities. How many schools will take advantage of what is on offer? Far too many questions for what appears to be an ill considered aspiration. As someone has already suggested, JP has the money and has the site and is now scratching around for ideas. Perhaps it neither warrants nor needs these facilities hence my original question. The site had been up for sale for quite some time and there was hardly a rush from the most likely candidates to buy it. In other words JP got it because no one else wanted it, it is not seen as viable. This could well become a millstone around the tax/toll payer's neck and for what, JP's vanity? Back to the original question, what really is needed?
  4. Howard, from the BA report: The café should be able to include a bar for evening events and space to sell a small range of basic goods.
  5. The Chief Executive's report is here. Some good suggestions here including ones that would impact on nearby businesses. It does concern me that the BA has vested interests and I suspect that there will be some very valid objections. I am heartened that Lana Hempnell & James Knight are involved. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/1137390/Acle-Bridge-Site-ba160318.pdf
  6. Whatever is built I just hope that it doesn't become an eternal drain on funds. I say that because it is not many years since information centres were closed down as part of a cost cutting exercise. I'm not a great fan of the RSPB but their Minsmere Sanctuary is a joy, the visitor centre there a hive of activity. clearly a real earner, despite being miles from anywhere. I can only guess but I doubt that their excellent and very tasteful visitor centre cost anywhere near £750,000.00. It has to be remembered that the BA is not a commercial enterprise nor does it appear to have any real commercial expertise. It does appear that JP has a wodge to spend and spend it he will, irrespective of what is actually needed. Does seem that he's going about this the wrong way round.
  7. The money is not the main issue, JP sold the Ludham Field Base for a welcome, some might say silly price well over valuation so he has cash to spend, don't have a problem with that so long as he spends it responsibly. What I do worry about is what £700,000.00 will buy. We need to be mindful of that previous vanity project, Dragonfly House. Irresponsible spending that finally cost the taxpayer well well excess of one million pounds and for what? Nothing remotely tangible, indeed the Authority had to walk away from it and spend yet more money at Yare House. £700,000.00 will buy a lot of bricks. Planning, I'm mindful of Hunsett Mill. The local planning authority is the Broads Authority, say no more.
  8. Worth repeating the above, my thoughts exactly. Of course some people will love the idea and obviously it has its good points but the moorings at Acle are not excessive so where are the customers to justify this vanity project to come from? I say vanity project because this one has been in the making for at least 18 months, that long ago JP showed me his folder on this one. 3/4 of a million quid equates to three large family houses in this part of the world, and that includes the land. For heavens sakes, what does the man want right on the bank? Ray has got it spot on for me. Tone it down, JP. Showers, shop, cafe, information perhaps but not a landmark destination.
  9. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/competitions/competition-acle-bridge-visitor-centre-norfolk/10030607.article
  10. It wouldn't have been pointless if the owner has recognised his boat and phoned the moorings up and asked for his boat to be resecured. A pity that this thread has taken the unfortunate turn that it has. I have no doubt that the picture was posted with all the best intentions.
  11. Perhaps he was looking for one? Not unreasonable at this time of the year that people snout round various moorings.
  12. Lot to be said for well tied knots. Not a weather thing, just poor marlin-spike seamanship. Round turn and two half hitches or even an anchor hitch would do it.
  13. Not a quote from the Broads National Pike! The essence would appear to be that the Authority is raising its drawbridge at a time when the Peer Review has made it clear that it should be more willing to engage with its stakeholders.
  14. I picked this comment up from a relevant face-book page, written by a wise commentator: So. Let me see if I have this right: - the Authority was castigated in the Peer Review for its lack of openness, subtly given the delicacy of phrasing in public sector reports, but castigated nonetheless. - The Authority's actions since then have been to insulate itself further from public input of any kind, even the watered down version provided by the Broads Forum. Did I capture the essence? It's also worth noting that 'Granny', the Authority chairwoman, recently resigned from the Broads Society, another avenue for openness and involvement. I note that the membership of the Broads forum had in their midst some vehemently critical members of the Broads community.
  15. http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2018/04/granny-wields-knife.html It could have and should have been a valuable institution, had it been independent of executive control.
  16. Or the the unreasonable demand for hairdryers.
  17. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/999-pubs-down-just-one-to-go-man-nears-end-of-11-year-quest-1-5472367
  18. Lovely story. Twelve stone women are lovely!
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-43895508
  20. However I look at it I'm all splodgy and it's taken a toll on my knees.
  21. My local council gym, now run by Norse, is pretty much as you describe whereas my local Bannatynes is very obviously tolerant of us walking wrecks. Me, when I found that climbing aboard was becoming a pain, or at least less easy than it was, then obviously I had to do something about it. Waddling lardy or boater? I really don't think that you can safely be both so the choice was simple, gorging myself or sailing/paddling? No contest! I have no desire to wear a bikini but I do have a desire to be out on the river for a few years yet and not be a liability. That reminds me, must go out and buy some more Slimfast! (it works for me).
  22. A gym is good. Even if it's only biking to your nearest one and back!
  23. When I retired at 67 I relished the idea of being a 'dirty old man' but not a 'dirty, fat old man'. Regretfully I didn't manage to keep it off, too many trips to the Wherry Carvery at Oulton Broad! What really brought it home to me was when I picked up a box of books and could hardly walk. Those books weighed in at over two stone. Two stone on nigh on crippled me so two stone off should help no end, I hope!
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