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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Those Drascombes arriving back on the Broads, this time via Gt Yarmouth. Just curious, that large yellow, oblong notice right of centre, any one know what it says on the other side?
  2. I find a Longboat very sympathetic towards an arthritic 72!
  3. https://www.suffolkgazette.com/news/police-shoot-dawdling/ Broadsbeat are thought to be considering placing snipers on Potter & Wroxham Bridges but the Broads Authority have rightly expressed concern that decomposing bodies will pollute the waterways.
  4. I too was surprised about the lowered sails. I would have hoisted before leaving but there we go. They left Lowestoft at 10.15 and apparently arrived, under sail and tide assisted, at Gorleston just after 12.30. One good thing about a Drascombe is that they are unashamably very able motor sailers, good under oars too.
  5. That point was made when the BA sought to be able to close Breydon to privateers. Saying that it's closed to boats, even Drascombes, just in from sea because it was to rough just didn't stack up.
  6. Good second hand ones come up at £3k to £5k, ideal for North Norfolk.
  7. For those so inclined a trip around the Island of Lothingland is doable in a day, even in a small boat with a max speed of about five knots. They had both wind and tide taking them along the coast to Gorleston, the tide was chosen, the wind was dead lucky!
  8. The second picture shows a Drascombe Coaster going out to sea, only 21' long, but you don't have to go that far! The third picture is of Lowestoft sea-front if you fancy popping outside the harbour mouth!
  9. Down on Oulton Broad, thirteen quid for a day return ticket to spare, why not head through Mutford Lock. Several of my friends did the round trip, Oulton Broad to Oulton Broad via the North Sea at the weekend, here's a few snaps. You don't have to go to sea but if you work the tides then it can be great fun. However a trip around the harbour is always packed with interest.
  10. Re land shrinkage, a late uncle of mine worked for the NRA and subsequently the EA, his specialality being drainage and he lived and worked that life out in the Fens. In his lifetime his bungalow dropped some eight feet would you believe. The reason was down to the Fens drying out thanks to deep ploughing and drainage. However, as far as the Broads is concerned, so I understand, our area is subject to tilt rather than shrinkage, measurable and provable.
  11. Griff, you are right, wholly right and completely right. Dredging is not just a navigation issue, it is also one of conservation and preservation thus should be financed, in part, by funding other than just navigation. Indeed navigation funding should be used wholly for that purpose, not propping up government shortcomings and cutbacks.
  12. And the hems of their skirts were only just below sea level!!
  13. There is also a lack of water to flush the system. It was only when that fact finally sunk in that some effort was made to dredge Hicking. Previous to that it was excuse after excuse, anything to avoid dredging. Just my opinion, of course, but previous lack of action speaks for itself.
  14. Re the newly defunct Broads Forum and re differing factions taking control, ummmm, that's one way of looking at it. Another way well worth considering might being that Dr P is loosing control which seems to me to be long overdue. My understanding is that certain factions have had enough and have made a stand, at last. Re people not turning up to meetings, bit pointless when no one listens. It's all very well going through the motions of engaging with the public but a prerequiset is that ears and minds are open but famously they don't tend to be. Any doubt about what I'm saying then refer to the recent Peer Review. 'If you hold meetings and no one turns up it is relatively difficult to engage!' But if we do turn up and then the Dr doesn't really listen then it is nigh on impossible to engage, and I'm far from alone in that thought. Only listening to what you want to hear is a poor trait, especially for a chief executive.
  15. Perhaps I was! However I have a sneaking suspicion the target of my ire knows damn well to whom I was aluding! Yes, that fish is quite right.
  16. JennyMorgan

    Bye Bye

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! Even for a gorgeous nymph that doesn't constantly demand new shoes?
  17. JennyMorgan

    Bye Bye

    Oh no, another one and a half pages devoted to pleadings from devoted fans!!
  18. JennyMorgan

    Bye Bye

    So true, so very true!
  19. Vaughan, very sad reading: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5719757/Britains-heroic-lifeboat-volunteers-drowning-sea-political-correctness.html Inevitably I see paralels with our beloved Broads Authority, installing senior managers with qualifications but little or no real experience or knowledge of what they purport to manage.
  20. JennyMorgan

    Bye Bye

    Grainside, please don't be put off from contributing by the troublesome very few. Likewise thoughts regarding John.
  21. Now't to do with that blessed fish! Bill, you may interpret my inane gibberish just as you wish.
  22. Don't flatter yourself, Bill, I was not responding to your goodself, rather the wider membership, sorry and all that. I too am not above a spot of sarchasm!
  23. Is this not the second crew resignation in the last twelve months or so?
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