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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Noticed in the film the signpost that was once at the mouth of Oulton Dyke, until some bright-spark decided to half-hitch the wherry weather vane. Back then a number of Broads communities had their own individual signposts, sadly I think that they have now all gone, replaced by 'one-style-fits-all' green & white signboards. Quality of the picture is poor but for me anyway it brings back good memories of trips as toddler with my parents to 'Dirty Di*k's' no stars tea-room at Burgh St Peter.
  2. Saw just one leaving Oulton Broad this morning, tide against them! Perhaps being from Holland and being used to tideless canals the crew didn't factor in the tides. However, hats off to them, at least they are doing it, yours truly only ever thinks about it!
  3. Was on Indy the other day and with all that Yorkshire talk I felt like a foreigner in my own county! Them Yorkies dew tork funny! Thankfully Robin spoke English.
  4. Strikes me that the RNLI is showing a lamentable lack of respect for its volunteers. I'm not suggesting that crews are above the law/rules but the higher and mightier attitide now emanating from Pool is surely not a healthy one.
  5. Enjoyed the pictures, thank you.
  6. Mark, the RNSYC was full of Dutch boats the other week so we moored in the Hamilton Dock, no problems. When the tide is equal at the Lock it is possible for both sets of gates to be opened at the same time allowing a flotilla of boats to go straight through.
  7. In fairness to one of the Whitby crew who was sacked for having a mug with a naked lady printed on it he is now clear to air his side of the story, which I post below: As many of you know I was recently stood down by the RNLI for a breach of the Code of Conduct and finally today I am able to tell you my side of the story as I have been kept quiet by the RNLI until are appeal hearing was completed. Firstly I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that has contacted us and supported us though this entire nightmare. Sorry I haven’t got back to you all as of yet hopefully I will soon. Today myself and Ben received the decision that will not be reinstated to the Whitby Lifeboat Crew which for us is a heart breaking decision as all we have ever wanted to do was to save lives at sea. The mugs where a light hearted joke between the crew of which no one of the crew was offended. Many of you will know that from time to time we have to see and deal with circumstances that no one should ever have to deal with of which I have received limited if any support from the RNLI after events like that. The mugs were found by an Area Lifesaving Manager and we as a crew were told that if they were taken off the station no further action would be taken. They were taken off station within 48 hours. 2 months later we received emails from the RNLI stating that we were under investigation for a breach of the Code of Conduct and we had to attend a mandatory interview. I was hounded for days to arrange an interview which I did for Thursday 15th March and we were told that we couldn’t have anyone sit in on the interview, which after consulting with my solicitor I should have been able to. After our interviews I was told this would be resolved within the next week. As a crew we were then told it was mandatory to attend a crew meeting on the 19th April for us to be updated on the progress of the investigation and provide the opportunity for feedback. within the meeting we were talked down, laughed at by a highly paid Inclusion & Diversity Manager for the RNLI on points we were trying to raise and in my opinion completely disrespected for the volunteer role we do. On the 24th of April I was then asked to attend a hearing meeting for the 30th of April. I had to take a day off work to attend this meeting. I was accused of being threatening and abusive towards a member of staff at the meeting held on the 19th of April which is completely false and I haven’t received an apology for and my impression was there for me to beg to stay on the crew. The next day I was contacted by the Hearing Manager and was sacked/stood down on the telephone, that conversation lasted less than 60 seconds. Since then we have had a huge media reaction and the RNLI have released several press releases making myself out in a extremely bad light. I feel that the punishment doesn’t reflect the situation - the mug wasn’t intended to be kept on Station. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time but it seems the RNLI don’t give second chances. I have been a dedicated volunteer and feel I have been made an example of. All of this has cost the institution thousand of pounds which is money supposed to be used to save lives at sea. Many of you will have seen in the Daily Mail the recent recruitment advertisement for a Safeguard Officer with a £40,000+ a year salary another just small example of the spending with the RNLI. If you give money to the RNLI and you don’t request it to been reserved for a particular station then it’s placed in the central pot and will be used to to investigate crew members throughout the county just a few being St Helier, Scarborough, Arbroath, Whitby, Bridlington, Filey, Cleethorpes and New Brighton. Designate the funds to your local station. But unfortunately today I received the news on my appeal and that the decision to stand me down has been upheld. Anybody that’s knows me will know that I am Lifeboat through and through and today’s news is devastating. Whitby 21 signing off.
  8. In law, John, the only definition I can think of is that of a blood test as used by the police. In the meantime perhaps BA Rangers should carry breathalisers.
  9. MM, just curious, why the interest in this topic?
  10. Long gone I'm afraid, regretfully as it was an excellent shop.
  11. What constitutes a drunk, well, surprisingly difficult question to answer. Anyway, MY interpretation, and no guarantee that it is right, is that A drunk is someone who has developed a habitual and continuous craving for alchohol. Being drunk, not the same thing at all, certainly being under the influence of drink but at what point does being merry turn into being drunk? Now for a spot of Googling to see what the experts say! drunk drʌŋk/ verb 1. past participle of drink. adjective 1. affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behaviour. "he was so drunk he lurched from wall to wall" Well, Google, I'd say that you are right, thank you. Much easier than I thought! John, you could have looked that one up!
  12. She not just bigger, she's also superbly fitted out and rearing to go. Style and comfort too, an impressive bit of kit.
  13. I now have a picture in my mind of Griff sat between two large engines in an immaculatem, logical engine room that's bigger than most bathrooms, a justifiably satisfied smile on his face. Robin has a good friend in Griff! Sat in Oulton Broad's Yacht Station she dwarfed the more usual Broom boats. Thanks for the welcome aboard, what a boat!
  14. Pink or Sloe but tonic, foul!
  15. Your boat is still afloat, you can't be doing it all wrong!
  16. Strangely enough that thought hadn't even crossed my mind! I had speeding boats in mind, honest!
  17. The ability to be able to give at least a one gun salute does have a certain attraction!
  18. Indy looked splendid as the arrived in Oulton Broad's North Bay this afternoon. Had I been nearer the flagpole then I would have dipped the Union Jack!
  19. When I went to the House of Lords to petition against the Broads Bill my friends and I weren't opposed to a lunchtime sherbet in a boozer across the road from Parliament. It amused me to note that there were speakers in the pub that were connected to The House so that MPs could be summonsed to their sitting.
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