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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I think that I agree, but curiosity might just get the better of me!
  2. No, that's what the Authority members are there to do, under the leadership of the chairperson.
  3. We all make mistakes, said the hedgehog as he climbed off the scrubbing brush!
  4. Two things came out of the meeting for me, one being the undiluted BNP propaganda pouring out of the outgoing chairlady. The other issue being the Acle Bridge project. I spoke to two Authority members, both who confirmed that JP had gone ahead with the architectural competition without support from the committee. It would seem that he is trying to steam-roller the committee into supporting his vision. However, an important admission was levered out of a seemingly unwilling JP, the Authority has yet to decide whether to proceed with the project.
  5. A not unexpected result, Lana seven votes, Hayden twelve. I would like to have seen a closer margin but there we go. The real positive is that Packman does not have 100% support!
  6. JP is CEO so I so I suspect is ineligible to stand. Those voting are the members of the Broads Authority. Lana was suspended some time ago for airing her very honest opinion of an officer of the Authority. A number of people saw it as a personal spat between herself and Packman. Lana is back because she is an elected representative of her local council and that council insisted that she remain in her position on the Authority stating that it was not up to JP to fire elected representatives. She might be hated by some but equally she's loved by others. Who chose the candidates? I'm darn certain that JP had a hand in choosing one of them! As for the other, I can only guess ! Can either force big changes in just one year? If Lana is prepared to stand up to JP then yes, I suspect that she can. Not so much whether either can remove the CEO, more a case of would JP wish to be subservient to the Authority Chairperson, especially a lady that he once attempted to fire?
  7. Does Haydn actually have a track record apart from waste bins? Did he actually write his own 'vision' or was that kindly supplied by Jacqui and suitably amended by John? From a point of personalities I have no great feeling as to whom should win, however, I do not want another subservient Packman Poodle as chairperson. JP does have his strengths and in many respects I should hate to lose them but he is not the Broads Authority, he's there to serve and advise that body rather than to control, manipulate and lead it.
  8. I don't suppose anyone has done any research, at least as far as Broads boating is concerned, but I do wonder what percentage of drownings are the result of falling in or actually the result of not being able get out, or being able to be got out? Using a throw bag is all very well, if one is available, and then only if there is a suitable exit point on the bank. Let's be honest, could you then climb out of the water via the ladder at a convenient 24hr mooring, or would you need to be beached on a nearby slipway, of which there aren't many? All of which reminds me of a story I heard the other day of a lady of exceeding girth who recently rolled up at one of the North River's finest yards, was unable to access the boat via the door at the back/stern and even had trouble with the double door from the forward well. Bless her for coming to Norfolk but heaven forbid that she should ever fall in.
  9. Falling in is easy, getting out not so. A lesson to us all, are we able and capable?
  10. Which is another clear reason why Lana Hempsell HAS to be voted in as BA Chairperson. Her mission statement is clear, the mess that is BA finances has to be clarified, we should all know where our money goes, that we get what we pay for.
  11. Griff, thank you for raising that issue. This is why it is so important that Lana Hempsal is elected as chairwoman of the Authority, Her determination that the BA involves and informs its stakeholders, that the detail of Peer Review is put in hand, has to be the way forward.
  12. I was far to polite to mention that one! Must have been the heat of the moment.
  13. B2P, not relevant to the topic. No need to shout. Perhaps a pm to Grendel?
  14. It is about our right to navigate and yours truly had problems at Somerleyton, expecting to find it being doused in river water thus able to open at the weekend, neither of which happened. Was I in a suitable boat? Yes, a 110 year old Broads sailing cruiser which I was sailing from St Olaves to Oulton Broad. Anyway, all that aside the railway bridges are subject to the Railways Act and the Lowestoft to Norwich Navigation Act whilst the Authority is subject to the Broads Act, maybe there is some sense in having a barrister confirm that. Agree with Mark, let's avoid comments about boats that don't fit under Potter Bridge, not relevant to this thread. Not to say that I don't have reservations about this one. Let me put it this way, had it come from the NSBA (which it really should) or such as the Brundall Boat Club rather than a commercial concern then I would have no such reservations, but that's just me. I am quite sure that the Broads Authority has relevant legal opinion on this one, in deed I have absolutely no doubts about that. I'm quite sure that the information is there and that a FOI request would unearth it. In an ideal world the Authority would inform relevant stakeholders. Between them, the RYA, the NSBA, the BA et al should already be on top of this one.
  15. Oh dear, unsurprisingly some folk have taken to lobbying potential voters and things are clearly heating up. Attending the forthcoming Authority meeting could be quite entertaining! Gossip along the rhond has it that one or two teddies have already been aggressively ejected from their habitual prams!
  16. Must be something of a dilemma for those Conservative members who will be voting via a private poll. Am I a cynic or what?
  17. Lana has answered, 'fraid that I have a problem copying and posting, where she suggests that once BA accountancy methods reverts to normal then that question will be easier to answer.
  18. If any of you have questions for Lana and or Haydn then I would be pleased to pass them on.
  19. On Facebook one of the candidates has made a policy statement, tis worth reading.
  20. Sorry problem with providing a link. It works on our face book page! If anyone can help then great. Not for me to comment but I will ensure any questions for the candidates are passed on.
  21. He wasn't always wrong! More than once we had to jack up a Wild's Bath-Tub after it had veered to one side and launched itself out of the water and onto the rhond!
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