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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Problem might be that in becoming an annual event it will grow and then grow some more.
  2. It can't be, half of 'em have moved up to Norfolk & Suffolk!
  3. Good news, thankfully no problems for those involved.
  4. It was incredibly quiet on the Waveney today, apart from when the MTB went past, she has some grunt in the engine room by the sound of it!
  5. Hope that they let the white paint dry before spraying water on the rails!
  6. No sign of black-spot down on the Waveney although we have had it in the past. Personally been having some cracking good rudd fishing lately!
  7. Seemingly JP has visited a number of forums so why not this one, has he been invited? Anyway, NOT from the other place! Afternoon All, Officers of the Broads Authority and Network Rail have been meeting regularly over a long period to discuss the significant problems that arise for boat owners when the two swing bridges at Reedham and Somerleyton are unable to open in very hot weather as a result of the thermal expansion of the rails. One of the potential short term measures considered was to cool the rails by spraying water on them. There is no fresh water at Somerleyton and the engineers have concerns about the impact of using semi-saline water on the bridge structure. However, given the current very high temperatures, the company is going to pump water out of the river onto the Somerleyton bridge for the next two weekends as a trial in an effort to keep it operational. Boat owners should therefore be aware that water drawn from the river will be cascading off the bridge back into the river. Network Rail is doing its best to obtain the necessary equipment so that water spraying can commence this weekend. Can you please alert all those you know who may be interested about this. Thanks John Packman Chief Executive Broads Authority So us poor sods passing underneath in open boats are in for a soaking then!
  8. And now getting under Somerleyton is a regular consideration.
  9. The Authority did just the same with 'spares' at their Trowse depot, spares for their dredgers & cranes. Granted that much of it was scrap but apparently some were useful & valid spares.
  10. Both Network Rail and the Authority have legally binding obligations which both should fulfill without argument.
  11. Reckon that they should come and try Breydon in a blow, wind against tide!!
  12. English buns are much to be prefered. Not sure that they need to be thrown though, they deserve to be handled with TLC!
  13. To my knowledge that bridge has been stuck open twice in recent days so I doubt that it is operator error, not twice surely. Daft thing is is that there are two bridges so if one is broken then use the other, so simple, but seemingly Yarmouth people haven't yet latched onto that obvious solution to their problems! Durrr, I always use the Southtown Bridge!!
  14. Is she steel? Now I had heard that she was built of aluminium.
  15. Me too! The first few words of Granny chairperson's comment intriegues me though, Sacked Chair, what does the militant pike know that we don't? Has Granny been a naughty old girl? Is she paying the price for the Peer Review? Almost as gripping as 'who shot JR'? Sacked Chair Granny Burgess expressed her excitement at the prospect of spending nearly a million pounds for no reason. “We have no idea how many visitors we might get, or how much money they might spend, or really what the benefit is at all. But we still believe it represents strong value for money” she said.
  16. http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2018/06/landmark-deb-acle.html
  17. In many, many years I have never ever been charged at YH Yacht Station for just laying alongside whilst I wait for the tide, very nice people, not allowed to leave the boat though but that's no hardship!
  18. Shhhhh, don't let on but I moor at the sailing club!
  19. That must be a mistake, replace football with The Broads!
  20. Thanks for your reply, Kingfisher666. All fair comments but please consider that the site was purchased in order to provide moorings and I have no doubt that it was financed out of tolls money. More than once I have passed through Acle without being able to find a mooring so I do feel precious about those three or four moorings that we could potentially lose.
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